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Parents' Habits

Can Affect a Child's Life

By Jaymie SuhPublished 4 years ago 6 min read
Image by: https://pixabay.com/users/geralt-9301

By Alexander Dummer on Unsplash

Parents’ habits can greatly affect a child’s life since parents can influence them. As the child is growing up, they look up to see what their parents do and usually just mimic their actions. Since parents are the ones who teach their child first before school, the parent’ habits can affect them in both positive and negative ways.

Children can easily be affected directly by their parents’ habits and behavior. They can easily get influenced by just being a silent observant. As a parent and a role model, it is important to be more careful about what you have to show your child. You may have a habit of using curse words that your kids don’t have to see or hear. It’s better to stop doing it so that your child cannot pick it up from you.

Which Parent Can Have More Influence the Child Most

The mother is still the most dominant parent that can influence their child the most. So if you are a mother, you need to be extra careful about your parents’ habits. Since your child clings on your from birth until they reach adolescence, you have to try to eliminate bad habits that can affect your child’s life in the future.

Some men claimed that their fathers influence them more. But it’s a case to case basis. Most of the surveys that were conducted from the past still prove that it’s the mother who can influence their child the most. But of course, fathers can also influence their child in a different way so fathers should be careful as well.

How Parents’ Habits Affect Child's Life


The parents’ behavior can greatly affect a child’s psychological and emotional being. If the parent is such a perfectionist, there’s a chance that the child will end up being rebellious. Some parents’ habits can make or break a child’s future life. If your behavior as a parent is always positive, you can rub it into your child and raise a child that has a high emotional IQ.


Whether it’s about religion or your life’s philosophy, your child can certainly take it from you. This can start from birth until they already have their own thoughts about things. But while they are still kids, they can simply just believe what you believe. It can change as they grow older but until then, they will share the same beliefs as you do.

Eating Habits

As a parent, your eating habits can affect your child since you are the one who usually buys and prepares the food. Don’t expect your child to like greens if you don’t like to eat them as well. If you like eating junk foods, they will also prefer to eat those as well. Same as if you are a healthy eater, your child will not have any issues if they have to eat salad for lunch. That can still be influenced by other people as they grow up. However, they tend to keep that eating habit that they got from you since that’s what they originally learned.

Negative Parents’ Habits

Smoking or drinking alcohol are parents’ habits that can greatly affect a child’s life. According to some studies, most smokers and drinkers had at least one parent who did the same. They were exposed and they usually see these negative habits from their parents. So if you don’t want to raise kids who will be smokers or alcoholics in the future, kick that habit. If you can’t, just don’t let the kids see you while you’re doing these vices.

Effective Habits For Parents


As they say, respect is earned. So you need to show a child what respect is all about. Don’t let them see that you are being disrespectful to anyone. If they see how you treat other people in a respectable manner, they will also respect you and other people around them.

Live What You Preach

If you say something, make sure that you are also doing the same. It can be as simple as no more TV after 9 PM. If your child catches you watching a late-night show, he will think that it’s also okay for them to do the same. If you reprimand them for doing so, they can use what they’ve seen as their counter-attack to your behavior.

Keep Calm

Sometimes, bad things are bound to happen. Don’t lose your grip and stay calm in whatever situation life throws at you. As a parent, you are their savior and hope. If your child sees you panic even in just a simple matter, they will get scared. So much for being the superhero of their lives.

Spending Time

Another parents’ habits that can affect a child is quality spending time with them. In the eyes of your child, you are their idol and everything. If they can’t even see you anymore just because you have to work most of the time, it will be pointless. Spending time with your kids is one of the most important things about being a parent. This is when you can teach them so that they can learn a valuable lesson in life that they can use later on.

Set the Rules

If you want to avoid chaos, rules should be implemented. But it doesn’t mean that you’re exempted just because you created them. Set the rules and follow them first. You have to take the lead if you want to raise good citizens of the future.

Never Criticize

Kids can screw up a lot. That’s why you’re there to guide them. Never criticize them as if they are criminals when they did something wrong. That can affect their psychological development and may end up shy. It can scare them to make small decisions because of they afraid that they will screw up and you will get mad. Make it clear to them that you’re mad about the actions and behavior they chose, not them as a person.


Parents’ habits can greatly affect a child’s life. Being a little bit careful about your habits can go a long way. Since it is critical for your child’s development, take it as your own development as well. Being a better person can make you a good role model for your child as well. So better try to change some of your habits that can pose a negative impact on the child’s well being.


About the Creator

Jaymie Suh

A highly regarded writer known for her insightful and engaging content. With a passion for storytelling and a talent for crafting compelling narratives, she has made a significant impact in the world of online writing and content creation.

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