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My mother nurtured me well

Raising upright

By Mohamamud somoPublished about a year ago 4 min read
My mother nurtured me well
Photo by huanshi on Unsplash

In a world where parenting styles vary, my mother's approach stood out as a beacon of guidance and love. From the moment I entered this world, she embraced her role as a mother with unwavering dedication and an unyielding commitment to raising me well.

Growing up, my mother's love was the foundation upon which my character was built. She possessed an innate ability to balance discipline with compassion, shaping my moral compass and instilling in me a strong sense of empathy and integrity. Her unwavering support and belief in my potential fostered an environment that nurtured my growth and encouraged me to reach for the stars.

Education was a cornerstone of my mother's approach. She recognized the importance of knowledge and sought to ignite my curiosity from an early age. Through engaging storytelling and creative activities, she made learning an exciting adventure. She encouraged me to explore various subjects and allowed me to discover my own passions, all while guiding me towards a well-rounded education.

Beyond academia, my mother prioritized instilling life skills and values that would serve me well throughout my life. She taught me the importance of hard work and perseverance, consistently leading by example. Whether it was preparing meals together, tackling household chores as a team, or nurturing a garden, she taught me the value of responsibility and the satisfaction that comes from contributing to a shared space.

Equally important was the emphasis my mother placed on emotional intelligence. She created a safe and open space for me to express my feelings, encouraging honest communication and active listening. Through her attentive ear and gentle guidance, she helped me navigate the challenges of adolescence, teaching me resilience and empathy in the process.

My mother's unwavering support extended beyond my formative years. As I ventured into adulthood, she remained a steadfast presence in my life, offering wisdom and encouragement during times of uncertainty. Her belief in my capabilities provided me with the confidence to face life's hurdles head-on, knowing that I had an ally in my corner.

Reflecting on my journey, I credit my mother's nurturing approach for the person I have become. Her dedication, love, and guidance created a solid foundation that shaped my character, fostering compassion, resilience, and an unwavering belief in myself. Her unwavering commitment to my upbringing is a testament to her extraordinary motherhood, and I am forever grateful for the remarkable influence she had on my life.

In a world full of challenges and uncertainties, my mother's unwavering love and devotion gave me the tools to navigate life's complexities with confidence and compassion. She taught me that being raised well isn't just about material success or academic achievements, but rather about embracing the values that make us kind, resilient, and empathetic individuals. My mother's remarkable influence will forever guide me, reminding me to pay forward the love and lessons she bestowed upon me, and to strive to be the best version of myself in all that I do.




As I embarked on my own journey of parenthood, I found myself drawing upon the lessons and examples my mother had provided. I realized that her guidance went beyond just raising me well—it was about fostering a nurturing environment that allowed me to flourish and become the best version of myself.

One of the greatest gifts my mother gave me was the freedom to explore my own interests and passions. She never imposed her own dreams or aspirations onto me but instead encouraged me to discover and pursue what truly ignited my soul. Whether it was painting, playing an instrument, or participating in sports, she cheered me on and celebrated my achievements, no matter how big or small. Her unconditional support instilled in me a sense of confidence and self-belief that I carry with me to this day.

In addition to nurturing my individuality, my mother taught me the importance of empathy and compassion towards others. She consistently emphasized the value of kindness, teaching me to see the humanity in every person I encountered. Through her own acts of generosity and selflessness, she modeled the importance of giving back to the community and making a positive impact on the lives of others. Her actions spoke louder than words, and they left an indelible mark on my heart.

My mother's influence extended beyond the confines of our home. She fostered a sense of curiosity about the world and encouraged me to embrace diversity and different perspectives. Through books, documentaries, and meaningful conversations, she broadened my horizons and helped me develop a deep appreciation for the richness of our global community. She taught me the value of embracing cultural differences and celebrating the uniqueness of every individual, fostering a spirit of inclusivity that continues to guide me in my interactions with others.

Throughout the highs and lows of life, my mother's unwavering presence remained a source of comfort and strength. Her unwavering faith in my abilities and her ability to see the best in me even during my darkest moments became my guiding light. She taught me resilience and the importance of picking myself up after every setback, reminding me that failure was merely a stepping stone towards growth and self-improvement.

As I reflect on my upbringing, I am filled with gratitude for the incredible mother I was blessed with. Her unwavering commitment, love, and guidance have shaped the person I am today. I carry her teachings with me, not just as a parent but in every aspect of my life. The lessons she imparted and the example she set have become the guiding principles by which I strive to live.

In a world where the definition of success often revolves around material possessions and external achievements, my mother's approach to raising me well was a beacon of authenticity. She focused on nurturing my character, fostering a love for learning, and instilling values that would guide me through life's complexities. I am eternally grateful for the remarkable influence she had on my life and will continue to carry her legacy forward, honoring her by being the best version of myself and passing on her wisdom to future generations.


About the Creator

Mohamamud somo

Is From Kenya

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