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My Husband Wants Me To Leave Him Alone (My Husband Says He Wants His Freedom)

Are you in a marriage where you're saying my husband wants me to leave him alone? If this is the case then you have to know that you're now alone. If you're thinking my husband says he wants his freedom and you don't know what to do then you need help.

By Zoey MilaPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

Your husband wants more freedom. You can hardly believe what you're hearing when he tells you this. After all, wasn't giving up his "freedom" part of the deal when you two walked down the aisle and made your vows? There is so much room for misunderstanding when a man tells his wife that he wants more space or time for himself. You need to get clear on exactly what it is that he desires and then you need to develop a plan to save your marriage. Ignoring this is not the way to go if you are hoping to keep your relationship together.

Before you can do anything to rectify the situation you have to gain a clearer understanding of why your husband wants more freedom. If he tells you that he feels suffocated within the relationship, that's obviously a huge cause for concern. His definition of freedom may actually be a separation and then eventual divorce.

On the other hand, often when a many says he needs freedom he simply is referring to the fact that he wants more time to pursue his own hobbies or interests. It could be something as simple as hanging out with his friends a couple of times a month or going away on a fishing trip occasionally.

Sit down with your husband and talk about what he's feeling and what he hopes to accomplish by having more freedom or space. This obviously won't be any easy conversation for the two of you to have but it's an important one. You need to gain some insight into what he's feeling and how he sees your marriage in the future.

If it's simply a case of him wanting more time for himself, embrace that. Many couples who have interests outside the marriage find they get along better and are closer. If he has hobbies that he's pushed aside in favor of spending more time with you and the children, encourage him to jump back into doing those. You should do the same. It not only gives you each another thing to focus on but you'll have more to share when you two do talk with each other.

Obviously, it's a much different story if his idea of freedom is a separation so he can live his own life apart from you and your family. If that's what is happening, you need to decide if allowing him the chance to live his life without you is something you're willing to do. It's terrifying when a husband says he wants some time for himself but quite often that time will actually be the trigger to help him see what he's at risk of losing.

Work with your husband to find some middle ground and get talking to one another again. Your marriage wasn't built overnight so don't allow it to crumble into a million pieces in the blink of an eye.

How To Save Your Marriage

People marry when the think they have falling in love.

When couples marry they are generally so infatuated with each other that they don't think to ask each other about the life altering decision that they have just made. They are in love and that is all that matters and everything will be OK.

What are some of the warning signs that your marriage is failing?

Remember in the early days you had to hug each other every chance you could? Or just the sit or her/him took your breath away. How about just sitting and talking about the future? And now you don't even hear when they speak. You know that it is the little things that matter the most. According to some marriage counselors, many couples talk to each other but they do not really communicate with each other. If you or your spouse is stating to sound like a broken record and you seem to argue over the same things, this is a common problem the couples have when they have run out of words to express themselves. Think of the health thing you need to talk about learn to complement one an other. Most of all learn to listen again like you used to, with your heart not just you ears. Because with out this you could be on the road to divorce.

There are many possible reasons why your spouse is avoiding you and some of those reason could be that your spouse might be having problems at work, your spouse maybe financially stressed out or your spouse might be going through some personal issues and if one of these reasons are the cause of the distance between you to, the best thing for you to do is to let him know that you are there to listen and to provide him with love and support.

On the brink of divorce?

Should you decide to give up? I think not!!

Learn to change the attitude of your awareness and accept that your marriage could be on the brink of divorce and decide to change it and come bouncing back to a more in depth love for each other. make a commitment to yourself that you are going to do what it takes to work through and restore your marriage.


First is the feeling of devastation, as if there is a great loss.

Second is anger because you feel helpless.

Third is defeat,but don't give up because him/her can always change their mind.


Infidelity does not mean that the marriage is over because surviving infidelity and healing your relationship is possible. Analyze the present consequences of the relationship if you decide to forgive him/her. Talk to your friends, support group and others acquaintances that might be knowledgeable about the affair. And forgiveness always brings relief.

What is a happy marriage?

The first thing is to start to communicate again not yelling and screaming but rational and thoughtful. Next respect the other person and allow them room to express themselves And last but not least is to FORGIVE, forgiveness is the foundation for all restoration with out it nothing can be accomplished.


YES!! Plan things that the two of you can do together reconnect with things that both partners enjoy. If there are children then plan family activities that all can enjoy, turn off the cell phones,computer,TV,and any other thing that would distract from the people you want to be with. At least once a month plan a DATE NIGHT for just the two of you this gives you time to focus on your partner.


Having excellent marriage quality depends on being able to disagree without inflicting permanent damage upon the relationship. Learn that as time passes that both of you are going to change, that what use to be important won't be. Learn to change and grow together not apart. Be willing to understand that you will disagree and that it is ok. Always be quick to forgive and slow to anger,slow to speak. Never ever ever let the sunset on an argument, that is something that my grandma told me many years ago and she was married for 60 years to my grandpa and it has served me well.

Do you want to reawaken a committed and loving relationship in your marriage? There are proven steps that are amazingly powerful that will help you overcome conflicts and breathe life back into your marriage. This is a plan you do not want to pass by. Click here to see the proven steps on how to save your marriage.

Divorce does not have to be your only option. Even if it feels as though your relationship can't be saved because of the ongoing conflicts between you and your spouse, it can be. There are techniques that you can begin using today that will not only stop a divorce, but will help also you build a stronger and more loving marriage. To learn more visit: Steps to Save Your Marriage


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    ZMWritten by Zoey Mila

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