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More than 5 of the 9 life characteristics of middle-aged women show that you are in good health

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By Fausbs BaishekhePublished 2 years ago 6 min read

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Unwittingly, life has reached a half-slope.

Looking back, I found that nothing is more precious than a healthy body.

It is a woman's greatest strength in the face of life, and it is also the source of all happiness.

Yin Ye, president of Huada Medicine, said: "the essence of health is actually the management of human nature."

After careful observation, we find that those middle-aged women with a full sense of vitality have the following nine characteristics of life. Come and see how many of them you have won.

Get used to a light diet

There is a western proverb: "you are the result of what you eat."

In this life, except for air and water, only food can follow for a lifetime.

Eat three meals a day, eat food, build the body, and accumulate life.

In the health program "Women eat healthy and Beautiful", Yu Kang, director of the Chinese Nutrition Association, introduced:

A healthy and reasonable diet can correspondingly prolong people's life, but garbage eating is the biggest killer of health.

Many diseases with high incidence in middle age, such as diabetes and gout, are closely related to long-term consumption of heavy-flavored food.

Sanmao once said:

"I don't eat greasy food. I'm not too full, which makes my body clean."

When women are middle-aged, they will be healthier if they have less oil and less salt.

Keep the weight within range

If you are in good health, just look at your weight.

Truly healthy women are masters of moderation and will never let their weight become the burden of life.

In the book "Rich habits", the workplace elite Dee is highly relied on by leaders and has great potential for development.

The only drawback is that she likes to eat and is seriously overweight.

And eat more and more fat, get sick every three days, the state of work is difficult to be satisfactory.

After a series of mistakes, Dee was fired by the company, and then the job search hit a brick wall everywhere.

Annoyed, she burst into tears:

"how did I get to this point? I deserve it."

As a result, she made up her mind and tried to keep her weight within her range.

Later, at the age of 40, she became neat and full of temperament, and not long after she returned to the company, she was promoted to CEO.

"only by managing your weight can you manage your life well."

You don't have to ask yourself to be thin into lightning, as long as your weight is stable and does not exceed the standard.

You don't have to ask for your waistcoat abs, just be well-balanced and healthy.

Proper posture is the best way for a woman to live.

Pay attention to dental health

"when people talk about the fall of their teeth, it is difficult to rely on their life expectancy."

Teeth are the hardest organs of the human body. although they are not bulletproof, they will not be easily captured.

Its defect not only has an important impact on human health, but also an important inducement of many diseases.

Professor Zhou Jilin, a leading professor of stomatology in China, is still Hale and hearty when he is over 100 years old.

Her most common mantra is:

"if you have good teeth, you will be in good health; if you have bad teeth, you will be covered with disease."

Because of the lack of dental health, it will increase the gastrointestinal burden, affect digestion and absorption, and then affect human health.

It is recorded in the Human user Handbook:

Compared with healthy periodontitis, patients with periodontitis were 1.5 times more likely to develop coronary heart disease, 2.1 times more likely to have stroke and 1.77 times more likely to have lung infection.

If you want to be in good health, it is necessary to have good teeth.

The more a woman knows how to take care of her teeth, the more she deserves to be treated gently by the years.

Have a regular schedule

The ancients used to say, "work at sunrise and rest at sunset."

Life is the same, with a suitable rhythm and needs to operate as regularly as a clock.

Anyone who changes the biological clock of the human body will eventually pay the bill.

Dr. Liu Shunyu, an endocrine expert, once received a woman with insomnia.

Her personality is cheerful, her life is harmonious, and her physical examination is completely normal.

But she couldn't sleep, and even if she fell asleep, she only fell asleep.

After questioning carefully for a long time, Dr. Liu found out the culprit:

It turns out that she likes to play with her cell phone before going to bed, at least for an hour or two to three or four hours at most.

Play freely, sleep willfully, and lose your temper as a result.

Later, on the advice of the doctor, she turned off her phone and had a rest at 11:00 every night.

Regular schedule, after plenty of sleep, her insomnia is cured.

As the educator Comenius said:

"the body needs to live a regular and controlled life in order to stay healthy."

Daily life is regular, work and rest is moderate, the body can be full of vitality.

Only by being methodical and getting enough sleep can life be full of vitality.

Have the ability to think deeply

Everyone's day is a repetition of yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Everyone's life is a cycle of sunny, rainy and cloudy days.

However, some women become more and more numb as they live, spinning around in a busy whirlpool every day.

But some women live more and more energetic, every day like the rising sun, full of vitality.

The biggest difference between them is not their material abundance, but the degree of deep thinking.

As the writer Li Shanglong said:

"No matter how busy you are, give yourself some free time.

During this time, you should give yourself some time to think about whether there is a better direction and a better way. "

Women who are used to deep thinking are good at exploring and understanding, and are not bothered by trivial thoughts, so they have no distractions and no anxiety.

Know how to think about ascension, life is not kidnapped by secular prejudices, so be sure to move forward without panic.

A positive and optimistic attitude

The American Journal of psychologists reported:

Optimists, who have a positive attitude towards life, have a clear purpose and a strong sense of social identity, are healthier than pessimists.

The appearance of life depends on one's state of mind.

In an interview with "an appointment with Luyu", Jin Moyu's wit and humor is impressive.

She was the niece of the last emperor Puyi and the youngest daughter of Prince Su, known as seventeen grid.

Unfortunately, at the age of 40, Jin Moyu was sentenced to 15 years in prison for being implicated.

The days in prison were monotonous and dull, and she never complained, but enjoyed herself in bitterness.

When she was on the lookout, she deliberately kicked the branches, took a step, and kicked into the house unexpectedly, making her cellmates laugh.

Until he was in his eighties, he was still as cheerful as a child, deeply affecting us.

I very much agree with one sentence:

"Women live in a mood and live in a state of mind."

If you have a good state of mind, your body and mind will go smoothly.

If you are optimistic and positive, life will become richer and more meaningful.

Fragmented movement

A study in the British Medical Journal shows that:

People don't need to spend half an hour or an hour exercising.

Some "short-lived" behaviors in daily life can play the role of physical exercise.

For example, carrying things to walk more than 100 meters, consciously running to catch the subway or bus …...

Although the time is very short, but this kind of accidental exercise will bring no small health benefits to the body.

So make good use of the fragmented time in your life:

Get up in the morning, run two steps to do stretching; after work, stretch to practice squatting; after dinner, climb the stairs for a wal


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Fausbs Baishekhe

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    Fausbs BaishekheWritten by Fausbs Baishekhe

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