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Morality and Ethics

Moral and Ethical Development in Children

By Tahir AliPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Nurturing children to be people who respect the good and moral values and condemn the bad things in the society is what the world needs. To help your children distinguish between right and wrong, you must start building a solid moral foundation at an early age. Encouraging moral development in childhood is the key to raising compassionate and emotionally healthy people.

"The most important human endeavor is the striving for morality in our actions. Our inner balance and even our very existence depend on it. Only morality in our actions can give beauty and dignity to life." - Albert Einstein

Many parents ignore social ethics in paying special attention to children's education and other morals. If parents start teaching the child early in moral training from the age of five to six years, then with the guidance of teachers and other elders, this training can have a significant impact on his role. At the age of five to six years, the environment of the house also starts affecting the child's morals. Parents' way of living continues to lose their charm as an exemplary standard.

The interest of child in other people begins to increase and there is a pleasant change in their character and personality, at this time the child's interests in collective hobbies increase, the child should be properly guided to grow in the right directions of these interests. Emotions play a very important role in social development. Most of the child adopts the habits of the parents. In the beginning, the child feels extremely proud of his parents, he considers their character and behavior as the best example of morality and humanity, bad-tempered and rude attitude parents affect their children badly with their unbalanced life and their children also become angry and quarrelsome.

Moral and Ethical Development

Scientifically, it the well-known fact that the morality is one of the highest values in all societies across the globe. It is an ability to draw a line between right and wrong. It can be based on the environment that the person has grown up in, along with the emotional intelligence and cognitive skills of the person. A person’s morality is what guides their actions, thoughts, attitude, and behavior towards others. Moral development is the understanding and development of morality in a person from childhood to adulthood and beyond. Many psychologists have tried to analyze the idea of moral development in children by observing changes in their attitude and understanding of morality.

Importance of Ethics and Morality

An important aspect of a child's social training is to teach them to respect the rights, views and desires of others, otherwise their social and economic life is also exposed to dangers and accidents. In order to properly treat these harmful tendencies, it is necessary to socially train the child to observe the good or bad effect of his role on others. This process of training should be interesting and easy, one should avoid indiscriminately imposing one's views on children, do not fall into the misconception that children do not have their own unique and individual ways of understanding something, and if so, then in the serious process of education and training, these methods can be successfully rejected.

Ethical and moral elements in the personality are developed from the early childhood stage and needed to be nurtured throughout the life. It is very important to understand the specific requirements of these periods of their life, at this time the child should be given such education and assigned tasks that are not higher than his physical and mental level. If all these things are taken care of in early social education and training, then the role of the child comes close to the values and standards of the society and at some point in life, the possibility of actions against him is very low and in this way the child's morality can be developed very well.

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About the Creator

Tahir Ali

I am passionate to spend time with litrature. I am struggling to see, hear and percieve things that aren't really unfolded. I love to work in fields of Social, Psychological, Family, Spiritual, Cultural and Public Health issues.

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