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Happy 18th Birthday

By Ruth Elizabeth StiffPublished 4 years ago 14 min read


There was such a happy atmosphere on Mishelle’s birthday that even the sun seemed to be smiling. The sky was royal blue and there was no breeze to stir the carnations that were growing enchantingly in the grounds of the mansion. Jack and Anne, Mishelle’s parents, had hired a banqueting room within the 15th Century mansion to celebrate their eldest daughter’s 18th birthday. And what day it proved to be!

Mishelle looked beautiful in her shell-pink, floor-length gown with white high-heeled sandals. Her younger two sisters, Roses and Jo-Anne, were quite envious of their older sister but happy for her to have such a lovely birthday. Timothy, the only brother, was proud to escort his elder sister to her 18th birthday party.

The party had started at 3pm and was set to go on until 12am. The room was beautifully set out with pink balloons with a big “18” on and ribbon and flowers everywhere. The birthday cake stood 3 feet high from on top of the table, and it was a unicorn --- white with a pink flowing mane and tail. Mishelle loved it so much that she didn’t was to cut into it. There were so many friends and family that it took the birthday girl two hours to get round all of them, thanking them for coming and hoping that they would enjoy the evening.

The time came, at last, to give Mishelle her birthday presents. An antique ring from her grandmother. A beautiful cut-glass “18” fruit bowl from one of the aunts. Jewellery and make-up from her sisters. Money from her grandfather. Lots of beautiful gifts from her friends. Then the “big” present from her mother and father. A little puzzled at having to go outside for it, Mishelle’s face lit up when she saw her parent’s gift.

An exquisite 18 hands Arabian mare, sandy in colour with a black, long flowing mane and tail. Mishelle loved horses and this was her very first horse. She couldn’t thank her parents enough and smothered them in kisses. Going over to the gentle mare, Mishelle called her “Beauty” and petted and petted the docile mare. Mishelle would have to wait to ride Beauty, but she did not mind, she was just so happy to have her own horse --- at last!

Two weeks after her 18th birthday, Mishelle was becoming quite confident when riding Beauty. Her mother, Anne, owned a riding school so the beautiful Arabian mare was stabled, safely, at the school. Being the owner of the stables, Anne always made sure that each of her children were confident riders. Mishelle was the one who loved riding the most and always dreamed of having her own stables, breeding horses and competing in the 3-day-events --- Dressage, Cross-Country and Show-Jumping. Now Mishelle’s dream was starting to become a reality --- with her very own horse --- Beauty.

Having left school and not wanting to go to college, Mishelle worked full-time at the stables with her mother. Timothy, Jo-Anne and Rose were still at school. Her father, Jack, was the headmaster of the local but ancient Grammar school. So Mishelles life was fairly comfortable and she enjoyed working with the two grooms and three riding instructors at the stables. Mishelle loved having her own money and would save some, contribute some towards living with her parents, and then spend the rest on anything to do with horses. Now that she had Beauty, Mishelle kitted her out in the most exquisite tack --- saddles and bridles in red leather --- and had the best grooming kit she could afford. Beauty was well-cared for and loved.

Every day Mishelle would get up early to groom and train Beauty before her own job started at the stables. Mishelle would help the grooms with the other horses on the mornings and then help he mother in the office in the afternoons. She would have to be trained to be a riding instructor, but Mishelle really wanted to compete. So Anne allowed her daughter more and more time in training with Beauty. Until eventually at 20 years of age, Mishelle entered her very first 3-day-event.

She was terribly nervous but also excited at the same time. Beauty seemed calmer and more in control. When it came the time to start the Dressage, Mishelle and Beauty didn’t put a foot, or hoof, wrong. The Cross-Country was a success, if a little slow. The Show-Jumping was clear with no fault at all. 3rd place was not bad for the very first competition.

Anne, who had been watching, was so proud of her daughter, and just hugged and hugged Mishelle when she showed her mother the Rosette for 3rd place. Beauty got lots of lumps of sugar and lots of praise and petting.

That evening, Mishelle let Beauty out into the paddock for a little while and the two friends were alone, Mishelle talking to her horse about the exciting day they had all had. During a quiet pause, both rider and horse looked at each other and Beauty raised her head and whinnied. It was as if the sensitive mare knew something. Mishelle went over to her horse and, whilst stroking Beauty, spoke to her quietly, thinking the horse needed calming down. However, later in bed, Mishelle couldn’t help thinking about Beauty: “what was she trying to say to me?” This kept going round and round Mishelle’s mind until she eventually went off into a deep sleep.


Two years on and Mishelle and Beauty became accomplished competitors, winning 5 competitions and becoming well known at the 3-day-events. Having acquired the skill she needed to become a riding instructor, Mishelle started to take over her mother’s riding school, which was making a profit every year now.

Mishelle wanted to have her own stables and breed horses, but knew that the experience in running her mother’s school would be invaluable. Beauty was happy too, enjoying the company of the other horses, and every now and then, having the very young children ride her. She had such a calm nature, the children loved riding this gentle mare.

It was about this time that Mishelle fell in love. Simon was a childhood friend, just back from university and was about to join his father’s Law firm. The two families were great friends and the children had grown up together. Ever since seeing him, tall, slim with shoulder-length hair, that evening he was invited over for dinner, Mishelle fell in love and Simon fell in love and the two were very happy. They talked of getting married and having children. The two families waited for the engagement.

On Mishelle’s 25th birthday, Simon planned to propose to her, in front of the two families, and had booked tables at their favourite Italian restaurant. He had brought his love an exquisite engagement ring of white gold with a large pink diamond and several clear smaller diamonds. It cost a lot of money and he couldn’t wait to see Mishelle’s face when he proposed.

The evening went of beautifully. Mishelle accepted and every-one was very happy. Smiles just beamed off every-ones faces and Mishelle and Simon were the happiest couple the world would ever see. Piling into the people carrier, especially hired for the evening, the air was noisy with excited chatter about the future. Settling down, the driver moved off, driving the two families’ home.

Mishelle was chatting away about the type of wedding she would like, the dress, the colours, the flowers, the cake and even the honeymoon. Simon sat next to her quietly smiling, he was going to give his love the wedding she wanted, if he could afford it. No doubt the two fathers would help out financially. The driver could hear the excitement of the special occasion and so drove very carefully.

Half-way through chatting about where they’d like to go on honey-moon, everything went black for Mishelle. Black and silent. Mishelle passed out in tremendous pain. What on earth had happened? Was Mishelle suddenly very ill? Just at the same time, Beauty became very agitated, moving about, whinnying in her stable. One of the over-night grooms had to try and calm her down, Beauty only just quietening down after a good hour and several sugar lumps. Beauty could sense that something had happened to Mishelle.


Dreaming of riding Beauty, the two were galloping over fields, jumping fences, on a glorious sunny day. It was as if rider and horse were one and could talk to each other: “Do not worry, everything will be ok,” whispered Beauty, over and over again. The two came up to a large mansion with beautiful stables and a massive paddock. Horses and grooms were everywhere and the new jumping training area shone brightly in the sun. “I’m home!” said Mishelle as she trotted Beauty in.

Hearing distant voices, Mishelle slowly opened her eyes. She was in hospital, Intensive Care, in a private ward, with tubes everywhere! One of the tubes was helping her to breathe and Mishelle could see that she was hooked up to the heart machine. Her old school friend, Elizabeth, was by her side, holding her dear friend’s hand.

“What on earth has happened? Where’s Simon? Where’s mother?” thought Mishelle, who tried to speak but found that she couldn’t, even when the doctor removed the tube from her throat. Elizabeth was quietly talking to Mishelle all of the time, telling her dear friend not to worry and to try to stay calm and relax. Mishelle tried to take it all in her stride and did as the doctors and nurses asked.

As the medical team were making her more comfortable, Mishelle began to realize that she couldn’t feel anything from her neck down. Breathing was difficult but manageable but Mishelle still couldn’t speak. After half an hour, the medical team finished and left the two friends alone. Elizabeth held Mishelle’s hand, looked into her school-friend’s eyes, and explained what had happened.

The people carrier, with both families in, had a head-on collision with a jaguar car, the driver of which was drunk and going too fast. Both vehicles were completely destroyed. Every-one, except for Mishelle, had been killed outright. Mishelle learnt that she had been in a coma for two weeks since the accident.

Mishelle couldn’t take it all in but knew it must be the truth. Elizabeth was crying for her friend and promised to look after Mishelle for the rest of her life. Elizabeth noticed that her friend had closed her eyes and, waiting for Mishelle to sleep, Elizabeth wiped the tears from her own eyes.

This was no sad story but real life! Over the next couple of weeks, Mishelle was told that she was paralysed from her neck down. She managed to speak, very quietly, almost a whisper, and found that she could eat quite normally with some-one feeding her. That some-one was Elizabeth or one of her family. One of them was always by Mishelle’s side, for at least 3 hours every day. There was Elizabeth, her husband John, their eldest daughter Suzanne and Elizabeth’s mother, Sarah. Every-one of them was very kind, chatting to Mishelle and telling her about the outside world. Mishelle would smile and make little comments. Only when alone with Elizabeth did Mishelle let her emotions out, and some evenings the two friends just cried and cried.

Every night, Mishelle would go to the same place in her dreams. The mansion and the stables. Beauty was always there and could always speak, calming her special friend and encouraging her: “Everything will be ok,” whispered Beauty. The sun was always shining and the other horses were well-trained. Every one of them loved Mishelle as she rode each one in turn.

Remembering the dreams when awake made life more tolerable for Mishelle, who asked Elizabeth to write down the dreams. Her friend just smiled and tried to encourage Mishelle, thinking it was just a way of her friend’s mind coping with a very difficult reality. Elizabeth didn’t realize that these were real dreams and a very real world to Mishelle.


Over the next few months, Mishelle, with her dear friend’s help, worked very hard at trying to get into some kind of a routine. Still in hospital, Mishelle tried to get used to the wheelchair, the special bed, the medication and lots of other things that go with being paralysed. The hardest part for Mishelle was not being able to ride Beauty. Her love for her beloved horse was stronger than ever and Mishelle dreamed of competing with Beauty again. The doctors made it clear that Mishelle would never ride again due to her “condition.” Mishelle was alive but paralysed from the neck down and this was how she must learn to live now. The reality of her condition and just how much it would change her life finally broke Mishelle's heart. She had lost the man she loved, lost her family and now she learned that she would never ride Beauty again. Mishelle closed down in her mind and took little interest in life around her.

This terrified Elizabeth. She knew that this could happen but was hoping her friend would be strong enough. Elizabeth had a quiet word with Dr.White, the doctor who had been with Mishelle since the accident. He understood Elizabeth’s fears and assured her that this was a normal way for Mishelle to feel after such a terrible accident which now means such a big change in her life. Mishelle needed help to make some kind of life and Dr.White made several suggestions to Elizabeth. Mishelle needed to look forward but how?

Elizabeth remembered the dreams that Mishelle had asked her to write down. Printing off the pages, and including beautiful pictures to match, the “Dreams” were bound into a book with the title “Mishelle’s Special Dreams.” Showing this to her friend one evening, and reading out one of the dreams, tears ran down Elizabeth’s cheeks. Mishelle’s eyes lit up when she saw the book and smiling, she listened to the dream. Remembering a new dream, Mishelle asked Elizabeth to write it down. Elizabeth was well prepared with a new journal and new pens.

After this time, it was as if Mishelle had taken on a new life. It seemed that every day Mishelle had a new dream, and these dreams eventually turned into several books. Mishelle started to talk about publishing these books. Elizabeth did everything she could to help and encourage her friend. It seemed that Mishelle did have a future ahead of her after all.

The time came for Mishelle to leave the hospital. It was all arranged! Elizabeth had transformed two rooms in her own house for Mishelle, who had no say in the matter. Mishelle was going to live with Elizabeth and her family, with the help of the nurses. Money was sorted out so that Mishelle felt that she was, at least, contributing to her upkeep.

What about the riding school? Mishelle decided to keep the school, taking a percentage of the profits. She may not be able to move but there was nothing wrong with Mishelle’s mind. A good head was found to run the school and all the grooms, riding instructors and general staff were skilled so Mishelle was quite happy to leave the school to run itself. But what about Beauty, Mishelle’s beloved horse?

Elizabeth had the suggestion of leaving Beauty to be cared for at the riding school, to be ridden by children, and for Mishelle to spend one day a week at the school with Beauty. A wonderful idea! Even in the wheelchair, Mishelle could still see and be near Beauty. Now Mishelle was really looking forward which was a great relief for Elizabeth.

Mishelle now moved in completely with Elizabeth and her family and everyone did their best to settle in together. It didn’t take Mishelle long to get into a new routine, knowing that she can look forward to seeing her beloved Beauty. Life now settled down for Mishelle. At last, she felt that she could rest from the accident and look forward to a “comfortable” life. Mishelle couldn’t thank Elizabeth and her family enough!


Mishelle settled into her new routine, with the nurses coming at certain times of the day, and even the doctor making regular visits. Elizabeth and her family included Mishelle within their daily routine and every-one settled down. Mishelle particularly looked forward to every Tuesday, when she would visit the riding school, especially Beauty. Elizabeth always made sure she was free to go with her dear friend.

Arriving at the school for 10am, Mishelle was shown first into the office to “look at the books” and then, after a cup of tea and piece of cake, Elizabeth, Mishelle and one of the grooms would go round the school, looking at the stables, watching the children have their riding lessons and watching the horses in the paddocks. Then it’s time to see Beauty again! The Arabian mare gently nuzzled Mishelle’s hands as Mishelle quietly talked to her beloved horse. Both had tears in their eyes. Beauty seemed to understand Mishelle’s “new life” and was as gentle as a new mother with her new colt. All Mishelle could do was talk quietly to Beauty but both loved every minute. “At least I can ride in my dreams” thought Mishelle.

Arriving “home” for 5pm, Elizabeth helped Mishelle to settle and then the whole family had dinner together, Sarah helping Mishelle with her dinner. It was lovely, as Mishelle chatted away and listened to the others, as everyone talked about their day. Mishelle started to feel tired and asked to be put to bed. It was still quite early, at 9pm, but she had had a full day at the riding school and was quite tired out. Settling down for the night, Mishelle started to watch the T.V. which Elizabeth had left on, on a very quiet setting. Mishelle soon fell asleep. Dreaming quite deeply, would Mishelle remember her dream?

Waking refreshed at 5am, Mishelle remembered vividly her dream. The T.V. had turned itself off, as programmed to do, and the birds could be heard singing their “Good Mornings “as the sun started to shine through the curtains. If only Mishelle could pick up a journal and pen and write her dream down as she will have to wait until 6.30am when the first nurse comes in. Elizabeth often comes in at 6am with a cup of tea for Mishelle, who was willing for this to happen this morning. Mishelle went over in her mind the very vivid dream, she didn’t want to forget a thing!

Tap, tap, tap “Good Morning Mishelle” said Elizabeth as she walked in with a cup of tea just after 6am. Mishelle was delighted and told her friend all about the dream. Straight away, Elizabeth started to write down Mishelle’s dream, and stayed, writing down everything that Mishelle was saying about the dream, even when the nurse arrived. After breakfast, Elizabeth stayed with Mishelle, going over the dream, it was Elizabeth’s day to be with her friend, the family had written out quite a rota so that Mishelle would rarely be left alone. Both Mishelle and Elizabeth agreed “the dream” would make a good first book. Mishelle called it “The Russian Princess Doll.”

The “book” was sent off to the publishers who were impressed and so Mishelle’s first book was published. This cheered Mishelle up. She couldn’t move a muscle in her arms but, with her friend’s help, could still publish a book.



About the Creator

Ruth Elizabeth Stiff

I love all things Earthy and Self-Help

History is one of my favourite subjects and I love to write short fiction

Research is so interesting for me too

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    Ruth Elizabeth StiffWritten by Ruth Elizabeth Stiff

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