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Miracle Babies

Precious Things Vol. 1

By FRANK? PiccolellaPublished 3 years ago 6 min read


It was a day ago, four years ago my life changed forever. I had played bachelor for thirty one years of my life. It had mostly worked out but my mental health and physical health were at risk as my responsibilities just exploded my world. I had always wanted a family, but it always seemed too soon. I'm sure others can attest to that. It just sort of happens. Sometimes we pick our partners and other times we spin our fates and throw knives to win. This is the way.

I was out drinking when the twins mother went to the hospital. Not a very good start to say the least. Luckily I only had one drink by that time. There was no warning. She was at 29 weeks pregnant. Hardly the time to give birth. I immediately ordered coffee to have a modicum of sobriety and cognitive function. Quite the ordeal. It gets even better though. We had black mold detected that week in the house and we were being displaced for the foreseeable future. Frantically going back and forth moving a house and supporting the mother of my children i was fraught with fear, anger, the unknowing, physically moving a house and its contents. There were no breaks. No easy outs. I had to fully commit, to which I did pretty well considering the situation. The situation called for one to be ever present. One of my weak sides. Staying present is always difficult for me. This is something worth focusing on. This was my family. I had to stay on top of things.

At this moment in time, 11/19/2016, life had a funny way of throwing us a wrench within the proceedings. The mother was no stranger to being pregnant. She has two children with her previous husband. But these are twins! Still a new endeavor for her. She was most unfortunately taken in a very unprepared fashion. The threat of C-section loomed large. She had never had major surgery before Subsequently she would devolop back problems from carrying the twins. They sure were quite active even at that stage. The girls would kick around a lot. Sometimes try to come through like Freddy Krueger from the Dream World to the Real world. Frightening body horror with twins. I was certain a Chestburster would bust out of her and attach itself to my face. Luckily that didn't happpen.

Sometimes I forget how hard being pregnant and giving birth are. One could say I will never know what it is like. Seeing as I am physically incapable of doing so. How did Lauren the mother feel? She's been pregnant twice before, but never like this, never this early. Here are a few words straight from the mother. It must have been a terrifying time being way too early and surgery looming ever closer.

"It was about this time 4 years ago I knew something was wrong. I couldn't find comfort. Hadn't slept in days. The bath was broken but I was in so much pain I couldn't stand it and flooded the bathroom to take a bath. I called you. You were at work and tried not to black out before you got to me.

I don't remember getting to the hospital. All I know is they said I was 8cm dilated and fully effaced which was a bad thing to hear at 29 weeks pregnant.

I looked up at you as they started to prep me thinking I might actually die. I was terrified of everything. The first epidural didn't work and only numbed half my body. They went back in quickly with a second. I remember after that crying to you as I was being opened. I couldn't see anything. My insides laying next to me and I had no idea. I just looked at you saying "I don't want to die " I don't recall if the words actually came out or if I was thinking it. But the look on your face I remember. Pure fear and love".

- Mother of Quinn and Gypsy.

The twins came up very quickly with the C-Section. I looked over the sheets because she asked me to. Frightened at the horror show/Miracle, I calmy turned to her and said, "Looks good. You're fine. It's gonna be fine". Dying a little inside. I was pumped up. Lauren was drugged up, which if she wasn't, she would have been more than a handful for everyone. Tensions were high and a collective panicked washed the room.

Quinn and Gypsy were born at Two and a half pounds each. They were such meek yet beautiful little things. Doctors indicated to us they would have to put them inside a breathing chamber with UV light. So they had their first little night club that young. Their bodies were very under developed. UV powered babies! Unstoppable.

They kicked and screamed to tell mom it was time to come out. They are warriors already. Tough as nails and stubborn to boot. These girls were beyond strong. More than we could ever know. At first they had to be seperated, Quinns breathing was more at risk than Gypsy's health. From day one it was a struggle. We had something some people don't have. It was luck and timing. Things were bad and kind of dark, but we always had well timed moments and the thought of hope. I knew we had to push through. At least one of us did for the babies. We both fought hard for those precious babies. You used to be able to hold both of them in one hand. Now you can't wait to put them down. How things change.

They were eventually moved to Orlando NIC-U, where they would be better cared for. So lucky we were now homeless too right? Eventually we would be permitted to stay in the Ronald McDonald House for almost three months. Some how this fell into our lap right when we needed it. We were able to be close to the babies and we had a sure fire place to stay until the girls were released. Luckily we had most everything packed up with us already. We ended up bringing in too much stuff. We had to move out of the RHMC as an eventuality.

I am so grateful for all of the health care professionals that worked with us and took care after our baby twins. So very thankful to those we met and those that reside above us. Many Thankful Thoughts for those watching out for us. These babies came out as a collaborative effort. Never can I forget the level of love and respect I have for the Doctors and Nurses. All of the staff. From security to food service, everyone knew what they were doing. This aspect really helped us a long. The babies had a team of specialists and that extended to outside of the hospital. To think they now weigh over thirty pounds is amazing. They have huge personalities now.

I am thankful to the mother of my children for being strong during this entire ordeal. Things may not have worked out between us, but our children on now well cared for. I am thankful for having such strong, stubborn, and absolutely lovely twin girls. My mother added such tremendous support to us during " The Hospital Times". All grandparents played a part, but my mother went above what was asked for. She helped ground us. She helped ground me. Thankful to the Universe for pointing me in the right direction, even when I failed miserably a long the way. Perhaps fate will have it's way. To Miracle Babies and Precious Things.


About the Creator

FRANK? Piccolella

I enact many a dad tax on my six yearold twin girls. I am a writer and visual artist. Trying to work harder on the business side now to. Horror is my life. When it isn't I read, write, and Arithmetic. Comics and music shall suffice as well.

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  • Gary Whiteheadabout a year ago

    Your doing a Great job my friend!

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