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Little Black Book

The Block

By Angie Heluvsme BellPublished 3 years ago 11 min read

Anna Hunter walked this block since she was born, her Mother whose name is Margret would stroll ever so slowly , with the baby carriage, as if she was putting the baby on display. Margaret was the first woman to have a baby born in marriage and she displayed her baby like a badge of honor.

Margaret”s husband , Noah was known on the block as the overseer, he made the calls , he would decide who would get the money and who hold the power and he was respected and revered up until the police caught wind of a master plan he devised to work with high ranking officials in Cuba to orchestrate a system , in the black community to bring them power against the whites who are power in America.

Margaret was aware of his dealings although she never participated, but she knew the plans just as well as Noah , but he knew she would never let what she knew depart from from her lips and he counted on her for this and expected her to continue with the plans , no matter what or if anything would ever happen to him.

When Noah was charged with a conspiracy against America , everything Margaret knew as life was gone , everything except Anna , Anna was her hope to accomplish what her Father had began . Anna having not a clue what she was born into was trained to think and become a seeker , a seeker of truth as her mom would tell her she was ,” Anna you are here to seek the truth.”

Not knowing what truth was really , however from the time she could understand those words, they were her mantra from the time she could speak,

“ you are here to seek the truth” , these words would echo in Anna’s mind throughout the day , especially while she daydremed as she looked out the window of their cozy one bedroom apartment on the block she grew up on.

As the years went by , Margaret begin to grow lonely and she found herself involved with a man , who was quite opposite of Noah. This man was normal man , some would say . He was a truck driver for an esteemed trucking company , blue collar man that played by the rules of white America , however he had deep dark secrets of his own. Ten years had past before Margaret gave in to feelings of loneliness , and she begin to date Demond . Anna became an afterthought, as her Mother cultivated her new relationship.

No longer in contact with her Dad, Anna now age tweleve begin to long for a father daughter relationship and Margaret would push a connection between Demond and Anna . Demond who appeared loving , he would pick Anna up and place her on his lap all the time , to Margaret it seemed heartwarming , while to Anna it was uncomfortable, all she could remember is something poking her , ever time he placed her in his lap. Just as Anna was beginning to let her Mom know she wanted to no longer sit on his lap , Margaret said “ Anna , Demond is gonna drive you to your Grandparents, on his way home .”

Now Anna felt relieved , because she loved her Grandparents, being with them was like being with her Dad, due to the wonderful feeling of unconditional love that they would thurst upon Anna every time she would come to visit, but little did Anna know it would be the longest ride of her life. Margaret bundled her up and gave her kiss, as she kissed her, Anna looked up and a feeling of nervousness came over her , as she noticed Demond’s eyes glued on her with a crooked smile on his face, however Anna told her herself Im going to Grandma’s , to bring herself comfort. As she left out she didn’t look back ,she headed to car ready to climb in the backseat however,Demond said “ No, it’s okay you can ride inthe front , you’re a big girl right ?” . Anna shook her head yes and did as he said, about twenty minutes into the ride after a bit of small talk he took his hand and put them inside Anna’s pants and then into her panties, Anna sat there frozen, to bring what Demond thought was comfort he , invited Anna to put her hand inside his pants and this lasted until they reached Anna’s Grandparents house.

At this point Anna mind was foggy and confused , she crawled into bed withdrawn from her experience. The following morning as her Grandmother prepared breakfast she got Anna ready by giving her a bath as she bathe Anna , she noticed Anna wasn’t the talkative, curious or the lively person she’s known her to be . She asked Anna , “ what’s wrong ? You don’t seem like yourself.”

Anna just said nothing but continue to stare in space , her Grandmother, said “ something isn’t right and I’ll figure it out.” , but didn’t press Anna any longer and day went on . Anna felt different , like something in her was broken, like she was dirty on inside and the feeling of gloom wouldn’t let her be .

So Anna decided to go into the basement, where her Father would stay when he was living with his Mom, for one reason or another she felt safe there. While in the basement she begin to look in father’s belongings and she found a treasure trove of pictures of her Dad as a young man, and in his eyes Anna saw power, compassion and life in him as a young man and a feeling of fight begin to overcome Anna, and she grew angry at what happened to her at the hands of Demond , and she even became angrier at her mom for bringing this demon in her life. The more Anna searched through her Father’s belongings, the more she became strengthened, until finally she encountered this small black book with red trimmed pages.

Anna wouldn’t have noticed the book , except for photo on top, it was of Anna at the age of five with her Dad , in the photo was the most coolrful sunset Anna ever seen, it was bold , iridescent pinks, blues and gold. Anna starred at the photo , for what seem like hours while imagining the days her Dad was home and her life , as she once knew it was whole and healthy.

Anna held on to that photo , as if her life depended on it and as she turned to tuck it away she tripped and fell , knocking the box over and the little black book with red trimmed pages rolled out ,this little black book was like no other it was small the size with a gloss finished and edges of the pages were red in color. The book drew Anna in like a moth to a flame.

Anna grabbed the little black book and she smelled it and it’s smell reminded her of her Father’s cologne, then she held it closely to her heart, and she whispered, ” Thank you Daddy.” Although she hadn’t a clue what was inside the book or what it was about, she felt her Father when she held it close to her heart. Anna then opened the book and on the first page written in the same red coloring was Anna’s name . Anna’s heart beagn to race and she turned to next page with excitement and anticipation, but the following page was blank , she begin to flip through the book and all the pages and all of the pages were blank.

Anna sat there dazed and confused . “Anna “ her grandmother called , “ Come on sweetie it’s time for me to take you home .”

Anna returned upstairs with the photo and the little black book hidden , she put them in her belongings and headed home. Once at home she contemplated , about telling her Mother about her find , but Anna no longer trusted her Mother on any level so she kept it to herself .

five more years past and Anna was now seventeen , she never told anyone about the book for fear it would disappear , it wasn’t until Margaret received

a letter from Noah stating that he had fallen ill and he wished to see Anna , one final time before he’s taken to the afterlife. Margaret was hesitant, because she knew , Noah knew things and her affair maybe one of them , however she relented, on the condition that she didn’t have to accompany

Anna on the journey. Anna was excited but nervous to see her Dad face to face , afterall it has been over twelve years since she saw him last. And quite honestly she didn’t know the man he had become or if he would approve of the woman she was growing into .

Anna left for her journey and while on her way she went over the things she would say , to her Dad whom she loved , how would she tell him the trauma she faced. All this played in her mind like a song , she couldn’t let go , before you knew it she was at the prison . As she entered the gates her belly began to trembling , so much so l she thought she was about to vomit.

”Young lady , step this way! “ a boisterous voice exclaimed. The voice snapped Anna into reality, “ What is the name of inmate , you’re here to see?” The prison guard asked while piercing Anna’s very soul , ” my , my , Father.” Anna stammered, “ What is your Father’s name ?” The guard replied condensendingly . Anna grew bold in that moment , feeling belittled by the guards remarks .

“Noah Cox c872825 “ , Anna stated with assurance and clarity. The guard smiled , as if he brought her out of her shell. Anna was then searched to led to the the waiting area . In the waiting area there was AB man that peered at her from a distance , the entire hour and half she waited for her name to be called for the visit . Once her named was call the man swiftly walked over to Anna and said ever so gentle “ God is in control.”

Anna hurried past him , deeming him as crazy. However as she begin to walk through the long corridor into the visiting area , those words- God is in control, echoed through her entire being. As she entered the visiting area , she instantly locked eyes with her father and they both deeply weeped and ran into each other arms . Their emotions were contagious , because the guards allowed them to hug , although the rules forbid it. Noah led his daughter by the hand to a folding table , with four chairs . He pulled out the chair for Anna and starred at her , almost speaking telepathically.

”Anna, my most beautiful child.” Noah said ,smiling ear to ear . Oh how I’ve longed to see your face and hear your voice , you know your Daddy loves you and I’ve never stopped loving you . You are the reason for my being, the thought of you helps me to arise every morning with joy in my heart.

Anna , begin to say “Daddy”... when Noah cut her off from speaking, he said , “ Anna I want you listen and listen well, I don’t have a lot time left and I want you to know Ive prepared for this moment from the time you were born , I left something for you at my Mother‘s house , it’s a little black book with red trimmed pages. The black is for our people and the red is for blood that was spilled , while righting the wrongs .

Anna inside this little black book is your name , written in red for the blood I shed , for this moment we are now in , Anna was beside herself she yelled “ Daddy”, so loud the entire visiting room looked in their direction. Now Noah was a wise man , so he knew she found the book so he smiled and nodded his head in a way to let her know to be cool ,eyes are watching. Anna picking up on the vibe ,sat quietly and smiled back.

“ Anna , said Noah quietly and assertive, there is a pen that will unveil the words written in the little black book , the pen is the same place you found the book , no ones knows about this , except you and I . Once you get the instructions you will know what to do.” Knowing the sensitivity of this information Noah hurried Anna on the way , Anna confused wanting more time , however became content, when her Dad reached out to hug her and whispered “ God is in control .” Anna eyes grew as big as flying saucers, when those words left his lips , she floated out of the visiting area on a supernatural high.

Anna rushed to her Grandmother’s house and immediately went down to basement and recovered the pen , she then went into her vehicle and pulled the book out of her backpack and she begin to rub the pen over the pages , and what she saw blew her mind . There were combination codes and the location for lockers , eight in all . Along with that were, which routes to take and the times to go . And it all had to be done in one day, without any stops and most importantly, alone .

Anna did exactly as the little black book stated and she collected eight million dollars in total, yes each locker held one million each. The little black book instructed Anna , not to tell a soul just pay off all she owes , to pay off her grandparents home , anonymously along with a deposit, so they would never be in want , but it was last part of this little black book , that almost made Anna choke.

As she took the pen to swipe the last page , it read .” I know your mother failed you , and your life has been pain but do what you feel is right and will bring you life again. Remember your Mother , is a woman too and her mistakes , are not a reflection of you - remember God is in control.

Anna took her money put it in an offshore account, went to her Mother and gave her the biggest hug , she told her , “ Mama I’m leaving and I will not return , there will be a package coming for you in two weeks time , when you receive it , you will know that I’m doing just fine, I love you Mama.” Anna hugged her Mother and gave her all the love she longed for as a little girl and in that moment Margret knew , Anna was going on to a better world.

fact or fiction

About the Creator

Angie Heluvsme Bell

I’m a believer and a dreamer , and my hope is to bring solutions to the hurting souls that have been set apart , no matter what we do ,we just will not fit in, mainly because we were created to not , fit in. .

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    AHBWritten by Angie Heluvsme Bell

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