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Little Black Book


By Antoinette BPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Seleste had been in the study looking over the paperwork and documents that her late aunt Nadia had left to assist in the settlement of her affairs once she passed away. She heard shuffling in the library nearby and tiptoed over. She looked toward the front door and thought " oh my gosh how could I be so careless and leave the door open".

Seleste peeped into the library and saw what appeared to be a mans figure. She hadn't thought to contact Elise or Jet so that they could be in this part of the house. Elise was the housekeeper and Jet was security. Seleste tiptoed back to the study to grab all the files on the desk and placed them in her bag. She placed her bag in the desk drawer removed the key from a secret location and locked the drawer placing the key in her pocket. She could try to get to Jet on the other side of the house, that appeared to be her best choice. She began to make her way out and came face to face with the perpetrator. Aaaaa!!! She screamed as he grabbed her. "Seleste is that you?" he asked. "What, wait Donovan is that you? " She asked her cousin.

"Yes it's me."

"It's been a long time Donovan, What are you doing here?"

"I heard that Aunt Nadia passed away."

"Really, how you nor the rest of the family barely spoke to her."

"My dad told me my sister."

"Okay but her funeral has not been arranged yet, so why are you here now and what were you looking for?"

Donovan explained that he had been looking for a document that he had left some time ago. Seleste had offered to locate it and be sure he got it but Donovan wanted to continue his search on his own and couldn't understand why Seleste was acting as if he couldn't. The housekeeper appeared. "Hello Seleste, Donovan. Donovan you cannot be here as Madam Nadia informed all staff that the only one that can do anything is Seleste." "This is the reason that only Seleste was contacted to come here to settle her affairs." Unfortunately Donovan, you must leave, Madam Nadia was specific, please inform Seleste of what you need and she will make sure you receive it." "Wow, is that what her last will and testament was?" Donovan asked. "Sir here's your invitation, you may join us at Nadia's Restaurant 8pm sharp in three days," Elise said handing him the invitation and trying to show him to the door. "I'm not going anywhere, "Donovan screamed. "Are you sure sir, I can get security here if need be," Elise warned. "What wait, why can't I be here she was my aunt too. " " Who you never visited while she was alive, so why now sir?" Elise responded. Seleste glared at him, "so what uncle Jeff told you there was money or jewels somewhere here hmmm?" Seleste pushed. Elise did you ring asked Jet as he entered. Seleste smiled, she could never forget Jet with his tall muscular build. He did a double take, "Seleste, we've missed you," he said excitedly to Seleste. "Hi, Jet how are you?" Seleste asked with a gentle smile. Jet's eyes wandered to Donovan. "Forget it, I get it, I'll show myself out," Donovan ranted and raved as he left the house.

After he left Elise followed Seleste to the library and gave her a letter from her aunt that she was to give once she and Seleste were alone. Elise excused herself and closed the library door behind her. Seleste went over and locked it so that she was not disturbed.

The letter read: My dear Seleste I've left much to you and if you're reading this that means I'm no longer able to see your bright beautiful smile. I left something in your favorite spot in the attic. You used to love to read there and hide there too when you were smaller. When it's time for the reading of my will you will receive the rest that I have given to you dear. Now go get what I left you in your favorite place. Love Aunt Nadia.

Seleste left the library and headed to her favorite nook in the attic. She found some of her old books stacked there. A day bed now sat where she used to sit on a bean bag chair. On the day bed lied a little black book. Seleste picked it up and opened it. The first page read "This Book Belongs to Seleste". Seleste turned to the next page, this must be it she thought. The second page read "you have found what I've left you". Seleste laughed at how funny her aunt was even after she was gone and how fun she still was too. She turned to the next page, this page was a page for writing but her aunt wrote: "Seleste head to the post office on Lake Drive. Open PO Box 2170, in the box is a check for $20,000 to help you start up your business and other documents I left for you. The key to the PO Box is taped to the back cover of this book. Fill the rest of this book as you wish. Love Aunt Nadia."

At the reading of the will the only thing the rest of the family was made aware of was that Seleste would receive Nadia's house and restaurant. Seleste received deeds to all estates her aunt had in and out of the country and the heir to the all her aunt's money, jewels, and any other businesses her aunt had that the family may not have known about. Her other aunt and her uncle received $10,000 each. Her 2 cousins and her sister received $5000 each.


About the Creator

Antoinette B

Author/writer hailing from Bronx, NY. Loves reading, writing, and spending time with family and friends. Married for 16 yrs, still going strong. Debut story is Empress: An Anthology with 8 other women. Consultant for Ladies of Wisdom LLC.

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    Antoinette BWritten by Antoinette B

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