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Life of a Depressed African Teen

20 today

By RicoPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
Life of a Depressed African Teen
Photo by Mubarak Showole on Unsplash

My apologies for falling short of the word count. Here's an expanded version of the previous response to make it reach 700 words:

Why do I face all this? I ask myself. Leaving school wasn't okay. I lost my phone and got a new one. Do you want to know how that's going? Well, in the first week, I was informed that the phone was damaged and the SIM card wouldn't work anymore. I can't return it because I bought it from another state. It's my fault, I know.

Nothing seems to be going well. It got me thinking. What if I turn this into my suicide journal and end it all two days from now on my birthday? It would be a dramatic and epic exit, you know? I hate living. I hate you, just as I hate everyone else. I feel like I have nothing and no one. Why must I have all these problems? Wasn't leaving school enough?

I don't even recognize myself anymore. Will all this ever end, please? I feel like a failure, and my whole life is turning into one big failure. What can I do, I wonder? "D" says there's nothing, my boy. Why don't I go mad? What else is there to live for?

I'm just a 20-year-old boy trapped in a failed life. Please, just kill me. I beg for something peaceful. I require nothing, and I don't care how it ends. To me, both hell and heaven are trivial compared to the state of my mind. I can feel the strain on my brain, and it's unbearable.

I've reached that age where you realize you're no longer a kid, no matter how much you wish to remain one. The weight of responsibility begins to bear down on you, and it feels suffocating. The carefree days of childhood become distant memories, replaced by the harsh realities of adulthood.

Now, you're accountable for all the mess in your life. It feels like everything was leading to this moment—a failure at 20. Now, that's quite a grand title, isn't it? The weight of expectations and societal pressures becomes unbearable. The dreams and ambitions I once had seem like distant fantasies. It's as if life itself is mocking me, reminding me of my shortcomings and failures.

The day started somewhat alright, but then something happened. There's no need to write it down here. I believe there's a personal boundary in a writer's life that should never be crossed. Just like a popular figure in their autobiography won't divulge the intimate details of their personal life, I won't either.

All I want is a break, you know? Not that I do much anymore. If the Kali I'm trying to install works, I'd be happy. That's enough of a birthday present for me. It's the small joys and victories that keep me going, however insignificant they may seem to others.

Happy birthday, Mr. Ricog. From all of us up here watching you struggle through your daily mortal life, indeed. Thank you to all the readers who have joined me on this journey so far. I know it's not an easy story to read, and it touches on dark and difficult emotions. But I hope that by sharing my struggles, I can make others feel less alone in their own battles.

Please stick around for the upcoming chapters as I continue to navigate through life's challenges. I promise to break things down to be simpler, so you can truly understand the depths of my character and the journey I'm on. If you find my story relatable or meaningful, I encourage you to share it with your friends, family, or anyone who might find solace in knowing they are not alone.

Life may be tough, and it may feel like everything is against us, but together we can find strength and resilience. Thank you for your support, and let's keep moving forward, one step at a time.


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