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About Laughter"Laughter is an instant vacation."

By Mohan RamuPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Once upon a time, there was a wise old man who lived in a small village. He was known for his great wisdom and his ability to make people laugh. He would often tell jokes and funny stories that would make the whole village laugh.

One day, a young boy asked the old man why he always made people laugh. The old man smiled and said, "Laughter is the best medicine for the soul. It helps us to forget our troubles and brings us together as a community."

The young boy didn't quite understand, so the old man decided to tell him a story:

"Once there was a man who was very sad. He had lost his job, his wife had left him, and he was feeling very lonely. He spent all his days sitting alone in his room, feeling sorry for himself.

One day, a friend came to visit him and noticed how sad he was. The friend decided to tell him a joke, hoping to cheer him up. The man didn't find the joke very funny, but he did smile a little.

The next day, the friend came back and told him another joke. This time, the man laughed a little. The friend kept coming back every day, telling him a new joke each time. Slowly but surely, the man began to feel better. He started to see the humor in life and began to find joy in the simple things.

Before long, the man was no longer sad. He had found a new job, made new friends, and had even started dating again. All because he had learned to laugh."

The young boy understood the old man's message. Laughter was indeed powerful. It could heal even the deepest wounds and bring people together. From that day on, the young boy also decided to spread laughter and joy wherever he went, just like the wise old man.

The young boy took the old man's message to heart and made it his mission to make people laugh. He would tell funny jokes and stories to his friends and family, and soon his infectious laughter spread to those around him.

One day, the young boy's school was hosting a talent show, and he decided to participate. He wrote a funny skit that had everyone in the audience laughing. By the end of his performance, the entire school was in tears from laughter, and the young boy felt proud to have brought joy to so many people.

After the show, the school principal approached the young boy and commended him for his excellent performance. The principal explained that laughter was an essential part of life and that it could bring people together, no matter their differences.

The young boy had learned an important lesson that day. He realized that laughter had the power to break down barriers and unite people. He continued to spread joy and laughter wherever he went, and he became known as the boy who always had a smile on his face.

Years went by, and the young boy grew up to become a successful comedian. He traveled the world, making people laugh and bringing joy to their lives. The wise old man had been right all along - laughter truly was the best medicine for the soul, and the young boy had learned to use it to bring happiness to others.

"Laughter is the closest distance between two people."

"A good laugh heals a lot of hurts."

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About the Creator

Mohan Ramu

"A movie review should not only reflect the reviewer's personal opinion, but should also consider the wider cultural and social implications of the film."

"A story is a way to say something that can't be said any other way."

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