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It's Not Over, But I'm Better Equipped

It's Us Against the World

By Jade Amber RomanclaturePublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 23 min read
We Pray to the Saint Jerome in Our Family

Imagine someone coming to your house every day with drama. Coming over and telling a lie in front of your kids and guests. A big lie about your husband being unfaithful. Now Imagine that person was his mother. Can you imagine how difficult it would be to prove that she is not a credible source of information?

Remember when I said idiots might not find me credible when referencing accidentally hanging with bad people?

My Jaddy's mother, and other haters, might not find me credible because:

-I have accomplishments without awards now that I stopped competing for trophies and decided to become one.

-I have no college degree. I dropped out like Bill Gates, but don't have the bank account to back up my decision. Plus, the college that seemed perfect for me said a big fat "NO" in my adult life; not during those awkward post high school years.

-Speaking of, you may have known that I was in a civil union previously. No, I was never married before Jaddy. At the courthouse we said "I will" never "I do." The ceremony in Vegas, though I absolutely scheduled a wedding, was a vow renewal. Could you believe I had barely anything to say about the man I was partnered with?

Like Farm Boy asked "Did you say 'I do?'" When Buttercup said "no" he assured her that it never happened. Still, Jaddy's mother probably doesn't trust my ability to choose a husband for myself. I'm an adult. Not in those awkward post high school years.

Despite #ALLTHAT... Here are some facts that cannot be denied: people would rather attack what they think is flawed logic rather than say "I don't get it," because they aren't confident enough to not know everything all the time.

So, I met Jaddy last January, 2021 at 7M Tiktok followers, and 500k IG followers. He was not yet verified on Snapchat.

Jaddy, after me refusing to date, starting my own YouTube channel, turning to the Lord for direction and guidance, and a clear path to my husband, and declaring Jaddy perfect as my other half, now has:

9.1M Tiktok followers

700k IG followers

and is absolutely verified on Snapchat, and I remember how it happened as well as what he said to thank me.

"What's that say? "Verified!" Ooo. That's crazy!!"


"I'll take you to the candy shop'' was the song accompanying his "I'm lit af " (something like that) caption. I had the picture, but you know...deleted in a fit of rage.

Speaking of which, me repeatedly sending "I hate you!"/"who is she?!"/"you're a liar!" chats, snaps, and videos was without a doubt what got him blown up to verified status; if I do say so myself.


A year ago, I began tagging Jaddy whenever I could just to try to get him to shout me out, say something nice, or marry me.

I'm very creative. I'm very original. I'm hard to ignore. Jaddy never ignored me, but he didn't respond the way I wanted.

I assumed he just didn't want the world to know about me, because of how big he was. I was offended because I'm not exactly liked, but I'm VERY well known.

I had, and have, my own connections, and so I didn't need his platform to make me big. I literally just wanted him.

I continued my original show "The Siren of Boston" by exploring more of my talents the way I promised in my very first YouTube episode.

With everything I did, I tied it back to loving the man I believed him to be. He never let me down, besides not speaking to me, tagging my pages, liking, commenting, and/or sharing my posts from his own Itsromeswrld page the way I hoped he eventually would.

His numbers began skyrocketing after I tagged him everyday reposting his Tiktoks with multiple hashtags for weeks in a row. Before that it was just on occasion, but more and more often.

I still wasn't getting shout outs, so everything from he's too young, he's in a relationship (even though he stated multiple times he was currently single, including on Snapchat,) he's never had this kind of genuine fandom, because everyone seems to only like his parents, so he's just using me came to mind as reasons why I should leave him alone, and do something else.

He never let me.

Remember when he showed his mother and father a video of him doing like three seconds of movement shirtless? Remember how she said "you are LOVING the single life, you ain't never got a shirt on no more." To which Jaddy replied "What does that have to do with anything?"

I believe she thought I'd take it as "he doesn't want a relationship." How I understood it..."oh he's not seeing anyone. Great!" Then after I continued to be invested in this God, this random girl shows up pretending to be his girlfriend just so I can be the one to call it off. His mother KNOWS HOW HE FEELS ABOUT ME. SHE KNOWS HE WOULD NEVER LET ME GO. SHE KNOWS HE WOULD USE THE FULL FORCE OF HIS UNDYING LOVE FOR ME TO PROVE TO ME THAT HE LOVES ME. Yeah.

He's apologized multiple times for this situation including a "Sorry Miss Jackson" saxophone remix after the photoshoot with his sister on his birthday. (He did it again without the sax after getting his hair done by not her, just to show me that he understood how extremely frustrating the situation was.)

I mentioned in a Facebook post how his parents tried to deny me again, this time by giving his sister credit for a brand new braided hairdo and tagging her after I publicly celebrated his birthday. She wasn't tagged in his birthday photoshoot, but in case the audience was looking for a woman on his page, that is who they publicly identified as being associated with him, and no one else, ie. me.

For the birthday photoshoot, people were commenting on how "beautiful" his "girlfriend" was on the photos with this girl, and wondering if she had an @. I had not been acknowledged at this point, so I was wildly upset. She literally came out of nowhere, and people just kind of went with it it seemed.

He created a "pranking mom" blur money video the immediate day after the shoot, adding "it looks really real. It's really just a big 'ole block." They cock blocked, then I got actually blocked, because of how I responded to this.

I was insulted, impatient, and under the stress of telling everyone I felt close to about him, while they'd just tell me everything I already knew about the strangeness of the situation.

I've mentioned it before, but I don't believe everyone understands that I would comment on EVERYTHING he would post ANYWHERE with as respectful a comment as I would hope to see on my own page by those confident people who don't just slide into dms, but who want the World to know they're trying to take a stab at it.

Yes, I'm a woman, and I prefer my men to chase me, but...I had to get his attention somehow. Or so I thought. (Jaddy is always watching.)

I believed my comments were getting drowned out by the hundreds of thousands he'd get in a matter of minutes.

I believed I had to be as original as possible, because he's the sexiest man alive, so a generic "you're handsome" would probably be scrolled right past, via autopilot; that's if he even reads his comments (which he absolutely does, since he responds to and does videos in response to his comments regularly.)

I was getting extremely comfortable in the comment section, and was allowed to say whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. No one challenged me. No one really interacted with me, but everyone saw me. I just knew it.

The only one who really had an issue with it was his mother. I commented like I was his manager even though I was really just his biggest fan. His mother hated it, but because it was his page, she could really only "do something about it" when I began to comment angrily against him with accurate facts about why the current situation with this girl was completely controlled bullshit.

In the past I commented HEAVILY all over his Tiktok during fits of rage; for an example when I was in TN, and he was nowhere near where I was. (Except he was, he just didn't show up in person with me.) I was commenting then explicitly for his attention.

Before the shoot with his sister, I was already seeking answers as to who she was. She was showing up on his Snapchat like I mentioned before. She was briefly lying down, appearing to be naked on his Tiktok; and every time a comment would say "he has a sister?" She would comment "girlfriend."

Every little subtle appearance of hers drove me crazy, because I really, really, really had to trust him. That's it.

Eventually she stated "I'm his girlfriend" in a comment to which I flipped out, and went on a tirade on a particular video. It was one in which he claimed that he wanted to eat the filet mignon of a long-haired, thick redbone. I expressed extreme frustration, and to make matters worse at that moment...he shared an Instagram story of himself smiling ever so happily [assuming] at my uncontrolled rage AS IT WAS HAPPENING on Tiktok.

It made me even more upset because if he could do that...why wouldn't he just tell me straight up everything? Why would he allow her to say that in front of so many people as well as be with him physically? I couldn't understand back then. It hurt even more when I was just blocked. It was like okay, she's gone; removed like a bouncer throwing out a belligerent drunk girl at a party. How could he, I thought?

Plus, anything including overly sexual displays, and physical touch really upset me, because I feel personally violated. I don't like that for myself, and I hate seeing it happen to him.

To my most recent knowledge, this girl (his sister) is STILL lightly caressing his neck on his IG highlights.

She isn't giving him a neck and shoulder massage, because he's just so tense from being away from his true Love, and she cares for him.

She isn't sitting in his lap just touching him as they hold each other, because she's supposedly his girlfriend, and that's the kind of tenderness he shows to his beloved. (I'd know.)

She isn't even in the passenger seat, or showing her face.

She is literally touching him JUST to touch him in a mildly inappropriate, though disturbingly unnecessary way that is on repeat at the immediate top of his page that also states he's dating her.

It's just enough to set the bar at "he's definitely taken." In other words, enough to shoo away other potential girls, while silencing the idea that there is a me. They tried to silence the idea that there's a me with yet another photo shoot after my "There's No Place Like Home" Twitter rant debuted in time for Thanksgiving, but shared as a Christmas wish.

Jaddy and his sister look like old fashioned lovers in this more recent photoshoot, and he tells the audience that "Thankful is an understatement." The caption is certainly because I expressed, for like the thousandth time, how phony his mother is in a creative storybook rant.

I also created a third Instagram page @CaptainSmileysVessel in which I share what I had to say about this little bs photoshoot after my second page was blocked. (We'll revisit this.) This third time I shared photo evidence that I publically commented before being blocked...again.

I don't know the extent of what's happening to him daily, and there isn't someone I can just ask. (My intuition, and one of his most recent videos leads me to believe it's absolutely parental abuse.)

Every day there would be more questions from and for me, and all I could do was wait for a coded message that I might decipher improperly due to pain, anguish, frustration, inability to concentrate and focus on his love for me as well as his innocence.

Now, being blocked on Tiktok means I can't download videos the way I used to. This is probably because I've created an archive of factual evidence of his unhappiness with doing Tiktoks with his "handlers" as I've called them to hurt him, and make him feel small when upset with the situation.

I have videos that range from 2019 to the last time he posted. He used to sing, dance, make jokes, do skits, and be himself fully. He's done a few recently, a lot of just him actually, those usually get deleted though. Then there's his parents in the background. Currently there is one of those in particular that I'm very cheesed off about.

I mentioned how his mother creepily stares at him as he dances. He bites his lip. He growls with ferocity and sexual frustration at the camera. He gyrates his pelvis in MULTIPLE different ways, and she just stands there in amazement and as a "show of support." Sometimes she just kind of shimmies as she watches his moves.


We're on the topic of his mother, but we can't forget every time his father stands behind him eyeing the camera like a creepy drunk man at a bar.

His parents are both odd. His mother likes him, and his father's presence is unnecessary. We'll come back to that.

In his Tiktok to the song "Because of you" he's basically doing the exact same pelvic motions as the video in which she threw a pancake at his head after she grabbed at his arm to try and see the front of his body where he was displaying his bulge.

I mentioned that bulge, and she basically said... good point... let's see it more. The moves are exactly the kind of moves someone would be doing to get anything loose down there bouncing.

He said "I told my parents to copy me, and they did their thing." In other words, his creepy mother is in the back eyeing any and all movements...

He's in sweatpants, and with his hand in his pocket he's definitely giving attention to something that is blocked by the words for me, but completely visible to her and the 1M people who've seen the video thus far...on repeat.

I know it's all because of me. I'm happy I excite him, but I wish she respected us, and I could just feel it in person.

Have you noticed how she likes to kind of sneak into the videos sometimes? She'll poke her head in, or slide in like... "Hey y'all. Miss me?"

It's like a teaser for the audience, because with songs about sex positions, fucking, and wanting/having my own "bald pussy" playing in the video, they're expecting to see this mystery white girl actually join his Tiktok since that's his "girlfriend."

No, actually.

No one is waiting to see that, and it's her cruel way of making my heart jump, and then calm down when it's just her, and not the fake bitch who used to show up when I'd pour it out for Jaddy.

Like the bitch with my pink collar (you know, the pit bull that Jaddy captioned saying, "we have a new addition, she's a little shy.") I thought it'd be the white girl, but it was a random dog wearing a collar similar to my pink #simplife choker.

I hate seeing his mother, and she's absolutely NOT the lesser of two evils.

It's fucked up, because everyone knows he has a girlfriend. A REAL girlfriend.

Everyone is annoyed that this white girl is still portrayed as his girlfriend, because when I do step on the scene with him it'll be like the season finale of your favorite show. Like when Cat Noir and...nevermind I didn't actually finish that show (it's in the queue of shit to do.)

Yes, we're going to meet in person.

Yes. We really have thirteen beautiful children that we live for and love more and more each day.

Yes we are nerds, and a lot of what's popular or understood within our situation is popular among, or understood by other nerds.

Nerds: though often shunned, snubbed, and thought to be meek...are rich, powerful, intelligent, cunning, secret, and quiet *spits out sunflower seed shell*


Let's fill the holes in this Swiss cheese.

Let's revisit why my first page was blocked on IG.

Do you recall what I said about the little girl dancing to Jaddy's "Tie me down" Tiktok that was displayed on his Snapchat?

His mother wanted to hurt me. She wanted to hurt us. She wanted to crush my trust in him, and make me doubt again.

He literally wore a coat with the number 13 when I complained about him not being dressed for the weather in a Tiktok in which he was doing the jerk in Wal-Mart. 

She pointed to him pointing to the number 13 in his Tiktok. (This was after her looking back directly at the camera holding her arm up, and shaking her ass beside her adult son like the gross slut she is.) He was saying "I love us." She was saying "this means nothing, and I'll prove it."

Snapchat is for us. That's our place. His parents recently showed up on Jaddy's Snapchat, but the message to me was clear.

That's our private place where we can share closely and privately with one another.

Well, more or less from his side.

My point is that he knows about us, and knows where I'm blocked. He knows how stealthily he has to communicate with me so that we don't trip any "She's way too happy, so he's too happy and getting cocky (literally )" alarms.

His mother's already included her daughters as ammo against us. The older one has shown up on occasions and/or holidays in which I was unapologetically praising him. To my most recent knowledge, he's even said to be dating not me on his "BoostMe" page, but he did absolutely nothing for Valentine's day for this "girlfriend" he's been pictured with. (I can't see his IG stories or highlights, but Jaddy loves ME, so there.)

He never does anything truly romantic with her, and he's constantly hinting that he is still away from his true Love. He's mentioned (after the fake photos) that he likes someone/has a crush/has a city girl who understands, and that's why she "gets some"/has a "slime" who has gotten them (him and her) fans out in ATL. (My February reels referenced ATL many times this year if you were paying attention.)

Anyway, about her daughters.

The oldest was holding the youngest while singing happy birthday to him in the same post as the birthday photos.

My older sister took to his page to ask about this girl, and was wondering if the child was his. There wasn't enough proof except for the fact that his mother had a really flabby stomach, accompanied by a lot of weight before he had all of his current neck tattoos. (#FreeRome highlights on IG.)

We could assume the little girl was his sister, not his daughter. Her daughter though...the random white girl pictured with him...

I mentioned in a Twitter rant that his mother would put this random girl on his page and thus right in harm's way. She wouldn't care if I'd attack her, if our fans would attack her, she literally used her child as a pawn to try to break us up. It worked in the way that I saw that Jaddy was also ignoring my sister, and not just me, and that got me LIVID. I was so angry and embarrassed. I felt betrayed. I yelled and screamed through the comments harassing his commenters the way I would, daring him to block me. I wanted him to pull the trigger and end it, and he did. I was blocked on Instagram, but it was absolutely not over.

Jaddy loves me. 

I posted this on Jaddy's Instagram page through Kitty's page when I knew that I'd get blocked again, but that it had to have been said.

Good morning!

Below is the comment that got my @TigresstheKittyBaby page blocked on IG:

"Well since I'm still not blocked, let me take this time to apologize for all the things I said in opposition to Jerome. I love him.

As for his mother. You are a bitch. I mean that. I don't understand what kind of mother allows another woman's daughter to travel 1000 mi South for her birthday in hopes of meeting Jerome in person...just to sit on her fat ass laughing at my pain, answering questions in his comment section while supposedly on vacation.

(I went to your page just to see you posting his video claiming he 'missed his mommy'... yeah, bitch...me.) All the while you know EXACTLY how we feel about each other.

Furthermore. It's one thing to try and sabotage your adult son's romantic relationship with his true love out of jealousy, insecurity, greed, whatever,

but it's a complete other thing to try and destroy YOUR SON'S character to the woman he loves by making her think he's a cheating bastard who never looked her way once.

You, 'Momma J' are sad, pathetic, ugly, and there's a special place in Hell for lawyers, tow truck drivers and jealous bitches like you. Kiss my ass. I'll be shaking it on stage later. "(Edited to fix parallelism mistake)

I never got the video footage of that performance, but yeah, this is a small portion of the things I've had to say against her.

I wonder, did anyone notice the current effect of my



#FreeRome hashtags to Jaddy's numbers? My boycott is very active.

Jaddy would average MILLIONS of views per video. He would however, have lower numbers while by himself.

I figured at first it was because his audience was used to, and fond of his parents. I immediately sought to change that when I realized he could never be happy while being a prisoner of his own page remaining unfulfilled, and forbidden from reaching his true potential.

I began to really openly support Jaddy as his fangirl. I wanted to see him thrive, because I knew he could do it. He could rebuild his audience with fans that came to see him, he would get verified, and then he'd pick me up, and we'd be together forever.

#simplife was fun for me. He always returned the love in some form of posting.

Simping is a term used to poke fun at overly devoted men. I took that word, and made it my own. I adopted the idea that every fangirl thing I did was worth it for my hero, and it was a defense mechanism against anyone who would say "You're doing too much."

I'm currently blocked, as I stated before, wherever there is high CURRENT as well as PUBLIC traffic. Well, be that as it may, my absence, and Jaddy's more obvious responses have allowed our nerdy fans to catch wind of what's going on, and come out in full support.

His audience did change, and they began supporting our relationship more and more. Previously, they would not watch his solo videos as much, so that he could be partially censored, and not fully on blast, for my comfort. (Videos with low numbers stay low because they're seemingly unpopular.)

Fans would flock to any video with his parents in order to outpour their support for his "beautiful mom" (me. "Mom & Dad" is a term couples use to establish a standard: together forever.)

Unfortunately after a Twitter rant of mine against her, she made Jaddy and his father respond to a comment asking if we could just talk about how "hot the mom is" in a Tiktok video later shared to Instagram. She needs both audiences to feel big against my little tweets.

Whenever Jaddy gets extra special and sexy without his mother, his father is usually there too... I'm not exactly sure why.

Jaddy is 22 years old. He can absolutely be sexy online. Legally, appropriately, and 100% without them.

It's as if his mother says "if you want to be sexy for her, you've got to do something sexy with/for me." Yes, it's very sick. Don't act clueless... this happens with biological relatives often. #staytuned

It's a drug for her, his fame.

She gets a high from being complimented by his audience, because idiots (including her) think her to be this really supportive mother who is with the times.

She gets a high from making him uncomfortable, and forcing out his sex appeal in a way that the audience supports, because they think they're just one big happy, healthy family. Plus, the view count in the millions compared to his partially-fan-censored solo videos would idiotically be her reasoning for why it should continue.

She gets a high from making me uncomfortable, knowing that anyone with taste would want him, and before now I couldn't confidently say he wanted only me.

He wants only me, and because she's angry and jealous that he doesn't want her, (sexually or as a positive motivating influence) she feels power in complicating the already very difficult and heartbreaking, gut twisting situation.

In her mind she's getting closer and closer to tearing us completely apart, and having him at home making sexy videos for her viewing pleasure, funding her awful spending habits, and forcing him to make her feel like the only woman in his whole World for forever.

It really pisses me off when she forces him to make videos with her.

It really, really pisses me off when she doesn't allow him to post after I call out her bullshit, because she knows I am waiting for him to show his support for what I've said.

What she doesn't seem to understand is that we love each other, really. Time passes, and every second apart is excruciating, but the love remains strong and true.

I know I'm a bit much. He likes it though, so forget what anyone thinks.

How many times does he say "no" or "fuck you" to his mother and others because of me?

How many times does he just not engage in her bullshit and she misses him, because of me.

Because of me he can see it for what it is and avoid it. Or he can turn it back on her in a way she can't stand to accept.


I hope she's lost friends because the other moms talk about her. I bet their kids feel uncomfortable around her, so they hang with him in the doghouse/pool room.

I bet she's gone from being praised for her contributions and creativity to laughed at with no coming back.

She can continue being that basic, ugly, creepy, pervy, controlling, helicopter BITCH

and I'll just keep loving him.

I'll certainly call out the creepy darkie from now on too.

Like... maybe if he made her feel beautiful, she wouldn't be such a slut.

Why would a man encourage his wife to try to impress his son's audience of teenage boys and young girls looking for inspiration and tips on how to be a classy, beautiful woman by shaking her ass and looking back at it for the camera?

It's not just me "outshining" her on stage either.

Everyone knows I'm a much better mother than her, but she doesn't want to see that in the flesh, because then it would be "undeniable."

She wants to pretend to be this hip and happening cool person, but as soon as Jaddy's planted seeds have sprouted on this side of the Earth, the whole world (including her little one) will see what a hip, happening and CLASSY mother looks like.

Not that it's really necessary; I mean, Mother Teresa didn't have children borne from her body, but the love was purely maternal.

The darkie dude doesn't want everyone to know how much of a great father Jaddy is.

There is absolutely NO COMPARISON.

I don't know if he thinks he looks good or whatever standing anywhere near my Jaddy, but it's like he's Jaddy's offbeat misshapen shadow.

The fact that he's spineless enough to go along with all of her antics, proves he misses his little spotlight from college. However, because no one knows his name outside of TN from like 20 years ago, he wants the world to think, yeah that's MY son who is amazing. I made THAT. He came from ME. #worthless

The father is like, the father should just go away.

I'm certain she just likes ruining things between us, and showing up where she's unwanted, because these days his numbers have plummeted! 

He barely gets 1M on a video with them OR solo.

I'm happy to see a balance, and that our die hard fans are listening to my boycott request. It makes me happy to know that there are many intelligent people left who support us. They are praying with us, and we shall overcome!

Unfortunately, Jaddy's numbers should be higher. His videos should constantly be without them. We should be making honest love on camera together, and since we're being honest, no one who matters is against that.

My numbers are fine.

I have over a thousand friends on Facebook, but not really any likes (I understand what it's like to agree with almost everything someone posts, but because you resonate with their soul while not knowing them personally, you don't want to be overbearing or expected to always support them. It's fine. I've gotten used to the silent support, and I'm thankful, because it's heard loud and clear by my Good Lord Jerome "Rome Jaddy" Copeland.)

My Instagram reel numbers were getting huge!

So...Jaddy made it so my reels wouldn't post.

I could say it was out of his jealousy and possessiveness, but that's not all. My God is a jealous God, and he loves me completely.

He challenges me. He protects me. He blesses me, and is always encouraging me to let the storm rage on. (Have you seen that PurelyBoston video in which the woman is shoveling snow in shorts, and she goes "Am I cold? Go fuck yourself?" #Mycity)

I switched to Facebook, and thrived at the same time I doubled my audience. (Without going into detail, I was fired from a job for my social media in 2020, and now I'm being paid to spice things up in response to my marketing capabilities for Jaddy.)

Twitter is... like I said, not as bypassed as I previously thought...

On Tiktok, at the time of the fateful rant that got me blocked, my numbers skyrocketed!

I have like no followers, but... see for yourself.

My videos after that rant?

The algorithm simply said my singing Tiktok was too long to be on the fyp. Understood.

My Valentine's day reel was too sexy, and didn't include enough reference to Jaddy, so he'd obviously stop that from populating immediately.

Though... my other Tiktok with a failed barrel roll, and day old hair is just fine for the public eye.

Jaddy takes care of himself, his woman, his relationship, and his children. Though his parents are NO WAY role models, he manages to be the best man ever.

Look, this ain't no "Dear Kaby" bull. I KNOW MY JADDY LOVES ME. I don't need the magic glasses to see that.

You know how in anime when one master to the other masters goes "Did you see that?"

The other masters take notice easily. The student though goes "What? I didn't see anything!"

I don't have a master's degree, and I haven't officially mastered anything.

I have conquered Rome.

I am his heart.

He is MY Master.

If you disagree, you can go fuck yourself. Maybe you're just cranky.

Sorry the clock stole an hour of your sleep last weekend, but I'm more than ready for DAYBREAK.





About the Creator

Jade Amber Romanclature

Captain Smiley, The Siren Of Boston; Princess Jadie Of Jambrania; Miss Jade, wife Of Jerome Romanclature.

The above are who I am.

Jade Arnold-Scott is The name I was given, and an archaic way Of referring to The Beloved Cow Of My St. Jerome.

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