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Is there really such a thing as going grey? What's the reason?

harmony in our life

By Zongyao CaoPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

One summer vacation, the family was already living in a very tight because both parents were laid off from state-owned enterprises had already entered complete poverty. I don't know if anyone believes it, nor do I know if there is the same person, anyway, I am the kind of modern city in the 21st century will often have no food hungry to go to school helpless pain children, why not eat, because the family has no money, can sell things have already sold out.

The bad news of this summer was not only that I passed the provincial exam, but also that my father, who was a weak scholar, could not find work as a mason and fell from the third floor with a broken arm because he was not used to working on the handframe.

Well, fortunately, the foreman helped pay my father's medical bills; The next best thing is to live with my uncle's grandmother is retired teacher treatment is good, promised to help me pay tuition.

Do you feel like there's love in the world?

Pay for a few days the foreman disappeared, and my uncle is right is my father's brother in my school day before suddenly appeared, told his brother is right is my father: "Grandma will not come to pay tuition for the little sister." Why? Because my uncle thought that I was just lucky and my little sister didn't have the intelligence to study and didn't waste money, so he locked my grandmother in the house and asked my parents very sincerely to find me a job as a salesgirl in Metersbonwe or Banilu to earn money immediately and not drag them down.

My mom was crying, and my dad called me to my hospital bed and told me to get a pen and paper, and he dictated a letter, and he told me to go to school and find the person who was going to be my head teacher but I had no idea who it was. The CONTENT OF the letter is basically that the child must study, but the money is really difficult to raise, I hope the head teacher can help this child, a few days grace or relief. I can't remember the exact words, but for some reason I remember four of them: "Charge. Loans. No. Door." -- Why did my father, who was full of books, ask for a loan? Why did my kind and weak mother drop her dignity to ask for a loan but get no way?

Do not know, also do not want to understand, I took that piece of paper in the hot sun ran to the school east ask west ask, but the future teacher in charge of the teacher seems to be not in the school, hungry in the school until dark did not find him. It feels like everything is my fault, right? Kids with no aptitude for reading don't take exams. Metersbonwe makes over 800 a month. The sin is not pardonable I hold that piece of paper has been sweaty hand back to the hospital, with mom and dad honest explanation.

"I can't find the teacher. I won't go tomorrow. I'll go to work."

Mother let me go home to sleep, the next day was my mother directly picked up from the bed without a word took me to the school, find the class teacher is doing enrollment. I shivered and took out the letter paper, numb to listen to the teacher and mother's dialogue, shame and anger blocked my throat, half a word can not say. I knew the end result would be, I don't have to pay anything, I just get in.

When he returned to the hospital, he found that his dark hair had turned gray overnight, waiting for news from us.

Of course, I went to high school and college and got a job. Working hard to the death, three years to pay off the family before all the foreign debt; Just a short time ago, I paid a down payment on a small house for my parents in my hometown. They finally have a home. The little sister who used to wait in the hot sun with a begging letter and an empty stomach is now the so-called global fly-half whose parents often show off to the neighbors.

: well, I have said that I grow very beautiful, but I never use face to change what, I don't want to live up to his father one night to gray hair, nor to live up to his mother that year through tears, I must try to do something you can reach all size, must be treated with the greatest kindness and wisdom is the cause of the world, The world has hinted a truth to me through my homeroom teacher:

"If one person does the best he or she can, the world is bound to be a better place for it."

I must pass this truth on.


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