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Is there an association between autism and stubbornness?

Exploring the Link

By Dr Prashantt JoshiiPublished 3 months ago 4 min read
Is there an association between autism and stubbornness?
Photo by Alireza Attari on Unsplash

Comprehending the trait of Stubbornness in individuals with autism

It is important to recognize that there is a distinction between stubbornness and rigidity. Stubbornness is characterized by an unwavering commitment to maintain a particular attitude or perspective without any intention of altering it. Meanwhile, rigidity refers to the incapacity to modify or adjust.

Autism is often characterized by a significant amount of inflexibility. However, it is important to note that stubbornness and rigidity are not interchangeable terms in relation to autism.

A significant number of youngsters diagnosed with autism have difficulty in adapting to changes in their daily routines. It disrupts their rhythm and can result in meltdowns or other complications. That is inflexibility.

However, autistic individuals exhibit a strong resistance to altering their views, whereas stubbornness may be modified.

It is crucial to discern whether the problem your child is experiencing is attributable to stubbornness or inflexibility. Upon determining whether your youngster is exhibiting stubbornness, you can collaborate with them to surmount this stubborness.

Sensory connection refers to the relationship between the senses and how they interact and communicate with each other.

There could be a correlation between your child's stubbornness and their sensory perception. If your child exhibits reluctance to engage in an activity that you are promoting, it could be attributed to a previous instance where said activity caused them to experience sensory overload.

They may possess sensory hypersensitivity, and the action you desire from them elicits particular stimuli that can cause a strong reaction. They could require a coping strategy or positive reinforcement to alleviate the worry they are experiencing.

Children with autism may experience sensory overload, resulting in feelings of being overwhelmed. Consequently, this can result in obstinate conduct.

Benefits of being Stubborn

Although being stubborn can provide difficulties in day-to-day living, there are also advantages to being stubborn individuals.They have the ability to inspire others, are tenacious, resolute, and reluctant to compromise their morals.

1. Decisiveness

When it comes to being stubborn, autistic children usually know what they want. They are moving in the direction they desire, if they have one.

2. Tenacity

While the expression of tenacity may vary among individuals, many autistic children demonstrate resilience and determination in pursuing their goals and navigating the world around them.

3. Conviction

Those who are stubborn have a tendency to have strong opinions. It can occasionally result in undesirable actions, but it can also be beneficial.

4. Compromise

One of the obstinate behaviors that has both beneficial and harmful aspects is this one. When someone is stubborn and doesn't get their way, even something as basic as where or when to eat dinner can become a problematic situation.

However, a refusal to make concessions may be the difference between making the right or wrong choice if someone is trying to persuade someone else to act improperly.

5. Motivating

When combined, these positive traits might inspire others in the stubborn individual. Someone who is tenacious, resolute, and unafraid to stand their ground might be just what the world needs to motivate the following wave of educators, physicians, or global leaders.

By Anna Kolosyuk on Unsplash

Controlling Stubbornness

The majority of people would prefer to avoid attempting to communicate with someone who is unyielding. But, collaborating to control stubborn habits can result in a stronger, more fulfilling relationship with the autistic individuals in your life.

Among the strategies to control stubbornness are:

Maintaining your composure might assist your loved one recognize your social cues and prevent things from getting worse.

1.Be understanding:

This management strategy relies heavily on communication. As you listen, assist the person in identifying the source of their intransigence. Make sure you are speaking to them, not at them, and use basic language.

2.Pose basic questions:

It could be preferable to start by asking "yes" or "no" questions to someone who is being obstinate. They will become aware of the circumstances and be able to control their emotions as a result.

3.Visual cues:

Parents, you might need to use these to persuade a youngster who is being difficult. Children with autism frequently hear words but may not necessarily process them. Giving your autistic children visual aids could aid in their comprehension of the scenario.


Dealing with a stubborn youngster who adamantly refuses to engage in a certain activity, even if it is a straightforward task that could potentially benefit them, can be challenging. Anxiety, sensory sensitivities, disruptions to established patterns, and the demands of daily life can have a more profound impact on individuals than we may fully comprehend.

Nevertheless, implementing efficient tactics to assist individuals in handling persistent habits and discerning when stubbornness is a favorable characteristic might enable us to offer the essential guidance required for their success.

Experience a profound and life-changing expedition with 'Autism Parenting Made Easy: Practical Strategies for Everyday Life' authored by Dr. Prashantt Joshii. This empathetic manual offers a wealth of expert knowledge, pragmatic approaches, and a deep comprehension of the difficulties and rewards associated with parenting a child with autism. Explore this amazing resource and uncover a plethora of techniques to foster not just your child's development but also the fortitude and adaptability within your family. Now offering guidance for your individual parenting journey—because every child needs an advocate, and every parent deserves steadfast assistance.


About the Creator

Dr Prashantt Joshii

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