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Is It True That Dating Will Help Me Move On?

Does Dating Aid in Recovery?

By NizolePublished about a year ago 19 min read
Is It True That Dating Will Help Me Move On?
Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

There's a misconception that states, "The greatest way to get over someone is to get under someone else," or, alternatively, that you should start dating someone new in order to move on from your ex.

However, does dating really aid in healing? Most people assume that you've officially moved on if you're seeing someone new, thus one of the numerous things people say when someone is suffering heartbreak is, "You need to move on," which is code for "find someone else."

But does going through a painful breakup necessitate using someone else physically or emotionally to go beyond your past?

Though it is difficult, moving on is definitely doable. We'll examine if dating may aid in getting over someone in this post.

What Is Meant by "Moving On"?

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Not continually thinking about your ex is a sign that you've moved on. It entails refraining from blaming oneself for the breakdown of the relationship or ruminating on possible outcomes or what the relationship may have become.

It entails not experiencing a sense of paralysis during your whole life.

Moving beyond an ex requires letting go of bitter or angry thoughts about them. It entails refraining from looking at their social media or attempting to learn who they are dating. It entails refraining from contacting them by phone or text and requesting a reconciliation.

It's a procedure that might take a while to finish. It entails accepting the breakdown of the partnership and focusing on your own life. Even if the relationship may not have worked out, you can go on knowing that you experienced life and gained knowledge.

Does Dating Aid in Moving Past Your Ex?

By Magnet.me on Unsplash

It does sometimes, but it also doesn't.

While some individuals think it's crucial to go beyond an ex before dating again, others think there's no need to put off finding love simply because they're trying to heal.

For a variety of reasons, people turn to date as a strategy to aid in their transition:

It can be an ego boost.

They could be diverted from coping with the hurt of a breakup.

They may use it to make their ex-lovers envious.

They could lose sight of their ex as a result.

All of the aforementioned motives for dating are inappropriate and may lead to self-sabotage since they impede the healing process.

You experience a spectrum of emotions after experiencing heartbreak, all of which you must deal with in order to go on.

You may mostly prevent experiencing the anguish of being alone by dating someone fresh. perhaps both. However, it's not a good way to move on. Before deciding that you should start dating someone fresh, consider the following:

Do I date to satisfy a need? Am I avoiding anything here?

By Dominic Sansotta on Unsplash

Is this new person someone I actually care about, and am I prepared to give them my all?

Why Doesn't Dating Aid in Moving On?

In today's world, you may instantaneously connect with someone fresh by swiping right or left, so society has taught us to cope with heartbreak by "getting back out there."

It's a terrible fact of the world in which we now reside.

Additionally, since humans are sociable animals and we value connections, we anticipate being surrounded by other people. Because of this, the majority of individuals feel the need to resume dating in order to help them move on.

How long after a breakup should you wait before moving on?

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You lost despite loving. Perhaps you're wondering how long it should be before you start dating again in the hopes of finding someone as good as you were before.

There are primarily two approaches to dating after a breakup. One is the practice of "rebounding," or dating immediately after a breakup. This approach is harmful and detrimental to oneself.

The other is challenging, but it's the most crucial: progress slowly until you're well again. Moving on is a process that isn't necessarily linear since the healing process is influenced by a variety of variables. How long the connection lasted is one of the crucial elements.

An excellent general rule of thumb is to hold off between six months and a year if you have been in a long-term relationship (a few years). You could possibly need additional time depending on how you are feeling. On the other side, if the relationship wasn't long-lasting, you could require less time to move on.

There is no set formula or number that determines how long anything will take. You'll ultimately have to return to the dating scene, however. However, try to wait a few months to digest, lament the end of your previous relationship, and heal completely before moving on.

When Can Dating Aid in Moving Forward?

Most of the time, dating does not aid in moving on. There are a few instances, nevertheless, in which dating may be advantageous.

If The Relationship Ended Quickly

Dating might assist you in ending a brief romance and moving on. It's possible that you didn't date the other individual for very long.

As a result, you didn't fully understand or explore your spouse. You may not have been very involved or devoted to the relationship as a result.

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If You Were To Lose Your Partner

It's typical to lose a romantic interest. After experiencing some significant life changes together, long-term spouses are more susceptible to it. These incidents have the power to either reunite them or drive them apart. Typical indications that your romantic relationship has ended include:

A butterfly has vanished.

Sex life is awful.

You no longer feel as if your spouse is a reliable source of assistance.

You sense that the connection is lacking something.

You lack the drive to work hard to keep the connection together.

They no longer pique your interest.

Not seeing them again wouldn't bother you at all.

Dating may help you move on more quickly if you've lost love with your relationship because you're ready to be vulnerable with someone else.

If You're Changing to a Better Thing

Your previous relationship can be obsolete since you've discovered someone who is more suited for you. Moving on may be made simple if you find someone with whom you are better connected.

What Can Aid in Your Progress?

Here are some recommendations for getting over a breakup.

Permitting yourself to feel

When experiencing sorrow, it's simple to push the depressing emotions aside and act as if they don't exist. But it's crucial to express all of your emotions.

Try not to squelch them.

Give yourself permission to weep and experience sadness. If necessary, spend a few days or weeks listening to a playlist of breakup music, or if necessary, spend the whole day in bed.

You need all of this to be able to digest what occurred.

Try activities you like alone.

If you had a long-term relationship with your ex, you may have had to put your happiness on hold so they could pursue their passions.

Spend this time rediscovering who you are and engaging in activities that make you happy.

Exercise, prepare your favorite foods, binge-watch your preferred TV series, or do anything else that brings you joy. You may feel more confident and like you value yourself as a result of this.

Connect with family and friends

Even though you may not want to socialize, spending time with your loved ones might help you get over an ex. Give them a call or text when you have time.

Get out of the home and engage in enjoyable activities with your partner, like hiking. Maintaining contact with your loved ones might help you stay mentally active.

Get Rid of Anything That Makes You Think of Your Ex

Having things that remind you of them might evoke unpleasant feelings. So get rid of anything that brings them to mind.

It could be in the form of images, videos, texts, presents, or even their clothing.

Unfollow or block them on social media, if necessary. Get rid of, donate, or otherwise dispose of any memorabilia.

Consider the lessons you've learned.

Time is never wasted in a relationship. No of how long the relationship has lasted, try not to see it as a failure. Even if things didn't work out, you didn't waste your time.

We may learn a lot about ourselves and others through breakups. There are many things you may discover about love, self-worth, insecurities, worth, and value.

Don't obsessively consider what went wrong or what may have been. Use this opportunity to change your life instead.

Is Dating Someone While Not Over Your Ex Okay?

Okay? No, not always. Advisable? Possibly not.

If you have unresolved concerns and emotions for your ex, you are not over them. The problem is that until you start dating again, you can't claim or know for sure that you're totally over them. This does not imply that you begin dating again two or three weeks after a breakup, however. Most likely, you won't recover in that short a time.

Spend as much time as is necessary to prevent dating for the wrong reasons. In the event that you are attracted to someone but are still processing your breakup, be upfront with them about your unresolved emotions. Your new love may be haunted by rebound romances.


If you're still clinging to the hurt of the past, dating someone fresh won't help you move on. The only thing left to do before moving on is to make sure you've worked on getting over a breakup.

Relationships may, in fact, alter the course of our life. Exes are always a part of who we are. Most importantly, we should take the positives from the past and apply them to better ourselves.

Finally, if you think you may want to date again in the future, give yourself some alone time beforehand. Consider your ideal future partner and what you can do to make it happen. Although it takes time, it may aid in your progress.

Seven Steps To End A Relationship

It's Hard to Move On

I'll be up forward with you: It's difficult to move on. If it weren't for my encounter with G, I may believe that moving on entails only leaving the past behind us. You mean you want to continue? Just put the past behind you! Rise above it. Think about the future. Maintain a schedule of additional activities.

Oh no, not that simple. While they do provide some assistance, I came to the realization that there is more at play. No matter how hard I tried, the past still hung over me like a veil, influencing how I saw myself, made choices, and behaved. This didn't occur to me until after I reached the insights that enabled me to let go. Ultimately, I had to let go of old baggage and sort through ingrained false notions before I could really go on. All of these need for the capacity to reason deliberately and to retain a degree of impartiality, which is challenging given that such issues are often connected to intense grief and wounded pride.

We often mistakenly believe that we have moved on. For the last several years, I experienced this. Although I felt I had moved on for the longest period, I had not deliberately. Thinking you've moved on and really moving on are two very different things. In the former, you unknowingly continue to live in the shadow of that person or relationship. You may believe that you are free from the person and your old memories, but in reality, you are still imprisoned in your mind. You are unable to get new stuff as a result.

7 Telltale Signs You Haven't Moved On

when you often consider the individual.

even when you don't want to, you find yourself thinking about them.

when you often think back on your prior interactions with them—typically nice or sweet ones.

When you are feeling down and alone, when they are the first person who comes to mind.

when you still regret the past and have doubts about it. You ponder what may have been or why a certain outcome didn't occur.

When you put someone else, yourself, or the situation to blame for how things ended out.

when the very idea or sight of them causes particular emotional responses, such as dread, worry, annoyance, or resignation.

Resilience Requires Time

The process of moving on will take some time, possibly more than you anticipate. I'm not just talking about moving on on the surface level; I'm talking about getting completely cleaned of any remaining hang-ups and scars from the experience.

Before I could entirely free myself from G's shadow and our fictitious relationship, it took me four long years. I often felt I had moved on after having a new realization, only to later learn there was still more inner baggage to be released. This didn't imply I wasn't making strides earlier; it only meant the emotional scar was more substantial than I had first believed.

A truckload of luggage was cleared throughout the course of these 4 years. Since I was actively living consciously, the quantity of baggage that had been kept inside of me all these time truly startled me. For starters, it confirmed that the path to conscious evolution is a continuous one. Two: It demonstrated that a lot of mental baggage is mostly self-made since it was built over a very short period of time (we initially split after 1.5 years of knowing each other). Our presumptions about people, circumstances, how relationships should work, etc., add to the problem.

It's time to let go of what may have been if you're still hanging on to it. No more mental anguish or restraints. Stop delaying your goals because they won't materialize.

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Before you can really move on, it could take multiple stages, depending on how profound the emotional effect was. Consider it a journey rather than a simple Yes/No decision. Whatever you choose to accomplish, you will undoubtedly advance each step of the way. Whether it's bitter or sweet, you are letting go of baggage one piece at a time. Each action is a healing act in and of itself.

7 Practical Steps To End A Relationship

1. Take your luggage out. Recognize, accept, and let go of your emotions.

Every failed relationship leaves behind baggage. You would have developed more baggage if your relationship had been (a) more prolonged and (b) more intense. The overall period that G and I were in close, frequent contact was between 2.5 and 3 years. Compared to prior times, it wasn't too lengthy, but I still had a lot of mental clutter to unload! I assume there must be a lot more for you to cope with if your relationship was longer.

We'll travel with a combination of sorrow, regret, hope, and disappointment in our luggage. Your baggage will likely contain hatred, sadness, rage, fear, embarrassment, and other more extreme emotions if the relationship was passionate. It's normal to experience this. Whatever the feeling, allow yourself to feel it completely. This implies that you should feel your dislike for the individual. Soak in your melancholy if you're feeling down. If you must grieve, then by all means do so. cry if necessary. Spend some alone time processing these emotions. Don't keep them out. Accept and embrace them.

Don't hold things in because, as we all know, they will blow up unexpectedly in the future. You may have heard of folks who say they were able to move on by completely ignoring or turning off their feelings. Although they may believe they have moved on, the truth is that the problem has just been buried to the point that it no longer draws attention. It resembles having a wound that has healed on the outside but contaminants still lurk under the scar. All the dirt must be cleaned in order to finish the cleaning procedure. You must first recognize and embrace your sentiments in order to achieve this.

2. Realize that he or she is not right for you

You probably continue to think of him/her as "the one" for you, which is a major factor in why you can't go on. Simply said, you can't see being with anybody else than him/her. Such obsessions are harmful. This makes you continue to wait impatiently for a "someday" that will never arrive. Additionally, it causes a lot of mental projections, both on you and on the other person.

I've come to the conclusion that the person is not right for you if there is not a genuine want to be with them. I've always believed that if there is a sincere purpose, any challenge can be surmounted. Anything else might emerge as an "excuse" for not being together if the purpose isn't there.

Perhaps this isn't the perfect person for you if you keep telling yourself that you two will be together if the situation, the timing, or you as a person improve. These requirements are indicators that this relationship is not meant to be. Because in the end, it isn't about being at the right place at the right time. It concerns whether or whether they are the proper choice. No matter how inappropriate the setting or circumstance, if he/she is the proper person, you two would have been together. It is termed the appropriate person for this reason.

By Hannah Skelly on Unsplash

3. To your intimate pals, divulge

You do not need to experience this alone. Your friends are there for you to support, encourage, and assist you get through this time.

Looking back, I'm not sure how I would have handled this ordeal if my close friends hadn't been there. Absolutely nice. Other close friends include someone I knew in high school, a buddy from junior college, my godbrother from when I was 15, and my closest friend from college. When I was low, these folks were there to listen to me and provide me encouragement. I'm so glad for who they are and our friendships because of their incredibly patient nature. Without a doubt, this experience has made our friendships stronger.

4. Reduce your interaction with them

Every wound's first healing phase is always the most sensitive. You wouldn't want anything to approach your wound at this time and aggravate it. Not, in particular, the things that the wound is vulnerable to. Because of this, if cutting off communication with them at first is what it takes to move on more quickly, it could be helpful.

5. Seek a resolution with them

There will be many silent words, unanswered questions, and unreleased feelings toward the conclusion of an unrequited or broken relationship. such as: Why did he/she harm me in this way? What exactly was he or she experienced at the time? Has he/she ever been fond of me? Why couldn't the situation be resolved? Even if you make an effort to explain them away, they will still be there, begging for an explanation.

You may get closure by discussing your feelings with the other person. Make a list of everything you want to say, any hesitations you had, and any questions you've always wanted to ask. Set up a sincere conversation with them to clear the air with these inquiries. Request their perspective on the situation. Listen. Talk it over. Look for a solution in his or her own words.

In the end, you will discover that it is more important that there was a response than the actual answer. It resembles the last piece of the puzzle. You can be assured of where he or she stands as a result.

Some of you may wonder, "What if he/she sidesteps the subject or refuses to address the query(s)?" If so, then avoidance is the solution in and of itself. The action may be interpreted in any way you like—as irresponsible player, evasive, hesitant, or conflicted—but the fact remains that the person avoided. Perhaps he or she is simply not worth it if they can't even provide you with the appropriate response you need.

6. Pardon him/her

This potent notion was offered in a book about forgiveness that I once read. It was said that every time we fail to forgive someone, we are truly failing to forgive ourselves.

It seems logical, doesn't it? It's not the other person who carries your wrath and bitterness when you feel that way about them. You are it. For what it's worth, it's likely that the other person is unaware of your feelings for them. The only one moving the luggage around is you. I think that you are bitter or angry with yourself on a deeper level for allowing yourself to be damaged by this individual. I experienced what occurred.

It may be really draining to carry around all these weighty feelings. It's like carrying around a large mound of corpses wherever you go. You must be emotionally and psychologically worn out by the incident. If you continue to lug them along, you won't go very far.

Forgive yourself before you can forgive him or her. Consider how much enjoyment you are depriving yourself of by hanging onto your complaints. Consider how, by continuing to carry this baggage, you are stopping yourself from experiencing your true love. Holding on to something prevents you from experiencing new things in life. Accept responsibility for putting yourself through this ordeal. Accept responsibility for all that has occurred. You will automatically forgive the other person as you forgive yourself.

7. Practice what you love.

Steps 1-6 particularly address the issue's source and are connected to your inner world. While it's necessary to spend time in your inner world, don't stay in this stage for too long. Participate in certain activities. What cheers you up, specifically? What activities, interests, or pursuits energize you? Exercising? Jogging? Swimming? Cycling? Rollerblading? Traveling? Leaving with friends? Movies? Taking in a drama? Doing some reading? Participate in them.

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