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In Darkness, May You See the Light

The Dragon and the Haunted Toddler

By A. MarlerPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
For Luke

The boy had wandered into the woods and I became afraid. The woods were dangerous and he was so small and defenseless. Without a second thought, I flew over the trees, scanning urgently for the child. When at last I found him, his head was on his knees, his arms wrapped around his legs, and his shoulders shook with sobs. So alone was the boy who sat on the dirty floor. I did not understand how he could give up. Did he really think I'd abandon him? Movement caught my attention and I looked in horror. Darkness seemed to be caving around him and I could see the fear starting to take hold. Why was he afraid? Was he afraid because he was alone? Or was he afraid of the dark?

When his eyes met mine, I thought he would run screaming. Instead he just turned away. I felt his hopelessness wash over me. The dark began to creep toward him again and I saw shapes in them. They looked like shadows. I sensed their frustration and anger. They were trying to take hold of this child. I would not let them take him! If he would not fight, I would be his warrior! With a roar, I dove, blasting them with fire. I placed myself between them and the boy, determined to protect him at all costs. The shadows screamed and fought the flames. At first I wasn't sure if it would be enough. I blew more fire, determined to not let them win. The shadows moved quickly, trying to find an opening. I snapped and growled, trying to prove to them that they could not have this boy.

Finally the shadows retreated. I let out a growl. If they ever returned, I'd be ready.

The boy seemed happier then. A glow seemed to emanate off of his being. My chest swelled with pride. I had done it! The battle was won and now he was free!

As I looked around, I noticed the darkness had lifted and the sun was shining brightly. The warmth made me shiver and I took the boy by the hand and began to guide him out of the woods. Despite the light, I couldn't help thinking the darkness was still there, always in my peripherals, ready to strike at any second.

For a while he let me lead him on. I tried to relax and enjoy his company. He was pretty smart for his young age. There was such a spark of joy and excitement in him that made me laugh. His bursts of kindness and love made my heart grow with pride. This was my boy. Nothing would take him from me!

Then the storm came. Clouds banished the sun's light and the shadows eagerly jumped forward to claim their victory. The boy's light dimmed as sadness took over again. I used my body to protect him from the next battle. Having seen the boy's light, I was even more intent on protecting it at any cost. Nothing was more precious to me.

The shadows slammed into my flame. They scratched, kicked, and yelled with such ferocity that it almost took my breath away. How was I going to win this battle? How was I going to protect this innocent child? I had never imagined shadows could attack with such violence and be almost indestructible against my dragon fire. I couldn't give up. If I gave up, the shadows would have him and then I'd be lost. I roared and my flame was everywhere. I kept a wall between us and yet the shadows would move it aside like a curtain to try to get through. This time I used my sharp claws to attack the onslaught of shadows. They reared back in alarm as my nails slashed through them. Again, I burst fire from my mouth. My adrenaline and panic made the flame hotter until finally the shadows retreated.

A flash of lightening reminded me of the storm and I lifted my weary head to feel the cold rain drops splash on my face.

I dropped to the ground in exhaustion. The fight had taken so much out of me this time. Finally, when I looked at the boy, I shrieked in alarm. A shadow had found him. I could see the panic in the boy's eyes, but no words came from his lips. Instead he screamed and thrashed in an anguish that I couldn't fix. Tears streamed down my cheeks. I had failed him. My light was starting to fade with my despair.

Taking a deep, shuddering breath, I stood tall. He was only a child. He did not deserve this! I would do whatever it took to free him of the shadow that had taken hold! I would not give up! A warmth took hold of my heart, my skin glowing with the endless love that I felt. I embraced him firmly, my wings wrapping around his body as he struggled. I felt his cold body and tried pressing my warmth into him. At first it seemed as if he was resisting. The shadow seemed to squirm uncomfortably within him. I would not let go. He was mine to protect!

His body warmed slightly and I gasped at the small achievement. He gave a final squirm, trying to slash through the thin skin of my wings that protected him. My warmth continued to press into him. All my love absorbed into his skin. Finally the shadow broke free and shot off into the darkness. Warmth spread back through the boy and when I finally let go and looked at his rosy cheeks, I saw that the rain had stopped and the sun had burst through the clouds.

"I am not giving up on you, my son," I told the boy. "I will always be there to fight your demons. With me, you are never lost."

With that, I pulled the small child onto my back and jumped into the air. My great wings spread out over the tops of the trees and pushed us higher. His bursting laughs of glee kept us warm and full of light. With a joyful determination, I carried him out of the woods for good.


About the Creator

A. Marler

I primarily write fictional stories, varying in time periods and sub-genres. Constructive criticism is always welcome as I want to continue to improve!

I am a mom of 3 rambunctious boys with a love of many, many things!

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    A. MarlerWritten by A. Marler

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