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In a Millennial Generation

The Water Sign

By Kelsey TownsendPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
In a Millennial Generation
Photo by Daniels Joffe on Unsplash

Shit, I think to myself as I another sip of my Dunkin Donuts coffee, my eyes focused on the road in front of me.

I was late again. Not just a 3 minutes, or even 10 minutes, it was getting closer and closer to more like 2o minutes or even 25 minutes.

It's not the fact that I would get in trouble for being this late (because let's face it, at this point, my bosses knew me, I was always late), I was more irritated with the snowbird traffic that was stopping me from making a right hand turn into my work's parking lot.

I mean, I was late, but not late enough to not stop and get my large, iced caramel swirl coffee, cream only, so it made sense for me to be totally and utterly irritated with the traffic that seemed to sludge like a snail just outside from my office, because that traffic, my friends, is what "really" was making me late now.

I sat back in my seat, succumbing to the slow traffic, realizing I may now be more like 30 minutes or even 45 minutes late.

Realizing how quite it was in my car, I went ahead and turned up the volume on the radio.

"Well, it says right here, if you were born in 1986, you are considered a millennial, Gen Y, specifically. So that would mean, Mindy, that you are in fact a millennial, as much as you may want to deny it."

This perked my ears. My 14 year old son was always making fun of me, telling me that I was a millennial, but I never truly believed him. Of course I should have, I mean this kid was a too smart for his own good kind of kid, and even when I 100% thought I was right about something, he was usually proving me wrong.

"I just don't get it. I have none of the characteristics of a Gen Y. I mean they say that we are lazy, narcissistic and that we tend to jump from job to job. I mean come on guys, I have been with the radio station for what? 8 years now? And I am definitely not lazy or narcissistic. I wonder if this has to also do with your zodiac sign because I'm a water baby."

I assumed this was now Mandy speaking on the radio. She was born in 1986 like me, and was also an Aquarius, this made for an interesting radio station. Turning up the volume on the station, I now was hoping that the snowbird traffic would take it's time so that maybe I could learn a few things about myself.

"I'm not 100% sure if you being an Aquarius has anything to do with the fact that you don't exhibit the "normal" Gen Y characteristics, but I did read on PrepScholar blog that Aquarians don't have a single, clear shape so they tend to defy categorization. Which, I mean, to me, would make the most sense about you, Mandy."


I almost jumped out of my seat, looking into the review mirror behind me to see who had honked at me. Realizing that traffic had in fact moved 1/2 of an inch, I creeped forward, all the while dead staring the Karen behind me.

I mean, I knew it was my fault for paying more attention to my radio than to the traffic in front of me, but come on Karen, we moved like 5 inches!

Shaking my head, I focused my attention back onto the radio program. I couldn't believe everything that they were saying. So far, every bit of what they were saying made complete sense about myself!

"... compassionate, intelligent, problem solver, artistic or I guess maybe creative might be the same as that? As far as "bad" characteristics, I guess sometimes, and this only because I know you also outside of work, is that you have a bit of a temper."

"I do not!" Exclaimed Mandy.

"Oh come on, don't be shy," laughed the other radio host.

"Okay, okay, maybe... sometimes... once in awhile, I can tend to have bursts of slightly exaggerated angry," Mandy giggled.

"And that's okay! At leas you are admitting it, that's the first step."

"Oh geez," Mandy laughed, "What is this now, Dr. Phil?"

The rest of the voices on the show burst out laughing, as did I myself. Taking a minute to think about all that they were saying, it was all true!

Here I was, a young 35 year old mom, born in 1986, Gen Y, birth date February 14, clearly making the Aquarius cut off and I had bad temper bursts, sometimes out of nowhere, mainly I believe from when I let things build up inside, and I was definitely compassionate, I loved to write, which would my creative side. I would consider myself highly intelligent and a problem solver as well. Curious to hear more, I turned up the volume a bit more, as I finally put my car in park, seeing how we hadn't moved in the last 5 minutes.

"... and it says here on PrepScholar that in relationships Aquarians like independence, and give their partner the same. They also say that Aquarians are committed to their relationships, often willing to make sacrifices for for the sake of their relationship."

"Well, we all know that's true! Considering that Dave and I have been together for over 9 years now," said Mandy. "What does it say about us and family or friends?"

"That was the next section here. It says that you are extremely devoted to your friends and family and that you tend to have many friends because you are fun and easy to get along with - and I am taking a moment to say yes! I agree with this! I can never keep up with all the different parties and events you are going to, with different friends!"

Mandy laughed, "Yes, I guess it's true. I mean Dave is always snipping at me, "you've got too much going on", " stop double booking us," she mimicked her boyfriend's deep voice.

I laughed out loud to myself. It was like she was describing me on air to the world. I actually had to get a black board and start putting dates with events and times on it so that my husband would stop getting after me for making too many plans.

Finally traffic had started moving and I popped my car back into drive. I shook my head as I turned into my work's parking lot. It was crazy to think that someone could know all of this information about my personality just because I was born on a certain date, at a certain time.

I mean, everything they were saying was true. I ran in quite a few friends' circles, I was loyal as a friend and as a sister/daughter to my siblings and family. I would do anything for them, and I was very easy to get along with - even at work. In fact, I could flex my personality, depending on who I was working with, in order to facilitate a better relationship!

However, I also know that I have moments in time where I want to be alone. Those were the evenings that I didn't answer my phone, or when I hid in my bedroom, reading a good book, ignoring the bickering sounds of my husband and son.

I opened my car door and grabbed my purse, before locking my car and walking toward my office's front doors. As I slipped on my mask, covering my face before I started my day, later than normal, I felt myself smile.

While I might be Gen Y, I was a pretty strong, amazing female Aquarian, who know who else is an Aquarian? Jennifer Aniston.

You go girl, I thought to myself, as I walked in the front lobby, head held high. Even though I was now 45 minutes late, I knew it was going to be great day.

pop culture

About the Creator

Kelsey Townsend

A creative mind, expressive thinker, working a regular 9-5 job.

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