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"I don't want to be a nanny and serve 11 people in my in-laws

Can not afford to mess with the mother-in-law to hide, no need to fight to the death

By Fra TushaPublished 2 years ago 6 min read


Shakespeare's Hamlet: "To live or to perish, that is a question to ponder."

Strictly speaking, there are only two ways to go in life, either to survive or to destroy. Whether you choose to survive or choose to destroy, you need to pay the corresponding price.

The price of destruction, chances are you can not see. For example, if you choose to die, the resulting consequences, although you do not know, can not deny its existence.

And the price of survival, you will see, because you are the main character, sweet and sour all will be turned into your personal feelings.

Everyone needs to make a choice, choose to destroy do not think about survival, choose to survive do not think about destruction. The most critical point is, do not always mouth high, moving to say die and forget it. You dare not and do not want to take this road, do not always hang on the mouth, otherwise, you will choose another road shaken.

Choosing a road, and then firmly going on, is the attitude life should have. This is true for both life itself and the specifics of life. Wandering between many paths is never as solid as just one.


The same is true of marriage, whether your marriage is good or bad, whether you choose to hold back or run away when there is only one road, you have nothing to worry about. And if there is more than one way to go, you will be lost instead.


I was in a similar state when I got married and when I wanted to get divorced. I was full of worries, thinking that this was right and that was right, and it seemed that there were many ways to choose, but there was no clear direction at all.

When I got married, I resisted marriage on the one hand, but on the other hand, I thought that everyone was married and that I would look too different if I didn't get married. Such a state is very bad because there is no clear direction. The fact that I swayed from side to side when I got married meant that I would also sway from the side after I got married.

When I first got married, I planned to run my marriage well, wanting to make the best of what I had. However, I was soon hit hard by reality.

My mother-in-law is the one who is really in charge of my in-laws. She said she wanted to form a big family so that everyone could live and eat together, but it was only her selfish desire. Her other children agreed with her arrangement, again with no good intentions, and they had a tacit agreement that they all wanted me to be their nanny.

My husband's oldest sister's family has two children, and my second brother's family has two children, which makes eight people, plus my in-laws and my husband, the whole 11 a person. It's more tiring than raising a pig for me to cook for 11 people every day.

My mother-in-law lied to me and said, "If you give a little more and perform better, they will all thank you when the time comes. You can't just look at the immediate future, you have to look at the long term so that you can see the rewards and give willingly."

This kind of bullshit is easy to say, but hard to do. She wasn't in my position and couldn't have known how hard I was working. After a long time of hard work, I began to waver, wanting a divorce, not wanting to serve my in-laws, but at the same time I began to be apprehensive, worried that I would fall into disrepute if I filed for divorce.


The most fearful thing in life is wavering, this pain is much more painful than choosing the wrong path. If you choose the wrong path, you're wrong. But not making a choice all the time, or not daring to choose because of concerns about other people's opinions, the pain will be doubled and extremely depressing.

Fortunately, I realized this, so I forced myself to make a choice when I couldn't stand it anymore, not wanting to waver, but just wanting to choose a path and go on with determination.

After comprehensive consideration, I decided to take the path of divorce, because only this path is good for me.

However, this road is not so easy to go at first. The in-laws had a hard time finding me as a nanny, and without me, their family would have one less free chef, so of course, they were not happy.

Especially my mother-in-law. When I told her, "I don't want to be a nanny and serve 11 people in my in-laws," she said, "You want a divorce? You're delusional! There's no way I'm going to let you get a divorce!"

The good thing about having only one way out is that when someone is blackmailing you, you can calmly analyze what she will do next. If my mother-in-law doesn't agree with my divorce, she will find a way to tether me, and the most likely thing she will do is make me have a baby.

To get out of this trap, I could only escape from that home without divorce. I didn't get a divorce anyway, and I didn't have to have children or be a nanny in their house. I can come and go as I please without a divorce, and I am prepared for them not to find me, the world is so big, and there is always a place for me to hide.


I don't want to get married because I'm tired of the marriage. However, my mother-in-law was kind of old-fashioned but dare not play so, even after two years of dragging, she began to blackmail me not to divorce and later became a begging me to divorce, because she wants her son to pass on the family, if we do not divorce, he will not be able to go that way.

At this point the initiative is entirely mine, I am not stupid enough to meet with them, the hell knows if they will set a trap. I decide to go down the road of divorce by agreement, after both parties sign and fingerprint the divorce agreement, I will show up and disappear immediately after the divorce, so as not to cause trouble.

Such a path is suitable for everyone, only, unfortunately, some people have been stuck in a wavering state. To put it bluntly, they simply do not dare to firmly choose the path of divorce, but only say that they want it badly. If they want to get divorced and leave only this one road for themselves, they can certainly go through it. If you can't afford to mess with your mother-in-law, you can hide, no need to fight to the death.

It's easy to make choices in life, but the hard part is the trade-off. This kind of thing others can not help you, only by their own decision.

extended familymarriedhumanity

About the Creator

Fra Tusha

stay hungry, stay foolish.

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