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I Call You SistaMama.

My Second Parent

By Krystal NealPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

I could easily start this letter off with Dear Sista or Dear Portia but that would be too typical. I hope that when your read this that one, you read it in my voice (I want you to feel the emotion I had writing this), two, you understand the depths of how much you mean to me (and us, your siblings), and three, I (we) love you unconditionally. I could not write this without saying those three things because without you there would be no me or us. No, you didn't birth us but you became our Mama at a early age when you were just a kid yourself. Changing diapers, helping with homework, transporting us too school, cooking breakfast, lunch, and dinner, fighting our bullies, being our safe haven, defending and being our voices, and a whole host of other hats that you wore and continue to wear as a older sister. I often wondered if I have told you thank you enough. If not, then here is my thank you.

I thank you SisterMama for stepping up when our mother fell short. I can only imagine what it was like to take on a role that was fitting for an adult and not an adolescent and soon to be teenager. All awhile you were trying to enjoy your youth while being a parent to us and making sure we didn't miss ours. Taking on a responsibility that most would probably give up on, you didn't. I'm thankful for your strength.

I thank you SistaMama for the countless times you have wiped my tears and held my hand as well as our other two siblings, even though no one was there to wipe yours. It was very easy during those trying periods of our lives for you to put yourself on the backburner because you ALWAYS chose to put us first. Never letting anything stop you for making sure we were doing good in all areas of our lives.

I thank you SistaMama for being hard on me. I could remember the countless times when I would be upset because you wouldn't allow me to do things that would interfere with my innocence, protecting me from growing up too fast. I couldn't understand it but at the tender age of twenty-six and having graduated college with a bachelor's degree, I can now truly understand why. You wanted me and my siblings to have the best and to experience all the things that you didn't get a chance too. It would of been easier too call you mean back then but my adolescent mind didn't know any better. You were just doing the job that was given too you, even though you didn't ask for it. Still, I thank you for being the strong force and protector in my life as well as my siblings.

I thank you SistaMama for showing up for us. Whether it was to protect us, PTA meetings, graduations, our first relationships, our first introductions into womanhood and manhood, our first heartbreaks, our first injuries, and slew of other first, I thank you. You were there for every happy and sad moment, never missing a beat to encourage us and to give us love. Catering to our every need and making sure we got everything we wanted. Showing up even when nobody showed up for you.

I give you all the thanks, all your flowers and praises because I don't think you understand or know the magnitude of which you are loved and cared for. You raised us and as adults now, I can truly say we turned out to be some intelligent-loving people. I hoped that you find a love outside of us and outside yourself, so much so, that it will pour into you because you deserve it. My love along with my sibling's, will always be there for the countless times love wasn't there for you.

So, thank you SistaMama. For a role you never asked for but exceeded in tremendously.


Your second sister.


About the Creator

Krystal Neal

I’m a lover of steady love, catarosphic love, easy love, damaging love, tender love, healing love, moody love and sweet love. Go on this journey with me as I write it for you.

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