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How to Make Your Boyfriend Want You More - Secrets to Winning His Heart For Good

If you're trying to figure out how to make your boyfriend want you more.

By Archer Published about a year ago 4 min read
How to Make Your Boyfriend Want You More - Secrets to Winning His Heart For Good
Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash

If you're trying to figure out how to make your boyfriend want you more, you've probably given some thought to things like appearance and attractiveness. We already know that men are visual by nature and they seem more attracted to a certain type of women. In fact, many of us are mistakenly led to believe that we have to transform ourselves into something we're not if we want to make ourselves irresistible to the man we adore. Don't do this. Your boyfriend is already attracted to you. You know that because he's dating you and spending time with you. The key to upping your desirability level with him isn't found in your outside appearance, it has so much more to do with what's inside. Once you understand what you need to do to make him crave to be with you, the man will be yours forever.

Learning how to make your boyfriend want you more has a lot to do with the dynamic you create between the two of you. In many cases a woman blindly enters into a relationship believing that fate will step in to ensure that things go the way they're supposed to. If you allow this to happen, you could very well be missing your one and only chance to get him to love you. You have to be proactive when it comes to winning your boyfriend's heart.

By Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

One great example of this is the issue of availability. When we're falling in love with a man or in love with a man we'd do just about anything to get as much time with him as possible. This includes rearranging everything in our lives if he shows a little interest in having dinner on a night when you already have plans. What you may not realize is that he wants you to have other things to do besides devoting your life to him. He wants you to be a bit of a challenge to him. If you play hard to get, he'll want you more. It's a tactic that has worked forever and that's because it works. Pick and choose carefully when you're available to him. If you do that he'll learn how to cherish you even more.

By Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

Being yourself should be understood but most women overlook it. If you pretend to be anything other than the woman you are, you'll blow the relationship eventually. Just because you have a different opinion on him regarding a social issue, doesn't mean you have to mask that. Men want to be with strong, opinionated women. They don't want you to hide what you feel beneath a shroud of dishonesty. Speak your mind and be yourself. Show him that you're proud of who you are. Men want to see that spark in the women they date. Understanding how to make your boyfriend want you more has to include presenting yourself to him exactly as you are, flaws and all.

"His Secret Obsession" by James Bauer is a bestselling book that promises to reveal the secrets to winning a man's heart and making him fall deeply in love with you. The book is based on the idea that men have a secret obsession that women can tap into to strengthen their relationships and make their boyfriends want them more.

The book provides a comprehensive guide on how to understand a man's innermost desires and emotional needs, and how to meet those needs to create a strong bond of love and commitment. Bauer argues that while men may not always express their feelings directly, they have a deep-seated need for love, affection, and appreciation from their partners.

One of the key secrets to winning a man's heart, according to Bauer, is to understand and meet his emotional needs. He states that men are driven by the need for respect, admiration, and a sense of purpose, and that women who can provide this for them will have a strong and lasting relationship.

Another important factor in winning a man's heart, according to Bauer, is to cultivate a deep and meaningful emotional connection. He suggests that women should be open and honest with their partners about their feelings and desires, and that they should listen carefully to what their boyfriends have to say as well. This helps to create a sense of trust and intimacy that can be the foundation of a strong relationship.

Finally, Bauer suggests that women should show their appreciation and gratitude for their partners by doing thoughtful and loving gestures that show that they care. This can include things like leaving a love note, cooking a special meal, or simply taking the time to listen when he needs to talk.

In conclusion, "His Secret Obsession" by James Bauer provides valuable insights into what drives men and what they need from their partners to feel deeply in love and committed. Whether you're looking to reignite the spark in a long-term relationship or to win the heart of your new boyfriend, this book is a must-read for any woman who wants to make her relationship stronger and more fulfilling.


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    Archer Written by Archer

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