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How Do You Unleash A Sensitive Child's Talents Behind The Excessive Tension?

Dealing with and educating a sensitive child

By Judith IsidorePublished 2 years ago 7 min read
How Do You Unleash A Sensitive Child's Talents Behind The Excessive Tension?
Photo by MI PHAM on Unsplash

Dealing with a sensitive child is a challenge for any family, not only because of the constant state of tension and nervousness in which he is at the least upset, but also because of the lack of ways to deal with him properly, while platforms and expert lectures are filled with various tips on how to deal with a stubborn child, a thief or The liar or even the hyperactive, we find a complete neglect of another kind that exists in silence, and suffers constantly, the hypersensitive kind.

Who is the sensitive child?

A very sensitive child is born with a nervous system that feels like it is on the crater of a volcano. With the smallest of situations, he gets excited, whether by crying, screaming, being deeply affected and internal pain, even if these situations do not affect any of those around him at all, or they pass them unnoticed, but they leave a deep impact on himself more than others.

This child feels very confused when seeing a person in pain or suffering, and this child is either very calm, very introverted, easy to raise, and obedient to the maximum degree, or on the contrary, he is very active, moving and stubborn, and it is usually noted that sensitive children are highly affected by any changes in their emotional or physical environment.

What are the signs that your child is sensitive?

The signs of a sensitive child appear from a very early age, and should not be confused with other characteristics such as stubbornness or rejection of authority. These are the most important signs to know the nature of your child's sensitive personality:

  • Feels great empathy for others

It is natural for most people to feel sympathy for the weak or sick or those they love, but a sensitive child makes him always put the needs of others before his own desires, and this may prompt some to exploit him on the basis that he is unable to refuse any request and that he always seeks to please others.

  • permanent nervous

Ordinary or slightly sharp smells and sounds can be very upsetting to a sensitive child and make them nervous, and sudden touches or flavored foods will make them nervous, and while these things can affect many, they have a long-lasting effect on a sensitive child.

  • Desire to isolate

The sensitive child excels in individual activities more, you find him skilled in sports that depend on one player, or a lover of reading or music, and often likes to sit alone, because others disturb him greatly without even noticing, and by imposing their attention to his annoyance, they blame him They accuse him of "sensitivity" and this makes him always remain in a vicious circle, as he is unable to control his irritation, and at the same time those around him underestimate the importance of this discomfort, in addition to some trying to provoke him from the beginning.

  • Hates change

It is very difficult to change anything drastic or even unnecessary in the daily routine of a sensitive child, and this may not be evident at the beginning of his life, but if there is a change in his school, or going to a new house, or starting a different activity, or even the arrival of a new child, The effect of this on him is very harsh, so parents should gradually change, try to understand his feelings, acknowledge them, and help him get rid of them without sarcasm or sarcasm, or underestimating the importance of what he feels.

  • A sensitive child loves animals

Dealing with animals is one of the outlets that make a sensitive child feel comfortable without tension or nervousness, whether cats, dogs, birds or fish, you will find a sensitive child living an integrated world with his pet, to the extent that his parents may worry about his isolation, but trying to break this deep bond will meet Usually in a severe state of collapse, whether external, or worse, the collapse is internal, which affects the physical and psychological health of the child.

How to correct a sensitive child

A sensitive child does not have a defect that needs to be evaluated, but all he needs is a deep understanding and acceptance of his feelings. In the end, he is harmless, neither to himself nor to others, but he is only different from them, and as we all invite to accept the difference in children with autism or people with special needs, dealing with With a sensitive child, it is much easier, as he is a very normal child, but he has some differences that are very easy to develop, and among the most important ways to deal with a sensitive child:

  • Embrace the sensitive nature of a child

Yes, the first step to dealing with a sensitive child well is to accept his nature and deal with times of stress as calmly as possible, while identifying ways to reduce this tension and excessive feelings, and making sure that exaggerated reactions are what makes him at the same time sympathise with others.

  • Gently encourage the learning of new skills

Encouraging the sensitive child to learn new skills must be gradually and very gently, from learning to ride a bike to swimming or various sports, he will accept the matter if it is done gradually, and this will reduce his nervousness and flowing feelings that are an excess of energy that wants to get out, so Diverse skills and sports are essential, but the desire to practice them should come from within, not from compulsion.

  • Make time to relax

A busy daily schedule can make a sensitive child more stressed compared to their peers, so the transition from school to training, homework, and maybe all help around the house can be stressful for any child, but with a sensitive child, it will lead to their breakdown.

Therefore, you should provide more time for your sensitive child to relax at home without orders or assignments that put stress on him, especially with his often inability to say the word no.

  • Teach him to express feelings

In some cases, it is difficult to fully understand feelings without expressing them, and any child generally needs to be taught the correct way to express their feelings, whether with words or polite actions. Having a name for what they are feeling will make them handle the situation better.

If you find your child very angry, tell him I know you are angry, so that the next time he cries and kicks in doors, he will tell you directly I am angry, sad, or even frustrated if he fails to do something that is required of him.

  • Learn to solve problems

A sensitive child always feels that his problem is without any treatment, and this feeling may extend to maturity, his nervous system is different and this causes him a lot of tension, but he must learn from childhood that there is no problem whatsoever that has no solution, and reaching this solution will relieve a lot From the nervousness and tension of a sensitive person.

There are a lot of problem-solving skills that you can teach your child gradually, such as the skill of searching and inquiry. When your child feels angry because he did not accomplish what is required well, he can be guided to how to search for the right way, whether with search engines or books and others.

Similarly, if he gets into a quarrel with a colleague, he must be taught how to manage risks, whether by learning the skill of self-defense, or resorting to the responsible person, whether at school, home, or even the policeman. He must be aware that resorting to a responsible person will provide him with protection, and he should not be stressed Anxiety or constant attempt to please others at the expense of oneself.

  • Encouragement

All children need encouragement to increase their self-confidence, and a sensitive child needs a double dose of it even if he does not achieve the desired success. It is enough to encourage efforts to avoid stress or control nerves, and it is necessary to praise his efforts in telling the truth or trying to overcome academic difficulties.

  • Focus on discipline, not punishment

That the child is sensitive does not mean that his mistakes pass without punishment or warning, but the matter must be done in a correct manner in order to obtain the expected result, which is the child’s commitment to the correct behavioural rules and at the same time not to destroy his personality.

It is generally not helpful to have a permanent change in the rules to control a child’s nervousness, and while flexibility is essential, limits must be set and punishment implemented if they are crossed such as intentionally breaking something or causing harm to self or others, and punishment here varies according to the age of the child Whether by depriving him of his favourite game for some time, or depriving him of personal expenses, but the loud voice or beating will have a very violent adverse effect on the child after that, so that he turns from a sensitive person to an aggressive person who hates everyone around him.

In the end, educating a sensitive child and academic regularity usually does not have any problems, his desire for isolation and his quest to please others makes him adhere to academic courses and duties, but is usually more superior than his peers, but this does not mean that he is happy with what he does, so it is better not to ignore The sensitive child’s hints of wanting to study a certain subject or practice a hobby, all of which will reduce his nervousness and isolation, and will make him more likely to interact with those around him, especially his parents and family, and this will thus increase his ability to express his feelings and identify the things that bother him and those that he loves and lead To his calm and superiority, whether in study or social life.

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Judith Isidore

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Judith IsidoreWritten by Judith Isidore

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