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Honoring our Mother


By Simone KayePublished about a year ago 2 min read

In the realm of love, where gratitude lies,

I craft a tribute to a mother, wise.

With a thousand words, I'll paint her grace,

And honor her sacrifices, embrace by embrace.

A mother's love, a sacred treasure,

A bond that words can barely measure.

In the depths of her heart, a flame ignites,

Guiding us through life's darkest nights.

From the moment of birth, her love is bestowed,

A nurturing embrace, a sheltered abode.

Through sleepless nights and endless cries,

She soothes our fears, wipes tears from our eyes.

In her gentle touch, warmth unfurls,

A lullaby whispered, as dreams she hurls.

Her tender kisses, like petals so sweet,

Mend our wounds, make our hearts complete.

She sacrifices her dreams with selfless might,

To raise us up, to give us light.

Her days blend together, in tireless devotion,

Weaving the fabric of our childhood's emotion.

She carries the weight of our hopes and fears,

Navigating life's storms, drying our tears.

Her hands, calloused and worn, tell tales,

Of strength and resilience that never fails.

Through sleepless nights and endless chores,

She fills our lives with love and more.

Her sacrifices, often unseen,

Make our world brighter, like a sunbeam.

In the kitchen, her magic unfurls,

Creating feasts, like precious pearls.

With love as her secret ingredient,

Her meals nourish, bringing contentment.

She toils and labors without complaint,

An artist of love, a saintly saint.

Her sacrifices are woven in time,

A tapestry of love, so sublime.

She gives up sleep, she gives up rest,

To make sure we're always blessed.

Her dreams take a backseat, while ours take flight,

Her selflessness shines in every daylight.

When sickness befalls, she's a healing hand,

A comforting presence, strong and grand.

Her touch, like a balm, soothes our pain,

Restoring our strength, making us whole again.

She teaches us values, molds our souls,

Instills in us virtues that make us whole.

Her wisdom, like a beacon, lights our way,

Through life's uncertainties, come what may.

Her love is a fortress, unwavering and true,

A shield against the world's residue.

She cheers us on in victories won,

And holds us close when battles are done.

In her embrace, we find solace and peace,

A sanctuary where all worries cease.

Her arms, like a fortress, protect and defend,

An eternal love that will never end.

Her sacrifices are etched in her face,

The lines of time, her journey's trace.

But within her eyes, a youthful gleam,

Reflecting a love that forever beams.

So let us honor these mothers so dear,

For the sacrifices they make, year after year.

Their love, an ocean, boundless and deep,

An eternal flame that will forever keep.

In each heartbeat, in each breath we take,

Their love sustains us, like a shimmering lake.

For their sacrifices, we're forever in debt,

A debt of love we'll never forget.

To all the mothers, we offer our praise,

For the love and sacrifices that color our days.

You are the embodiment of strength and grace,

And in our hearts, you hold a sacred space.

So, here's to the mothers, the queens of our lives,

Whose sacrifices and love forever survives.

May we honor and cherish them, every day,

For in their love, we find our way.


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