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Hogging The Bathroom

Understanding why teenagers spend so much time in the bathroom

By Cynthia McLeod-AlexanderPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
Hogging The Bathroom
Photo by Zac Gudakov on Unsplash

The bathroom, once a mundane space for personal hygiene, has transformed into a private sanctuary for teenagers. These individuals often retreat to this seemingly innocuous room, spending copious amounts of time within its confines. In this essay, we delve into the underlying factors that contribute to this intriguing phenomenon, exploring the physiological, psychological, and societal aspects that shape the teenage bathroom experience.

Self-Discovery and Privacy:

Teenagers undergo a period of self-discovery and self-awareness, wherein they explore their identity and establish personal boundaries. The bathroom provides a haven for solitude and self-reflection, allowing them to escape external influences and societal pressures. By retreating to this private space, teenagers gain a sense of control over their environment, enabling them to engage in introspection and navigate the complexities of adolescence.

Peer Comparison and Image Crafting:

In today's hyper-connected world, social media platforms constantly bombard teenagers with idealized images and curated lifestyles. As a result, adolescents seek refuge in the bathroom to refine their appearance and present themselves in a favorable light. This time allows them to experiment with grooming, fashion, and beauty routines, all while striving to fit within societal standards and gain acceptance from their peers.

Technological Engagement:

The omnipresence of smartphones and other portable devices has significantly influenced teenagers' bathroom habits. Social media, gaming, and streaming platforms provide a means of entertainment and distraction during their bathroom retreats. The allure of a private space combined with the desire for digital connectivity leads teenagers to spend extended periods in the bathroom, engrossed in virtual realms.

Emotional Catharsis:

The teenage years are often marked by emotional volatility and heightened stress levels. Bathrooms offer an intimate setting for teenagers to release their pent-up emotions, shedding tears, venting frustrations, or engaging in therapeutic practices. The seclusion provided by the bathroom grants a sense of security, allowing teenagers to process their emotions without fear of judgment or intrusion.

Escape from Overstimulation:

Modern society bombards teenagers with a constant influx of information, stimuli, and responsibilities. The bathroom serves as a temporary escape from these overwhelming pressures, offering a reprieve from the outside world. It becomes a sanctuary where teenagers can decompress, recharge, and momentarily detach from the demands of academic, familial, and social obligations.

Personal Care and Hygiene:

Beyond the psychological factors, teenagers' prolonged bathroom visits can also be attributed to the increased emphasis on personal care and hygiene. Adolescents experience physical changes during puberty, which necessitate additional grooming rituals. They may spend considerable time on skincare, haircare, and oral hygiene, striving to maintain a desirable appearance and combat insecurities associated with their evolving bodies.

Multifunctional Space:

Apart from its primary purpose, the bathroom serves various other functions for teenagers. It doubles as a space for relaxation, particularly through activities like taking baths or showers, which provide a comforting and stress-relieving experience. Furthermore, the bathroom also acts as a venue for practicing personal hobbies, such as singing, dancing, or even reading, thus combining leisure and necessity.


The bathroom has become a retreat for teenagers, encapsulating a multitude of reasons behind their prolonged stays. Whether driven by the desire for privacy, the need for self-expression, the pursuit of beauty standards, or the quest for emotional solace, teenagers utilize this space to navigate the complexities of adolescence. Understanding these underlying factors can foster empathy and facilitate better communication between teenagers and the adults in their lives, bridging the gap between generations and nurturing healthier adolescent development.

A quick tip:

Even though there are myriad good reasons why our kids stay in the bathroom for extended periods. There are times when they need to get out. Please don't bang the door down or scream and yell. Simply turn the wifi off, you can thank me later.


About the Creator

Cynthia McLeod-Alexander

Mother, wife, budding author , beekeeper, poultry farmer, cook and a born and bred Jamaican. Just living and loving life.

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