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Food Fight

Letting Go And Having A Little Fun

By Anne ChesterPublished 4 years ago 3 min read


By: Anne Chester

Attention Parent’s: you might not want to let your kids read this article, if you are not going to be open to trying to understand how this came about.

My husband and I have been married 27 years and we have 2 beautiful kids, Andy who is 26 and Olivia who is 24. Our lives have not been what you might call typical, let’s just say there was never a dull day, you see our son was born 15 weeks premature and spent the first 14 months of his life in the hospital fighting to live. Due to being so premature he developed Cerebral Palsy and due to having bacterial meningitis when he was 3 went deaf, so our lives have been a series of therapies, doctors, medical equipment, special education classes etc...

Our daughter was born term with no problems that we knew of, that is until she got married and her and her husband started trying to conceive. They just could not seem to get it to happen, so they went and sought out the help from her OB. She was able to get pregnant last year and our first grandbaby was supposed to be born in April but Olivia went into labor on December 15 and had to be delivered. Our beautiful granddaughter was born still, Heaven got their beautiful angel back. So, after she recovered from that they did additional tests on her and discovered that she has an issue that will require surgery before she will be able to successfully carry a child to term. So, we sit and wait for the surgeon to call and set a date.

I have been fighting a very progressive disease called Rheumatoid Arthritis, which has left me in a wheelchair and in constant pain. I could go into great detail about this, but I will probably due that in another article.

The reason that I had to give a history was as you can see; stress is not something that is shy in our family. And if you let it build without a release it will consume you.

Our daughter stopped by for a visit today around dinner time and so of course she had to eat dinner with us which consisted of chicken nuggets and french fries, all of which were made in my air fryer (which I love). Now like most families now day’s we don’t eat at the table, Andy was eating at his desk, my husband was on the couch, Olivia was eating at the island in the kitchen and I was at the dining room table, all of which are pretty much together (open floor plan).

All of a sudden out of the blue a chicken nugget flies across the room at my husband, SMACK!! Bounces off the wall behind him. We all turn and look at Olivia who by this point is laughing so hard she is about the fall off the bar stool. We all get a good laugh and then go back to eating. Then ZOOM!! A french fry flies right past Olivia, my husband laughing in the process. I speak up and say, this is food not missiles, stop throwing food and eat it!!! But those words go unheard and the great food fight of 2020 has begun. Poor Andy had his back turned against us watching a movie on his computer, so he missed out on the fun, and yes I know that the mothers that are reading this are sitting there thinking, surely she is not allowing them to throw food all over the house... Well the answer to that is YES I SURE DID. I not only allowed it and participated in it and it was FUN!!!

You see sometime as adults you need to be able to just let go and be a kid for a while, just let loose and go with the flow. I have to admit it was fun, and it is a memory that I will never forget. Is it going to take me extra time to clean up the mess?? NOPE we have 8 small house dogs that we glad to clean up the mess LOL. I am just glad it was not something like mash potatoes.


About the Creator

Anne Chester

I am a Catholic wife, mother and homemaker, and I also love to talk about anything and everything, from faith, to health to fun, I love to write about life in my shoes, some people like it and others don't, thank God for freedom of speech.

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