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S1E3: Fair Food

By EnolA RaeDPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Abigail Clarke on Unsplash

Clever indeed. This creature was absolutely stunning, yet borderline terrifying. Really, how would you have reacted to such a sight? Once again locked in eye contact, Kensley considered her new friend's food requirements. She wanted to get Firefly fed before she became its first meal.

“Alright then,” Kensley broke the silence, "how about you stay here and I’ll gather some food.” Firefly turned its head to the side and back upright. “You are quite cute, aren’t you?” She couldn’t believe she was saying such a thing to what seemed to be an over-sized insect. Almost unable to break the stare, she began walking backwards toward the barn opening.

With each move she made, Firefly moved as well. One step for Kensley, one wing flap attempt by Firefly. Soon, the bucket was tipped over and the hatchling was laying on the barn floor, flapping its wings, causing the barn dust to swirl up around it until it could barely be seen. Kensley rushed over to comfort her struggling friend. She wasn’t sure if she should touch it, remembering something her great aunt had told her a few summers ago. As the dust settled, she thought of that day.

Her and Aunt Sofia were walking the farm, tending to the animals, when a baby bird almost got trampled under their feet. “Looky here,” said Sofia, “a bird nest.” Kensley, upon seeing the tiny bird, knelt down to pick it up. “Stop!” Aunt Sofia touched Kensley’s arm and softly said, “some birds nest in the grass, a curious thing for flying fowl to do indeed. If you touch the babies, the mother won’t return.”

The memory faded and Kensley was back in the barn, scared to touch the orphan. Firefly calmed down and decreased its flying attempts as Kensley drew closer to it. “We may just have to hang out here until you get control of those wings, big guy.”

“What do I do now?” Kensley thought out loud. From a distance, she could hear the backfiring of an old pickup pulling towards the house. She had nearly forgotten it was supply day and that the farmers and other locals would be coming to exchange goods. “Of all the days for visitors and commotions, it has to be this one.”

Really, this was the best day for added stress. Seems counterproductive, but Kensley Emerson worked best under pressure. She knew she couldn’t hide in the barn all day. There’d be much too much to do for her to make any excuses. She just hoped it wouldn’t need to be done in the barn.

“Sorry little big, ‘um you. I’ll have to be going.” She, keeping one eye on Firefly, began shutting all possible escape routes, so Firefly couldn’t, well, escape. She grabbed a handful of the closest vegetation, put it in the bucket still lying on its side and shut up the barn door. In her haste, she had forgotten her sleeping supplies.

She ran towards the house, hoping there was no way for Firefly to get out and that he would be okay until she could return. Mid jog, the smell of chocolate cake hit smack straight in Kensley’s stomach. “Oh yeah! Cakes for the County Fair Cake Walk, and samples for me!”

Kensley’s jog increasing pace, she darted straight past the old pick-up, jumped the stairs, slid across the porch, and right through the luckily opened door.

“My, my Kensley darling, what’s got you so riled up this early in the morning?” Sofia was looking at her great niece as if she’s seen- “well what could this brave child have seen to get her moving so quick?”

As if Kensley could somehow sense her inquiring aunt’s inner dialogue, she responded, “oh, sorry ma’am, sir,” Kensley slightly curtsied awkwardly towards her aunt and the man who drove the pick-up truck, “I just smelled cake half way back to the house, and was hoping dessert was for breakfast.” As she said it, she couldn’t help but feel guilty for being so excited about a piece of cake, when Firefly was all alone in the barn, possibly starving.

All of a sudden, Kensley was no longer hungry. She couldn’t believe she’d not given Firefly more food options before locking him up in the barn, alone. “What if he- while she,”- Oh she couldn’t think of it.

Sofia, as if too observing Kensley’s train of thought, said, “well honey, while cake is baked for you to sample later, Mr. Abenor here has brought us some bushels of pears to trade for our Honeysuckle Hills Honey. I suggest having one, and then helping us carry them out to the barn.”


About the Creator

EnolA RaeD


I could tell you my back story, or dreams of the future. Instead, we can just start here. Because who I am, is current, all else was or is still yet.

Too much time spent anywhere but here, anytime but now, well...

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    EnolA RaeDWritten by EnolA RaeD

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