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Evil Aunt

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By I am me Amanda Nissen/ChampionPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 8 min read
Evil Aunt
Photo by Ekaterina Shakharova on Unsplash

As she lay awake every night, sometimes wondering and sometimes crying about what happen to her father for the last 13 years. Kay feels hopeless, and it is sad how people have rendered a fully able and capable adult, and devoted mother, completely helpless.

The worst part is, this was done to her by a person that should of been someone Kay could trust, when in reality, all her now disowned aunt wanted, was to control Kay. The aunt, who thrives off imaginary power, wanted Kay in her grip, to do pretty much anything they pleased. (manipulate Kay)

The Aunt was lead to believing that Kay's father (her brother) was dead the hateful sister he had, showed her colors instantly. Forcing Kay to become homeless, and every time Kay called on, the person she calls on. The evil sister, ensured that Kay felt like she was now suddenly worthless to him. Knowing it was the exact opposite, but the aunt is out to manipulate anyone she can, so they can all force this new way of living, onto Kay, and for Kay just to accept it. Something Kay, knowing her father more than that sister does, won't accept the lies spit out from someone who has hated Kay's existence, since birth.

Unaware that people in her blood line could be so cruel, she began to see that her father has been protecting Kay, from that sister. Whose whole belief system is based on, dividing and conquering. The pattern that never ends, has proved her unworthy to be in Kay's life. What does she do next? She continues the smear campaign on Kay, who is literally just missing her father. Unlike the evil, disowned Aunt, Kay loved her father unconditionally, and even more so, when she showed her true colors to him once again. This aunt only comes into the lives she can, when there is money involved, and see's her own brother as a dollar sign, and not even caring that she is making Kay mentally ill, with each passing day.

See Kay's father has been her best friend, up until June 2012, that is when he began caring for Kay, since she needed it. Well let's just say the sister didn't like that. It's ok for her to care about her immediate family, but not for others. She has zero morals, is extremely unethical, as well as manipulative, to the point of creating a division between Kay and her fathers other relatives, before it ever started.

The people that the lone wolf, broke aunt does is, she acts as if she is the crew's leader, yes Kay's father created a crew of people, so that Kay had multiple outlets, since he sensed his sister's envy, he knew she would need help. After the accident that never happen, he noticed that the disowned family member is able to sway others, simply because she has lived closer to him, than Kay has, so she must know more right?

Wrong, this aunt has been mixed up in every situation that Kay finds herself in. Everything will be fine, then that sister sends someone to hunt Kay down, and ruin everything, and toss Kay around as if she is nothing, worthless and doesn't deserve her own life. To this day, she once again, divided and the silence is what conquered the last friend Kay had in this web of lies.

Kay is effected by the absence of her father, and that sister everyone listened to, doesn't even care about his absence, only what she can gain in the chaos she spreads.

Her father's plans have failed and yes Kay did fall victim to the malicious sister. Promising anyone who will agree with her, riches and money, so that they will risk their own freedom, to ruin Kay's peace, only to find out, that they jumped on the broke side of things, and no riches or money comes their way. Just regret in not trusting themselves, or Kay and letting their actions get controlled by greed, and she possibly uses drugs to pin them against Kay, knowing Kay doesn't use, but will still spread rumors that spending 24 hours with Kay, are easily debunked. That is why, this last scheme of the evil sisters, went too far, and now criminal charges are pending for anyone who plays along, steals, mocks, and disrespects Kay, for literary no reason, other than, well so n so said I should.

Well a blessing in disguise Kay guesses, since now those people who got mislead and believed someone they don't know over someone they actually know, won't be in Kay's bright future. No matter what the sister does, she can't even wrap her head around the fact that, Kay has other contacts that have nothing to do with her. Kay's ex-aunt organized a whole situation, to get Kay where she is now, a gas chamber, and is stonewalled from anyone who carries truth. She is hoping that Kay will try to kill herself again, and this time be successful. The delusional evil aunt, actually thinks if Kay is gone, all her problems are solved, when in reality, they will only just begin.

She proved that by hunting down Kay in a place Kay once felt safe, secure and the weight of this imaginary world her ex aunt tried to create off her. She pretends like she wants nothing to do with Kay, but when that situation becomes a reality, it only takes less than 3 months for her and her monkeys to invade it, and she loves seeing Kay worked up and distressed. Kay's father is no longer in touch with this person, but the aunt acts like he is, to make her delusional thoughts a reality. A false, temporarily reality, but it cracked Kay's spirit once again, and while rubbing salt into this hole Kay has, from her father's absence, she thinks trafficking Kay in some way is the way to go. Since Kay won't allow it, here everyone sits doing nothing, when the fact is. No one has to have the answer to where Kay's father is to help her, all they need to do, is become a reliable, honest friend, who will shelter Kay from the cruel attacks of the evil (now ex) aunt.

As her fragile lies foundation, becomes weaker and weaker, she becomes more desperate, by blocking communication from Kay's mother and Kay.

Kay can't wait for the day that she becomes dead and not existent to this evil soul, that is still shocking her father and Kay share a blood line with such a manipulative, greedy, dumb ass narcissist. Sad really.

She has threaten Kay's life indirectly more than once, and it appears as though the only thing her monkeys are committed to, is seeing that through.

Now Kay see's why that house in 2014 was so essential to survival, it will keep this person out, as well as everyone who covertly does things for her, with the promise of something, when the one promising has nothing, Kay's father ensured that, but the worst part is, once the evil ex aunt found that out, she has been taking her anger out on Kay in various forms. One look at Kay today, vs. a year ago, and her covert abuse, is no longer covert. It is obvious that Kay is under extreme mental and spiritual anguish at all times. When all Kay wants is to feel OK again, something she hasn't felt in awhile, but once she begins feeling it, the pattern returns and the out of the will, evil aunt hunts her down, or has another party do it, so that Kay can never feel OK. Even though Kay is literary the only person in this world who is effected the way she is from her fathers absence. That person, isn't and she will be damned if Kay feels peaceful in any way.

That is what has lead to an ongoing investigation into this matter, Kay has a circumference of about an inch bald spot on her head, because the way Kay should be going, was about to de-bonkle the whole lie, and Kay had to be punished. Beware of people like this dis owned family member, she or they will help you lose everything, that you once had. Access to Kay and her shining self, all the way to your freedom. Get all the facts before jumping on the divide and conquer side, because she has you jumping to your own demise, and you won't know it until it's too late, and the bond with Kay is not re-build able.

Oh I almost forgot to mention, the place Kay was organized to, is literally a gas chamber, and Kay has aspirated lungs from it, as well as every single side effect of anesthesia. From constipation, to numbing limbs, google the side effects, and it's not hard to pin point it. Kay is now stuck, with the lowest of the low vibrations. It is not Kay's fault that she exists, and decided to make something from her existence. It is the aunts fault for pushing Kay away from any progress, as well as forcing her to think about what she can't control. The disowned person, wants a Sept 4th 2016 outcome, after all that is the only reason Kay is where she is now.

She needs to go back to her state, stop promising vulnerable people things she can't give, because all she is doing, in the end is taking their freedom. She knows it too, shes just hoping that Kay commits suicide, or gives her the reaction she desperately wants, so she can point her outrageous behaviors onto Kay, who has shown multiple times, she just wants peace. That is why Kay will not even fight these battles, hands it to a higher power, since the only time she fought it, it has only made sure everyone Kay relies on for anything, from a ride to sound advice, against Kay. When Kay is not the issue, the evil divide and conquer aunt and her monkeys are.


About the Creator

I am me Amanda Nissen/Champion

Just someone with a lot going on in her life, currently it's not as positive as my life usually is, but I am writing my way through it. After all nothing lasts forever..

I am hoping for more positive creations, and not true crime issues.

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