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Dope Real Everything I Am

True Love Found With A Prisoner

By Samantha PowePublished 3 years ago 2 min read

"Complete opposite lifestyle, but the same love, heart, mind and everything else to and for each other. We started at our lowest points and I never knew what we would turn out to be, but ever since then I am full with you. I love you and everything you are to me, forever times infinity."

To some, this wasn't ideal - especially to her family. She was known to be "crazy" and rebellious and emotionally unstable, but no one tried to understand her. She needed love and that's all she wanted - Real Love. And after all the downfalls and pain and tragedies, Leia finally gave up on the dream of having a 'solid family' and decided she would be alone forever... or so she thought.

They had met over a joke. Leia was into writing and journaling everyday and was jokingly advised to start a penpalship.

"What are you constantly writing over there?!", was the daily question her coworker, Melli, would ask and she would dumb it down everytime, leaving no hints about her daily writings about her life and days and goals and wants. Weeks later, the question was brought up once again and she finally broke it down: "I just write about my days and track what I've done and what I would like to do cause I like to reminisce on things. Maybe even save these for my future kids - it's really nothing, I just like to write. And, I don't go out."

"Well, that is interesting! What if you received responses to your daily writings?", was the next question that led to this 'crazy joke'.

It was a Saturday night and Leia and Melli decided to have a sleepover at Melli's place with her and her daughters - a "girls' night".

"My husband can find you a friend that would write to you and you can be friends", Coworker Melli suggested, "Nothing crazy."

Leia laughed, thinking, 'This chick's crazy! Buuuut, what's the worst thing that could happen - I get over it and let it go?'

"C'mon, what would your type be? Haha!", Melli was already on her way to calling her husband to help play matchmaker.

"Ha! Okay fine, what's the worse thing that could happen right? There's no way I'll fall in love with something like this hahaha.. just friends - something new and different. My type would be caramel complexion, taller than me - 6ft and a few years older than me, so someone between 28-30 years old." Melli quickly got this info to her husband and he right away came back with 5 different options of incarcerated men, somewhat along the lines of Leia's description. There was

1. Nick Hudson - Very handsome face, 28 years old, tall muscular build with tattoos, dreads and super charming smile.

2. Jay Farris - Older man, super long dreads, and not so attractive.

And 3 other men that at this point have slipped Leia's mind because she stuck to option number 1 (haha).

So a couple hours after choosing Nick Hudson, Nick reached out to Leia and basically never let her go since. He became her responses to her notebook and they constantly motivated each other to strive for the best, achieving goals and just having a more positive outlook on life. Of course, nothing came easy - lockdowns happened, arguments, mistrust and challenges took place - but throughout everything they were still inseparable. What matters most is their happiness, trust and communication, and their faith in each other and future.


About the Creator

Samantha Powe

just a simple woman with a lot to express.

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