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Decline in the Behavior of USA Citizens due to Advancement

Effects of Technology On Human Behaviour

By hassan abbasPublished 9 months ago 5 min read


As society continues to advance technologically, there has been a noticeable decline in the behavior of USA citizens. This decline can be attributed to various factors such as the impact of technological advancement, the influence of social media, the role of entertainment media, educational factors, and the effects of consumerism. In this article, we will explore these factors and their implications for the behavior of individuals in the United States.

Addiction to Technology

The widespread use of smartphones, tablets, and other digital devices has led to an increasing addiction to technology among USA citizens. People are becoming overly reliant on their devices, often neglecting real-life interactions and experiences. This addiction has resulted in a decline in face-to-face communication and interpersonal skills.

Decreased Social Interaction

With the advent of social media platforms and online communication tools, people are spending more time in virtual environments rather than engaging in real-life social interactions. This decline in face-to-face socialization has led to a decrease in empathy, emotional intelligence, and the ability to form meaningful relationships.

Impaired Communication Skills

The ease of digital communication has led to a deterioration in verbal and written communication skills. People rely heavily on abbreviated language, emojis, and acronyms, which can hinder effective communication. This decline in communication skills has far-reaching implications for personal and professional relationships.

The Influence of Social Media on Behavior

Obsession with Self-Image

Social media platforms have fueled an obsession with self-image and the need for validation from others. People often curate their online personas to present an idealized version of themselves, leading to a lack of authenticity and self-esteem issues. The constant comparison with others' lives portrayed on social media can contribute to feelings of inadequacy and unhappiness.

Cyberbullying and Online Harassment

The anonymity provided by the internet has given rise to cyberbullying and online harassment. USA citizens, especially the younger generation, are increasingly becoming victims of online abuse, which can have severe psychological effects. The prevalence of cyberbullying has contributed to a decline in mental well-being and a negative impact on behavior.

Diminished Empathy

Excessive exposure to online interactions has resulted in a diminished sense of empathy among individuals. Social media often creates an environment where people feel disconnected from the real emotions and experiences of others. This lack of empathy can lead to a decline in compassion and understanding in society.

The Role of Entertainment Media

Desensitization to Violence

The entertainment media, including movies, video games, and television shows, often portray high levels of violence. Prolonged exposure to such content can desensitize individuals, making them less sensitive to real-world violence and its consequences. This desensitization can contribute to an increase in aggressive behavior and a decline in moral values.

Unrealistic Expectations and Materialism

The portrayal of extravagant lifestyles and material possessions in entertainment media has fostered unrealistic expectations among USA citizens. Many individuals strive for unattainable standards of wealth and success, which can lead to dissatisfaction and a decline in contentment with their own lives. Materialistic pursuits can also negatively impact personal relationships and contribute to a decline in empathy and compassion.

Cultural Homogenization

The globalization of entertainment media has resulted in a cultural homogenization, where diverse cultural identities and traditions are overshadowed by mainstream media. This decline in cultural diversity can lead to a loss of appreciation for different perspectives, contributing to a decline in tolerance and understanding among USA citizens.

Educational Factors

Decreased Attention Span

The constant exposure to technology and digital media has led to a decline in attention span among individuals. Short bursts of information and instant gratification have become the norm, making it challenging for individuals to focus on tasks that require sustained attention. This decline in attention span can hinder learning and intellectual development.

Dependency on Technology for Learning

While technology has revolutionized the education system, excessive reliance on it can have adverse effects on learning. USA citizens, particularly students, are increasingly dependent on technology for information and problem-solving, resulting in a decline in critical thinking skills and creativity. The overuse of technology can limit individuals' ability to think independently and critically analyze information.

Lack of Critical Thinking Skills

The digital age has made it easier to access information, but it has also contributed to a decline in critical thinking skills. With a vast amount of information available at their fingertips, individuals often accept information at face value without questioning its validity or accuracy. This lack of critical thinking can lead to misinformation and a decline in the ability to make informed decisions.

The Effects of Consumerism

Instant Gratification and Impatience

The rise of consumerism and e-commerce has fueled a culture of instant gratification and impatience. USA citizens have become accustomed to the convenience of one-click purchases and same-day deliveries. This mindset of instant gratification can result in a decline in patience and perseverance, negatively impacting personal and professional growth.

Decline in Personal Relationships

The focus on material possessions and individualism has led to a decline in the importance placed on personal relationships. USA citizens are increasingly prioritizing their own needs and desires over the well-being of their relationships. This decline in interpersonal connections can lead to feelings of loneliness, isolation, and a lack of community.

Environmental Consequences

Consumerism has also contributed to environmental degradation. The overconsumption of goods and the subsequent waste generation have led to ecological imbalances and resource depletion. This decline in environmental consciousness and sustainable practices can have long-term consequences for the planet and future generations.


The behavior of USA citizens has experienced a decline due to the advancements of modern society. Factors such as the impact of technological advancement, the influence of social media, the role of entertainment media, educational factors, and the effects of consumerism have collectively contributed to this decline. It is crucial to recognize these factors and strive for a balance between technological progress and the preservation of positive human behavior


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