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Chocolate/Chocolate story/Chocolate benefits

this story writing about chocolate

By Samir AliPublished about a year ago 5 min read

Some of the topics highlighted in the article “chocolate stories” are given below at a glance:-

Chocolate is a processed, commonly sweet, food made mostly from the cocoa beans of the tropical theobroma cacao tree. The seeds of the cacao plant have a strong bitter taste and are fermented to convey out the chocolate flavor. Later sugar is introduced to convey out the sweet flavor.

After fermentation, the cocoa beans grow to be dry, smooth, and brittle. The shell is then removed from the cocoa beans and overwhelmed to make cocoa powder. Natural chocolate is uneven. Chocolate liquor is made by mixing cocoa powder with water. This liquor is usually divided into two classes, particularly – granulated cocoa and butter cocoa. Unsweetened dark chocolate consists of generally this granulated cocoa and butter cocoa in various proportions.

Chocolate is often used as an essential ingredient in lots of types of chocolates, chocolate sweets, ice lotions, biscuits, cakes, and lots of different kinds of desserts. We are able to taste chocolate at each bloodless and hot temperatures. It's miles a completely famous flavor within the world.

Records of chocolate:

cacao has been cultivated in many regions of Mexico and valuable to us for about 3 thousand years. Chocolate drinks are acknowledged to be fed on in a part of Mexico known as mocaya in 1900 bc. Maximum mesoamerican human beings refer to chocolate as a "sour drink". Even though cocoa originated in the Americas, two-thirds of the world's chocolate these days is produced in west Africa, 1/2 of which comes from the ivory coast.

Fundamental components utilized in making chocolate

extraordinary elements are utilized in chocolate based on the sort of chocolate to be made. However, it also depends at the brand of chocolate. But the chocolate we devour these days is especially sweetened chocolate and all these candies are made by using blending together cocoa powder, cocoa butter, other fats, and sugar. Milk chocolate, mild candy chocolate, unsweetened chocolate, darkish chocolate all candies usually use cocoa powder in different concentrations and at exceptional charges. But white chocolate specifically makes use of cocoa butter or cocoa fat, sugar and milk. Cocoa powder is not used in white chocolate. Other common elements in various varieties of chocolate are milk, cream, butter, cocoa butter, milk fat or milk solids, sugar, artificial sweeteners, colorings and preservatives. In milk candies, powdered milk or condensed milk is moreover brought to the chocolate. There are 5 foremost components in chocolate. Those are:-

1. Cocoa powder

2. Cocoa liquor

3. Cocoa butter

4. Sugar

5. The milk

here cocoa powder and cocoa liquor are the principle elements of chocolate. The sugar is needed here to add its personal sweetness to the chocolate. Vanilla also can be present in chocolate and we come across the presence of vanilla through the odor of vanilla in chocolate.

Good effects of chocolate on our health

1. Cocoa or dark chocolate has a positive effect on the circulatory system of our body.

2. Many studies have shown that chocolate can reduce certain heart problems and lower blood pressure in people of all weights.

3. Chocolate can improve our memory or cognition.

4. Dark chocolate may lower cholesterol levels in adults. However, some studies have shown preliminary evidence that polyphenols in chocolate can prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol.

5. A study has shown that eating chocolate is significantly associated with a lower body mass index or BMI.

6. Some of the other potential health benefits of chocolate have been reported in some basic studies, including that chocolate participates in anti-cancer, brain-stimulating, anti-cough and anti-diarrheal activities.

7. Cocoa beans are rich in a type of chemical called flavonoids. Scientists believe that these flavonoids are used in natural supplements designed to relieve symptoms of diarrhea. Dark chocolate contains very high levels of cocoa and may provide some relief from diarrhea.

8. Solid cocoa contains some alcohol. such as theobromine, phenethylamine and caffeine. They have some physiological effects on our body and can increase the levels of a substance in our brain called serotonin. That is, cocoa has little effect on the nerve cells of our body. Serotonin levels may decrease in depressed individuals. So chocolate can help to keep our mind cheerful.

Bad effects of chocolate on our health

1. Chocolate is thought to be responsible for giving us heartburn. Because chocolate contains an ingredient called theobromine. Which relaxes the muscles of our esophagus. Then the elastic material of the stomach gets a chance to enter the esophagus. Theobromine is toxic to many animals. This is because they are often unable to metabolize in the animal's intestines.

2. Chocolate is responsible for making our body fat. Raw chocolate is high in fat called cocoa butter. Chocolate manufacturers add other ingredients such as fat, sugar and milk to the chocolate. And these elements are responsible for making our body fat.

3. Chocolate and cocoa generally contain limited to high amounts of oxalates. Because of these oxalates we have a risk of kidney stones.

4. Chocolate absorbs lead from the environment during production, and it is assumed that some types of chocolate have been poisoned by small amounts of lead. Which is harmful to health. But its amount is very little.

5. A study on the effects of chocolate on older people found that chocolate can cause osteoporosis in older people.

6. Some studies have shown that chocolate can cause allergy problems in children.

7. There is some evidence that chocolate is addictive for humans when eaten regularly.

Is chocolate responsible for obesity?

Yes, chocolate is responsible for making you fat. Each dark chocolate is high in calories due to its high fat and sugar content. The presence of sugar in chocolate is more harmful to health than the presence of fat.

Dark chocolate - Wikipedia

Dark chocolate

This dark chocolate is a refined product made from cocoa beans. Dark chocolate should contain at least 70-80% cocoa to get all the health benefits of dark chocolate.

Health benefits of dark chocolate:

Based on an Italian study, it is known that consuming a small square of 20 grams of dark flavored dark chocolate every 3 days has many benefits for our heart. But eating a lot of chocolate does not bring benefits to our body at all.

1. Increases immunity.

2. Reduces the risk of cancer.

3. Reduces the risk of colon or bowel cancer.

4. Prevents heart disease.

5. Regulates blood sugar levels and insulin dependency.

6. Slows the progression of AIDS.

7. Aging slows down the rate at which skin folds.

8. Repairs and protects DNA in the body.

9. Relieves heart disease.

10. Relieves high blood pressure.

11. Improves eye structure.

12. Anything that protects against forgetfulness or Alzheimer's.

13. Prevents osteoporosis or bone loss.

14. Saves from stroke.

15. Reduces the risk of type-2 diabetes.

16. Reduces the incidence of migraine headaches.

17. Relieves premenstrual symptoms.

18. Provides antioxidant protection.

19. Prevents epileptic attacks.

20. Relieves colds.

21. Prevents baldness or alopecia.

Eating chocolate is harmful for those

1. The sugar present in chocolate increases the body weight of obese people. So eating chocolate is not right for fat people.

2. Eating chocolate is harmful for those whose blood does not clot easily when cut in any part of the body. Because some of the ingredients in chocolate interfere with blood clotting in the body's wounds.

3. Eating chocolate is harmful for those who have tooth decay or who do not brush their teeth before going to bed at night. Because milk and sugar present in chocolate are responsible for tooth decay.

4. Eating chocolate is harmful for a person addicted to chocolate.

5. Eating chocolate is harmful for such a person who does not sleep well.

6. Eating chocolate is harmful for those who have digestive problems.


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