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Children can swim at birth?

Newborn baby swimming benefits, key matters parents can not ignore

By Duchat NiaPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Children can swim at birth?
Photo by Fakhri Labib on Unsplash

Nowadays, more and more mothers and fathers choose to let their babies swim in the water after birth, and this is the case with a colleague. He had seen in the online parenting knowledge, to let children swim before it is too late, it is best to train as soon as they are born, so, after the baby was born, the couple did as they were told. However, many parents are skeptical about this matter and believe that this practice is not desirable.

So, let's take a look today, is swimming suitable for all babies? What advantages do babies who practice swimming at birth have over other babies?

First of all, let's just take a look at why children swim as soon as they are born. We will find that if you put your newborn baby into the water, their limbs will be very coordinated to make similar movements to swimming. Scientists have proven that this is because the child is not born before, living in the amniotic fluid, moving a few times, so master the most basic swimming some "introductory movements".

There are a lot of advantages to having a child swim at birth. In addition to the basic swimming movements at birth, the following benefits should not be overlooked.


1, swimming stimulates the neurological development of the baby's brain

For the newborn baby, the nerves of the brain are in a rapid development stage. The famous pediatrician Gopnik once pointed out that children are the most knowledgeable about "short, give and take", their brains will keep the frequently used synapses and prune the unused synapses. This is why children can swim at birth, but not when they grow up. This is the reason why children can swim at birth, but not when they grow up. This is also the reason why we say "use in and waste out".

Therefore, let children practice swimming at birth, in addition, to let them swim this skill does not degenerate but also can stimulate the neurological development of the brain. When they grow up, babies who practice swimming may also be smarter than other babies, because the neural activity in their brains will be more active.

2、Let the child get enough security

Babies survive in their mother's tummy for 10 months, and once babies are born, it is equivalent to giving them a change of environment. In a new environment, children in general are very insecure.

However, swimming is the perfect form of exercise for children because in the water they can find the familiar feeling of being in the amniotic fluid and the mother's body, making them feel more relaxed and happy. When children are happy, they will naturally stay away from all kinds of mental illnesses, and their future psychological development is more likely to be in a healthy direction.

3、Promote children's physical development

Mothers and fathers who can swim know that swimming is actually a very complex sport that requires coordinated movement between the head, brain, hands, and body, and also requires a variety of senses to cooperate to complete well.

Children, letting children often practice swimming, can promote the development of children's muscles, and improve the child's body functions. In the process of swimming, the child's body parts coordinate with each other, and the lung capacity to improve also helps. So, compared to the baby lying in bed all day, letting their children often practice swimming, the future child's physical quality may be stronger.

As you can see, many parents letting their children go swimming as soon as they are born is desirable. These children will be more intelligent and physically stronger compared to other children. However, there are many things that moms and dads need to pay special attention to in the process of letting their babies practice swimming. The following are a few points that I hope will attract the attention of mothers and fathers.

1, mothers and fathers should reasonably plan the time for their children to practice swimming

Many mothers and fathers simply think that the more the better, and also hold this view on the child's swimming practice. Everything should be done in moderation. For baby swimming time, generally control every 10 minutes or so is the most appropriate. Because, as mentioned earlier, swimming is a very complex exercise, the baby's physical strength is very fast when swimming. Therefore, each swimming time should not be too long.

However, every child is different, and parents should not be overly stuck with the time, but should also plan reasonably for the characteristics of the baby. If you find that 10 minutes have come and gone and the child is still reluctant to get out of the water, then let them play a little longer.

2, mothers and fathers should reasonably grasp the distance between the child and the child when swimming

Let the child swim, parents are generally dragging the child, and some mothers and fathers choose to hold the child's small hands so that the child is in the wafer to better activities. However, we found that many mothers and fathers are leaving their children aside, giving the child a swimming ring, and letting the child free to swim, because they are busy with the work at hand.

This practice is very dangerous, the baby is likely to have some accidents. For example, the baby may have cramps in the limbs due to excessive physical exertion, and may also knock over the swimming ring. Because the child is still small, and can not speak yet, it is difficult to use language with their mothers and fathers for help, so it also caused many tragedies. Therefore, it should be noted that moms and dads are watching their children swim, do not be too far away from the baby, and need to do their duty of care.

3, mothers and fathers should be timely care of the child

After the baby comes out of the water, they also need to take care of them, for example: wrap them with a dry towel, give them some protective products, moisturizer, and so on. Because the child is still small, the oil layer on the skin in the water is consumed too quickly, and a long time in the water is likely to be detrimental to the development of the skin.

In addition, mothers and fathers can also go after the child out of the water to touch the child's skin more, which can enhance the child's sensory sensitivity. After doing the above care work, the last step is to check if there is residual water in the child's ears. If there is, it is time to help your baby clean up. If the residual water stays in the child's cochlea, it is easy for the child to suffer from otitis media and other diseases. Therefore, it should attract the attention of mothers and fathers. Only after doing this, moms and dads can be considered timely care of the baby after the water comes out.


About the Creator

Duchat Nia

I will spend forever wondering if you knew.

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