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Camel Safari Diaries: Tales of Fun from the Golden Desert

On this page you will get my experience of Camel Safari

By ravish kumarPublished 7 months ago 4 min read

Rajasthan, land of majestic forts and vibrant culture, is also home to immense and beautiful deserts. For our trip to Jaisalmer, we decided to experience the Thar desert through an overnight desert safari and camp. It turned out to be one of the highlights of our Rajasthan travels, creating memories to last a lifetime. Come experience the sunset magic, sweeping sand dunes and night under the stars through our desert safari adventure.

Heading Out for Sunset

We began our desert safari experience in the late afternoon when the temperatures were cooling down. Our guide Salim picked us up from our hotel in a sturdy 4x4 jeep packed with supplies for our night in the desert. Leaving behind the Jaisalmer cityscape, we soon hit the desert trail passing by small villages and oases. Salim explained that we were headed towards the Sam Sand Dunes about 45 minutes from Jaisalmer. En route we witnessed the golden light of the setting sun creating a magical glow across the desert sands. Stopping on a high dune, we stepped out and were awestruck by the sunset panorama unfolding before our eyes. Nothing could match the raw beauty of the desert at dusk. We soaked in the changing hues of orange, pink and purple streaking across the sky. Our first pit stop was the perfect prelude to the experiences that lay ahead.

Time for a Photoshoot

No trip to the desert is complete without getting that quintessential snapshot of riding a camel against the setting sun. At the Sam Dunes, we were excited to meet our camel companions for the evening. Salim helped us pick out two camels - a mother and baby pair. After getting acquainted with the friendly animals, we hopped on for a short ride along the dunes. My wife and I took turns posing atop the camels as Salim captured photos for us with the sunset as the perfect backdrop. The camels were decorated beautifully with colourful saddles and reins that added to the aesthetic. Riding a camel felt like being gently rock ed in a boat sailing across waves of sand. Our camel ride concluded with more photos of us offering them snacks as a thank you for the ride.

Dune Bashing Adventure

No desert safari experience is complete without a thrilling dune bashing excursion. Salim drove the jeep up and down steep sandy slopes at full speed kicking up clouds of dust in our wake. We hung on tightly as the jeep bumped over the rippling dunes, veering left and right. Every nerve-wracking slope was followed by us laughing hysterically as the jeep glided down smoothly. We enjoyed the adrenaline rush of dune bashing, taking in panoramic desert views from atop the sandy peaks. The jeep ride was a fun desert adventure before we settled in for the night.

Arriving at Our Desert Camp

As dusk approached, we arrived at the campsite selected by Salim deep in the Thar desert. The area was dotted with permanent tented camps set up by various tour operators. We were staying in a camp set up just for us, with temporary Swiss tents erected near towering dunes. Inside the camps, the beds, linen and furniture gave it a cozy bedroom feel. The attached bath also had running water just like a hotel. After relaxing with welcome drinks, we were served a delicious Rajasthani meal for dinner by the camp staff. Sitting on the dunes gazing at the starry skies after dinner was a surreal experience.

Counting Stars on the Desert Sky

Having grown up in cities, my wife and I had never seen so many stars in the night sky before. Away from light pollution, the desert skies were filled with thousands of glittering stars. Shooting stars frequently streaked across the expanse. We were speechless staring up at the Milky Way galaxy shimmering above us. Lying on our backs on the sand dunes, we gazed spellbound for hours, counting stars and spotting constellations. During the day the desert was beautiful, but at night it held a magic beyond words. It was the most magnificent night sky either of us had ever seen.

Waking Up in the Desert

We woke up just before dawn the next morning and witnessed the sunrise in the desert. Watching the dark sky slowly light up in hues of pink and orange was a stunning experience. The sun peeking above the dunes bathed the sweeping sands in a beautiful glow. After breakfast, it was time to pack up. Bidding goodbye to the serene desert, we set out for Jaisalmer in the jeep. Our overnight desert safari and camp in

If you are looking for a desert safari in Jaisalmer then, I recommend you the best cab service in Jaisalmer named as Jaisalmer Taxi Service Cab. Jaisalmer Taxi Service Cab is one of India's generally trustworthy, practical, and excellent taxi administrations. They offer minimal expense, great taxi benefits that ensure a charming excursion.


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