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Building Strong Relationships

:The Do's and Don'ts

By vinodh kumarPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Building Strong Relationships
Photo by Külli Kittus on Unsplash

A strong relationship isn’t something that just happens overnight. It takes commitment, effort, and skill to create and sustain a solid bond with the people in your life that mean the most to you. Building strong relationships isn’t always easy, but it can be done, provided you approach it in the right way! In this article, we’ll discuss several helpful strategies to follow if you want to build strong relationships with the people around you. Keep reading to learn more!

1)What are healthy relationships?

Healthy relationships are built on a foundation of trust, respect, honesty, love, affection, compassion, commitment and empathy. It is important to be in a relationship where your feelings matter; where you feel accepted and supported; not judged or ridiculed. If someone has hurt you repeatedly or tends to verbally or physically attack you without provocation do not try to make that person into who they are not. Love yourself first then find someone else who loves themselves enough for both of you. Healthy relationships enrich our lives as we look for happiness in other people who bring positivity into our life instead of negativity. We must work at improving ourselves before we can fully accept others with love in our lives.

2)A quick overview of the do's and don'ts

Talk to each other. Be polite. Be honest. Be supportive, even when it’s hard to be. Look out for one another—especially in stressful situations or when emotions run high. Keep your promises, but forgive mistakes and let go of grudges quickly.

3)Set goals together

Setting goals together means you have a plan for success. If your partner has similar values to yours, it should be pretty easy to come up with a goal list that both of you can get behind. Whatever your goals are, make sure they're realistic and measurable—and choose two or three at most. That way, if something goes wrong or life throws you a curveball, you'll still be on track to hit most of your other goals too.

4)Focus on your similarities, not differences

Differences between you and your partner are inevitable, but so is one important similarity—you both love each other. Rather than focusing on differences, focus on your similarities by sharing your interests, values and goals with each other. You don’t have to be exactly alike in order to get along well. When you have shared interests, you can share experiences that strengthen your bond as a couple.

5)Communicate (and listen!)

Being a good communicator means more than simply conveying information in a way that makes it easy for your listener to understand what you’re saying. It also means truly listening to what your conversation partner is saying, without becoming distracted or losing focus. And yet, in some ways, there’s no excuse for not being a good communicator. After all, even without your cellphone or other gadgets nearby, communication takes very little effort—you can pay attention by looking at people as they speak and making eye contact with them as well. Building strong relationships also requires you to listen (and process) what other people are saying as well—which means not interrupting them while they’re talking!

6)Show love through actions, not words

One of our deepest fears is that if we accept someone totally, they will run away. If you try to cover all your partner’s flaws and ignore your own, a relationship will never work. The best relationships are those in which two imperfect people show their flaws to each other and then fall in love anyhow. There is an implicit trust that even though there are things about them I can’t stand, I know they won’t leave me because I see everything about them. You won’t always be able to get along with each other, but you can stay committed as long as both of you feel supported.

7)Build trust through honesty

If your marriage is built on lies, your relationship won’t stand a chance. Share everything with your spouse from day one, from how much you make to your thoughts on having children. At times, you may even have to share something that isn’t positive about yourself; for example, I just need more alone time because I feel very drained after being with you all day long. Even if it doesn’t seem like there will be any negative repercussions to telling him or her what you feel, realize that withholding information could eventually lead to distrust—and a shattered marriage. Be transparent in everything you do with your partner so they know they can always trust what you say and rely on each other to get through rough patches together.

8)Accept each other's faults & imperfections

One of the ways to strengthen relationships is to accept each other’s faults and imperfections. It doesn’t mean you should ignore bad behavior or pretend it isn’t happening. But, when you recognize a shortcoming, figure out how you can encourage positive change rather than being judgmental about it. When someone does something wrong, there are many things that come into play like whether they realize what they did was wrong or not? Whether it was on purpose or an accident? You need to take these factors into consideration before approaching them with your concerns because you will know what approach is most likely to get through with them in that situation.

9)Let go of things you can't control. Be supportive instead.

If you feel that a relationship with someone is worth keeping, realize that you cannot control every aspect of it. It’s important to learn how to let go of things that are out of your control. Give up trying to get other people to do what you want. Instead, focus on building a good relationship based on mutual trust and support. This will strengthen your bond with them over time, allowing both of you to grow as individuals while staying together as friends or family members. Everyone benefits from having people they can depend on in life; it just takes practice to be able to trust others fully.


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