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The essence of pure and pertinent

By Butterfly Nation Published 2 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Viviana Rishe on Unsplash

What is breastmilk?

Breastmilk is a naturally produced hormone secretion that only woman generate for a child to have. A woman's milk is supplied with the antibodies and immunity for a child's growth and developmental stages from birth and after the years to come.

Vitamins and minerals are excreted during the morning stages and stored up throughout the night. During a mother's first feedings in the morning is when the baby will ingest all of their immunity and antibodies.

Melatonin is also another pertinent vitamin which is vital for a baby's sleep at night. Melatonin is mainly excreted at night during a mother's last feedings. During, the night is when melatonin is ingested into a baby for the baby to sleep.

Feedings can be done by the breast of the mother with the baby latched onto the breast. Or feedings can be done via a pump, whether it be manual or electric. Feedings should be done every 2-3 hours when a baby is first born. After that, the feedings gradually become more spread a part and become more natural.

Manual breast pump

This first picture is a picture of a mother's manual breast pump feeding. The mother as in I, has been through the breastfeeding stages from birth for my children. The milk shown above is supplied with the morning nutrients for my baby. As you can see the color is as normal as regular milk. Being consistent with feedings and time management will help your baby maintain and gain steady weight.

The more French vanilla like color milk shown above is filled with colostrum which is also supplied with the main nutrients for a baby's first days. The more hydrated you are as a mother, in my experience, the more milk will be produced. I drink water constantly to stay hydrated. Also, adding fruits can help boost your milk supply. Not all women are the same though, so it's best to try all options. Trying all options available will help you find what works best for you.

By lucas mendes on Unsplash

This picture above is the latched baby feeding. Feeding on the mother's breast as shown in the picture above, is the natural way to feed our babies after birth. After birth, when it's time to breastfeed. It is more recommended to feed soon as the baby is delivered, however, each mother preferences vary as to when they can start the breastfeeding stage. As long as there is milk still being produced, it is never too late to continue to breastfeed. There is no valid research yet discovered to know when to stop breastfeeding your child.

The most effective way to store your breastmilk is by freezing. I call it the most effective because it lasts the longest in the freezer and you can store any extras for up to 6 months to a year. That way it's more convenient when traveling long distances. Especially in the summer time. A little life hack for y'all right there.

Nutrition is very important in a child's mental health and well-being. It is the most imperative part. Meaning it plays a crucial role in the up bringing of a child. And there is no special diet a mother or soon to be mother needs to eat. The key to eating anything is moderation. Eating balanced full meals in moderation can contribute a lot to your child's overall development. Again, this is speaking from my own experience and being able to reuse the knowledge I've learned. So, eating in moderation should be considered.

I had to discipline myself when it came to being pregnant with my daughter. I would literally only crave junk food. But I made a mindfulness decision to be aware of how much I ate of it.

Most problems pertaining to children's behavior and well-being come from not being fed nutritionally and balanced. The goal is to eat as much healthy stuff as possible to avoid having a nutrition deficiency. Which is why breast is best! And always recommended to all expecting mother's.


About the Creator

Butterfly Nation

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