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Bath & Bottles

Baby 👶 time 🍼

By Butterfly Nation Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago 4 min read
10 days old

What’s puts my baby to sleep or any baby for that matter.

My baby loves to be snuggled like mommy. He loves his covers and plays with them all the time. He has a habit of grabbing things now. He’s so beautiful. I also love covers as well and to be snuggled under them. It’s just a comfortable and warm feel.

My son is my pride and joy. I am proud to be his mommy and I know he is proud to be my son and that I am his mommy lol.

I watch him like a hawk. I watch his every move. I do these things not because I’m paranoid but because I’m in admiration and shock. Shock only because I can’t believe I had a baby. And in admiration because he is mine. 💙💋

Feeding time is the most important is time of all. Feeding time is also “be to sleep soon time”. I don’t know what it is about bottles but they sure do knock a baby out. After my son gets a bottle and he’s had enough he’ll go right to sleep. I love this! Even in this picture he falls asleep with a bottle. So adorable my baby boy. His name is Darius by the way.

Bath time is important too. Most babies like the water and plus to me it helps calm them down. Just as a warm bath will make an adult feel refreshed and relaxed. Babies are the same way. Sometimes I even fall asleep after a bath or even shower. And it’s the best sleep.

Baby & bottles could be a nice baby shower theme. Now that I think about it. My next child, I want to do the baby shower myself like get everything and decorate and cook and set up and plan.

How much fun would that be? Having a child is the most exciting and precious moments of our lives. To be separated from your child as they are infant is insane. These are the most precious moments.

Baby & bottles has a lot to do with babies and how they are cared for. Most babies grew up on baby formula. Now a days it’s lots of research behind baby formula. Some babies can’t have baby formula even though they are a baby. They need healthy brain foods like spinach, kale, avocado, and all the other superfoods.

This new era, my era, we are trying to feed our children the real nutritious foods.

I decided to breastfeed my son. I was only able to feed him until he was almost 2 months. Then he was taken from me spitefully. But I’m remaining positive and look forward to reuniting soon.

Baby and bottles everywhere lol. New time first time parent syndrome haha. No such thing. But as new parents we are experimenting and experiencing just as much as our son. (New parent syndrome) From late nights and early mornings. To the bed. To the bathroom, and repeat. Whose turn is it ? Lol.

One thing that has been a blessing is he is not a crybaby. When he cries it’s only because he is hungry, tired, and/or need changed. Other than that he is a great baby.

My whole pregnancy I was alone because his father was away. I lived at home with my mother and decided to work during midst of COVID.

I initially found out I was pregnant on my birthday in March. The best birthday gift ever.

That was definitely a moment I was waiting for and well worth the wait.

What hurts the most ?

Opening yourself up to the wrong people even if those people are your parents. They can still be the wrong people.

How happy was I?

How happy was we?

She could see.

It wasn’t me.

I was happy.

I’m messy.

I’m organized.

I’m quiet.

I roar.

Closing negative doors.

Opening positive ones.

Not running from my problems.

What hurts the most?

Not being able to trust anyone.

Parenting is fun. It’s not supposed to be harsh and negative all the time. I hope to one day build a strong bond with my son.

Some people ask how I deal .. and I say strength. I know if I can’t make it through the day I won’t be able to make it to the day to see my son for good. Nothing gets me going more than knowing I have him. Knowing I have his dad too. My life, our family.

So many ideas run through my mind now that I have a family. Ideas pertaining to how we can maintain and still enjoy ourselves. As they would call it financial freedom.... yes lol. I want us to be financially free. I’m hooked on debt meaning I just keep accumulating more which is soooo bad.

It’s time to plan for our son’s future.

It’s baby time.

Time for Darius now.

I thought about kids before having kids. I already thought about how I would raise them if I had any. My pregnancy wasn’t planned but the thought of a child was.

Stage 1 of motherhood

Xoxo 💋


About the Creator

Butterfly Nation

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