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Birth is about maintaining a positive mindset

building the inner strength and resources to birth your baby in most enjoyable way

By Rana MohamedPublished 2 months ago 3 min read

So it’s good to strengthen your mind so that your body will follow.

The reason for this is that when we are tensed and frantic, then it makes labor more painful and longer!

You'd rather have a more relaxed, shorter, easier birth

So what do you do to strengthen yourself

➡️ Commit to simple daily practices during your pregnancy that will begin to slowly prepare your mind and your body for birth.

For example There's a practice that teaches you how to relax through discomfort during labour how to

hold a handful of ice cubes in your hands for 60 sec

at a time (about the length of a contraction). Pay attention to the things that help you focus. Is it paying attention to the coldness of the ice? Is it taking your attention away from the coldness? Is it humming? Whatever the case, this is your time to practice

In other words, the best way to prepare for labor is NOT when you’re in labor. You don’t want to figure it out on the fly. You give yourself the best chance of “successfully” having an unmedicated birth, by preparing

When you prepare your mind + body for labor, you can ultimately make your labor easier, faster and more comfortable

You don’t need to do a ton of difficult things to actually prepare.

You really just need a solid routine and an understanding of WHY you’re doing these things.

Here’s some ideas

1️⃣ Choose a doctor/midwife that you actually trust

2️⃣ Take a childbirth education class- NOT the hospital courses- or read a labor prep book to better understand birth and your options!

3️⃣ Physically prepare your body with simple exercises that focus on opening the pelvis.

4️⃣ Mental prep! A lot of women take this one for granted. It’s super important to build your mental stamina to get through the marathon that is labor.

And Finally

In preparation for your labor and birth, there is nothing more important than education and knowledge

Educate yourself on the different stages of labor, on your options for pain relief, on what to expect and what choices you can make along the way.

And it’s great because you’re doing it before you’re deep in the intensity of labor. When possible, we like to get clear about these things before labor because we can typically make better decisions.

The process of creating your birth preferences is a powerful exercise in education. Things to consider include:

✨ How do you feel about pitocin to speed up labor?

✨ How do you feel about invasive interventions like forceps or vacuum?

✨ How do you feel about the possibility of an episiotomy?

✨ What will you use for pain relief? TENS machine, heat packs, shower, acupressure, epidural, etc?

✨ What about after baby is delivered - delayed cord clamping, the golden hour, active management of the third stage? Who will cut the cord?

✨ What about in the event of a caesarean? Do you want the drapes lowered to see baby enter the world? Do you want the room to be quiet and as dark as possible?

Make sure your support people and your provider know your preferences going in. BUT, as always, you have the right to change your mind at any time - consent must always be given, and can be taken away.

The power is in educating yourself and your support person during the pregnancy period.


But here’s the interesting thing that I want all women to know —though unfortunately a lot don’t know.

Feeling safe. Feeling loved. Feeling confident in yourself…..is the BEST pain relief.

It triggers all these incredible hormones in your body, that help you in birthing your baby. It gets you through those tough moments


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  • zulfi bux2 months ago

    Very creative writing

  • Test2 months ago

    well done!

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