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Bedtime stories for kids

Inspirational and motivational bed and day time stories for kids

By Bridget DykePublished about a year ago 14 min read

AGED 8-12



Table of content
Chapter One
The Girl Who Never Gave Up
Chapter Two
Sophia The Good Girl
Chapter Three
The Boy Who Saved The Forest
Chapter Four
James And The Lost Cat
Chapter Five
The Dog Who Could Talk

Chapter Six
Jack And The Butterfly
Chapter Seven
Little Engine Big Engine
Chapter Eight
Thompson And The Magical Tree

Copyright ©️ 2023
These Inspirational stories are narratives that are designed to inspire and motivate children toward a particular goal or positive change.
These stories often feature characters who display acts of kindness or courage or achieve their goals.
The purpose of inspirational stories for kids is to uplift and encourage them to strive for their personal growth and development and to be better every day.



This story is about a young girl who faces many challenges on her journey to becoming a professional athlete. Despite setbacks and obstacles, she never gives up on her dream and eventually becomes a champion. This story teaches children the importance of perseverance and determination.

Maya was a girl who dreamed of becoming a professional athlete. Maya has always been passionate about sports and spends most of her free time practicing and improving her skills. However, Maya faces many challenges along the way to achieving her dream.

Maya tries out for her school's basketball team, but she is not initially selected to be on the team.
Despite this setback, Maya doesn't give up.
She continues to work hard and practice, determined to improve her skills.
She eventually earns a spot on the team and becomes one of the star players.

However, Maya's journey to success is far from easy. She faces many obstacles along the way, including injuries, setbacks, and tough competition.

But Maya never gives up. She works hard to overcome each obstacle and continues to push herself to be the best athlete she can be.

Maya's hard work and perseverance pay off when she is selected to play on the national basketball team. Maya is thrilled to represent her country on the international stage, but she faces tough competition from other countries.

Despite the odds against her, Maya never gives up. She continues to work hard and push herself to be the best she can be.

Maya's parents were very proud of her, they bought her lots of gifts. She encouraged other children who couldn't come out boldly to chase their dreams to stop hiding and work on their abilities so that they could achieve anything if they believed they could achieve it.

Finally, Maya achieves her dream and becomes a champion. She is recognized for her hard work, dedication, and perseverance. Maya's story inspires children to never give up on their dreams, no matter how difficult the journey may be.
It teaches them that hard work and determination can help them overcome any obstacle and achieve their goals



Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Sophia who lived in a small village with her parents. Sophia was known in her village as the good girl because of her kind heart and helpful nature. She would always lend a helping hand to anyone in need, whether it was her friends, family, or even strangers.

One day, Sophia's village was hit by a terrible storm. The storm had caused a lot of damage to the houses and had left many people stranded. Sophia's parents were out of town, and she was alone at home. But instead of being scared or hiding, Sophia decided to go out and help people.

Sophia walked around the village, offering help to anyone she saw. She helped the elderly people who were struggling to pick up the debris from their homes, she helped the families who were trying to repair their homes, and she even helped the children who were scared and crying.

Sophia worked tirelessly all day long, going from one place to another, helping everyone she could. By the end of the day, Sophia was tired, but she felt happy and fulfilled because she had helped so many people.

The next day, when Sophia's parents returned home, they heard about their daughter's heroic deeds. They were very proud of her and praised her for being such a kind and helpful person. Sophia felt proud of herself too, but she didn't want any special recognition for what she had done. She believed that helping people was just the right thing to do.

From that day on, Sophia continued to be the good girl of her village. She helped her neighbors with their chores, volunteered at the local charity, and even started a small library for children who couldn't afford to buy books.

Sophia's kindness and helpfulness inspired many people in her village to follow in her footsteps. They realized that even small acts of kindness could make a big difference in someone's life.

Years went by, and Sophia grew up to be a wise and kind woman. She continued to help people wherever she could, and her village became known as the village of kindness and love.

Sophia's story teaches us that no matter how young or old we are, we can always make a difference in the world by being kind and helpful to others. We should always try to help people in need, whether it's a family member, a friend, or a stranger. As Sophia showed us, small acts of kindness can go a long way in making the world a better place.



This is a story of a young boy living near a forest who learns about the impact of deforestation on the environment.

He takes it upon himself to raise awareness about the issue and mobilize his community to take action to protect the forest.
This story teaches children about the importance of environmental conservation and activism.

Sam is passionate about the environment and spends most of his free time learning about the importance of trees and their role in the ecosystem. When he discovers that the forest near his home is in danger, he decides to take action to save it.

Sam starts by raising awareness about the issue in his community. He talks to his friends, family, and neighbors about the importance of protecting the forest and its wildlife.
He also starts a petition to stop deforestation and collects signatures from people in his community.

Sam's passion and dedication inspire others to join his cause, and soon, he has a group of volunteers who are willing to help him save the forest. Together, they organize a protest in front of the company that is responsible for the deforestation.

They carry signs and chant slogans, demanding that the company stop cutting down the trees.
The protest catches the attention of the media, and soon, Sam's story is featured in the news. People from all over the world start sending messages of support to Sam, praising him for his bravery and commitment to the environment.

With the support of his community and people from around the world, Sam's petition is successful, and the company responsible for deforestation is forced to stop. The forest is saved, and its wildlife can thrive once again.

Sam's story teaches children about the importance of environmental conservation and activism.
It shows them that even one person can make a difference and inspire others to join their cause.
Sam's dedication and passion for the environment are inspiring, and his story encourages children to take action to protect the planet.



Once upon a time, there was a little boy named James who loved animals. He had a pet dog, a pet bird, and a pet rabbit, but he always dreamed of having a cat.

One day, James found a small, scrappy-looking cat outside his house. The cat looked lost and hungry, so James took her inside and gave her some food and water. The cat was very grateful and purred loudly as she ate.

James decided to keep the cat as his pet, and he named her Whiskers. Whiskers quickly became a beloved member of the family, always curling up in James' lap and purring contentedly.

One day, while James was playing outside with Whiskers, he noticed a group of kids teasing and throwing rocks at a stray cat. James ran over to the kids and yelled at them to stop. He picked up the stray cat and brought it over to Whiskers.

James knew that the stray cat needed help, so he took her to the vet and got her the care she needed. From then on, the stray cat, named Stripe, became a part of James' family too.

As James grew older, he continued to rescue animals in need. He started volunteering at the local animal shelter and helped find homes for countless cats and dogs. He even started a fundraiser to help build a new animal shelter in his town.

James' love for animals had made a difference in the world, and he had inspired others to do the same. People in his community began to look up to him as a role model, and James felt proud of what he had accomplished.

One day, James' parents asked him why he was so passionate about helping animals. James replied, Because they need us. They can't speak for themselves, so we have to speak for them.

James' story teaches us that even small acts of kindness can make a big difference in the world. We should always try to help those who cannot help themselves, whether it's a lost cat, a stray dog, or even a friend who is feeling down.

As James showed us, when we care for others, we can make the world a better place



This is a story about a magical cat named Luna who can talk to humans. Luna lives with a kind family who loves and cares for her.
However, Luna is not content with just being a regular cat. She wants to use her unique ability to help others and make a difference in the world.

One day, Luna hears a child crying outside. She goes out to investigate and discovers that the child is lost. Using her ability to talk to humans, Luna can communicate with the child and help her find her way back home.
Luna's owners are amazed when they hear Luna talking and realize what she has done.

From that day on, Luna makes it her mission to help others using her ability to talk to humans. She becomes known throughout the community as a helper and problem solver. Luna helps lost children find their way home, comforts the sick and elderly, and solves problems in the community.

As Luna helps more and more people, her fame grows. She is soon invited and appears on television shows and is interviewed in newspapers. However, Luna remains humble and continues to use her ability to help others.

Luna's story teaches children about the importance of using their unique abilities and talents to help others. It encourages them to look for ways to make a positive difference in the world, no matter how big or small.

Luna's selflessness and dedication to helping others are inspiring, and her story shows children that they can make a difference in the world, just like Luna.


Once upon a time, a boy found a cocoon of a butterfly. He watched it carefully, waiting for it to hatch. One day, he noticed a small opening in the cocoon and decided to help the butterfly out. He carefully made the opening bigger, but the butterfly struggled to come out. The boy then realized that the butterfly needed to struggle to come out on its own, so it could strengthen its wings.

After a while, the butterfly finally emerged, with beautiful and strong wings. From that day on, the boy learned that sometimes, you have to let things happen naturally to become stronger.

Once upon a time, in a lush green forest, a young boy named Jack was wandering around when he stumbled upon a small cocoon attached to a leaf. Jack was curious about the cocoon and decided to take it with him to his house.

As days passed, Jack kept a close eye on the cocoon, waiting eagerly for the butterfly to emerge. One day, he noticed a small opening in the cocoon and was thrilled to see the butterfly inside. But, he realized that the butterfly was struggling to come out of the cocoon.

In his eagerness to help the butterfly, Jack gently took a pair of scissors and cut the cocoon open, hoping to make the process easier for the butterfly. However, he soon realized that his attempt to help the butterfly had caused it more harm than good. The butterfly emerged with withered wings and could barely move.

Feeling guilty, Jack decided to take the butterfly to his grandmother's house who was known for her expertise in nursing animals back to health. She examined the butterfly and told Jack that he should have let the butterfly come out of the cocoon on its own, as the struggle is what strengthens its wings.

The next day, Jack went back to the forest and found another cocoon. He watched carefully as the butterfly struggled to come out of the cocoon, even though it seemed like a painful process. But he remembered what his grandmother had said and decided to let nature take its course.

After a few minutes, the butterfly finally emerged from the cocoon with beautiful and strong wings. It flew away into the sky, leaving Jack in awe of the miracle of nature.

From that day on, Jack learned that sometimes, in life, we need to let things happen naturally to become stronger. Just like the butterfly needed to struggle to become stronger, we too need to face challenges in life to become the best version of ourselves.

Jack returned home, feeling grateful for the lesson he had learned. He realized that, just like the butterfly, he needed to face challenges and overcome them to achieve his dreams. The experience had also taught him to be patient and let things take their natural course, rather than trying to force them to happen.

In the end, Jack felt more confident and empowered, knowing that he had the strength to face any challenge that came his way. And whenever he saw a butterfly fluttering by, he was reminded of the valuable lesson he had learned from the butterfly and the cocoon.

Once upon a time, in a land far away, there was a little engine. The engine loved to travel through the countryside and see all the beautiful sights. One day, the little engine was asked to pull a big train up a steep hill. The little engine was unsure if it could do it, as it had never pulled such a heavy load before.

The little engine started to pull the train but soon realized that it was much heavier than it had anticipated. The wheels spun and the engine strained, but the train did not move very far. The little engine was about to give up when it remembered the words of its mother, who had always told it to believe in itself and never give up.

With this newfound determination, the little engine started to repeat to itself, "I think I can, I think I can". The engine chugged and puffed and gradually, the train started to move up the hill. It was slow going, but the little engine kept going, encouraged by the sound of its voice repeating the positive phrase over and over again.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the little engine and the train made it to the top of the hill. The little engine was overjoyed and let out a triumphant whistle. The passengers on the train cheered and applauded the little engine for its amazing feat.

From that day on, the little engine learned the power of positive thinking and determination. It realized that by believing in itself and repeating positive affirmations, it could achieve anything it set its mind to.

The little engine became known as the engine that could, and it continued to pull the big train up the hill every day. It became a symbol of inspiration and hope to all those who saw it.

The story of the little engine could teach children the importance of believing in oneself and never giving up. It shows that by having a positive attitude and repeating affirmations, one can overcome even the toughest of challenges. The story also teaches children the value of hard work and perseverance, and the importance of never giving up on their dreams.

In the end, the little engine proved that with determination and a positive attitude, anything is possible. And as it chugged its way through the countryside, it inspired others to do the same and believe in themselves, just as it did.



Once upon a time, there was a kind and generous old man named Thompson. He lived in a small village in the mountains and was known for his selflessness and willingness to help others.

One day, as Thompson was walking in the forest, he heard a cry for help. He followed the sound and found a little bird lying on the ground, injured and unable to fly.

Thompson picked up the bird and took it to his house. He cleaned the bird's wounds and fed it until it was strong enough to fly again.

The bird stayed with Thompson for a few days before it was strong enough to fly away. Thompson was happy to see the bird go, knowing that it was back to its natural habitat, but he was also a bit sad to see it leave.

A few days later, Thompson was surprised to hear a knock on his door. It was the bird he had helped, and it had brought some of its friends with it. The birds told Thompson that they wanted to thank him for his kindness and generosity and invited him to a special event in the forest.

The next day, Thompson followed the birds into the forest and was amazed to see a beautiful tree, unlike any he had ever seen before. The tree was covered in bright colors and was the most beautiful thing Thompson had ever seen.

The birds explained that the tree was magical and that it only bloomed once a year, and only for those who had shown kindness and generosity to others. The birds told Thompson that he was one of the few people who had been kind and generous enough to deserve to see the tree.

Thompson was overwhelmed with gratitude and thanked the birds for their kindness. He sat under the tree, marveling at its beauty, and felt blessed to have been able to witness such a rare and special event.

The story of Thompson and the magical tree teaches children the importance of being kind and generous to others. It shows that even small acts of kindness can have a big impact and that those who are kind and generous will be rewarded in unexpected ways.

The story also teaches children to appreciate the beauty of nature and to be grateful for the world around them. It shows that by being kind and respectful to the natural world, we can form deep connections with it and be rewarded in ways we never imagined.

In the end, Thompson's kindness and generosity were not only appreciated Hiby the bird he helped, but by the entire forest. The magical tree was a symbol of the beauty and wonder that can come from being kind and generous to others, and it reminded Thompson and everyone who saw it of the importance of treating others with kindness and respect.

So as children let us learn to treat others with respect, love, and kindness we that we can spread happiness in our community and homes.


About the Creator

Bridget Dyke

As a passionate writer of fiction and general articles, I invite you to embark on an extraordinary literary journey with me. With immersive stories and thought-provoking articles that will captivate your mind and touch your soul.

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