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A Walk Down Memory Lane

By Marci Petry

By MarciPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

Have you ever wonder what would make you want to go back in time to the age of twelve? I had a great 12th year a lot of great things came out of it. I turned the summer of 2010 before 7th grade. I was a short girl with some crazy dreams. I never thought that this year would go out with such a be bang. There are things that would make me want to go back in time and others that make me want to stay where I am at. It started with my first trip to YBC (Yosemite Bible Camp) with my family from Fresno. This was a great event because I arrived late, I got to make crafts, and I got to do Bible Time.

Running up a hill that made me feet feel like they were going to fall off trying to make it into the picture on time. My sister and I were going to camp for the first time and we could not be there the night before so we would leave the next morning. We were on time until we hit some crazy traffic causing us to be behind schedule. We picked up my aunt and she guided us up to the place we needed to be. We were almost there when my cousin called and told us the picture man was already there and that he was taking the picture soon. We drive as fast as we could up the side of Yosemite and we made it there just in time. We had to run up a hill that was huge and painful. We reached the top and everyone at the top cheered for us when we made it because they were waiting on us to take the picture. We got to our spot and were given our shirts just in time to take the picture. Being late can sometimes lead to a memorable moment in your life

Being late causes memories but so does doing crafts with family and friends. Every day from 1-5 we had free time which is where we are allowed to do anything we wanted to. During this time, they had crafts which we pretty cool and free. I made so many different items each day. I remember I was sitting with my Cousin and we were making friendship bracelets or trying to make them. We did not really know what we were doing as we were doing them but we had fun. I remember we had all our colors and we were braiding them together and we were mixing the patterns the colors and the look. What started out looking like a cool thing turned into something that I still have to this day. I made another item as well it was a lanyard that was pink and sparkly light green. This one little item was what got me into making more throughout the week. I would make them and give them to the younger children who could not make on their own. This is one reason why this was a memorable moment in my life and it still is.

Not only being late and making crafts makes memories so does reading about God and learning to. I would wake in the morning we would have breakfast and then go to a Bible group and we would learn about a theme for the whole week. We did quiet time in our cabins as well which was where you could read or do your workbook. I loved this because it was just you and no judgment. This also gave us a way to spend our own time with God and I loved it. The theme this week was in is a jungle out there and they we teaching us about the many different ways there or to struggle and how to get back. I remember this one time that we were in our group and we were reading a passage about a story of coming back home and I remember the way she read it and how crazy it sounded to me as a young preteen girl. I had to think about it for a few days to fully understand but I got it and the way it came to me was amazing. It was a much better memory than any other memory that I have ever had at this place.

Memories are the things we keep forever and will never forget. When I was Twelve it was a big year but I had the best memories that I plan to keep for the rest of my life. I went to a Bible Camp with my family from Fresno and got to experience some amazing things. I was late and was still able to get in the camp photo, I did crafts with my cousin and got to do other crafts, and lastly got to read the Bible, learn and spend time with God.


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