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5 Houseplants That Don’t Need Sunlight To Survive

If you’ve ever killed a houseplant, you know the feeling of failure. You water it, you give it sunlight, but somehow it just doesn’t make it.

By Michelle WildePublished 2 years ago 6 min read

If you’ve ever killed a houseplant, you know the feeling of failure. You water it, you give it sunlight, but somehow it just doesn’t make it. If your home doesn’t get a lot of sunlight, don’t worry, there are still plenty of houseplants that will thrive. Here are 5 of the best.

5 Houseplants That Don’t Need Sunlight To Survive

1. Snake Plant

The snake plant is a great choice for a houseplant that doesn’t need much sunlight to survive. It’s a hardy plant that can tolerate low light conditions and is easy to care for. Snake plants are also known for their air-purifying properties, making them a great plant to have in your home.

2. ZZ Plant

The ZZ plant is another great option for a low-light houseplant. It’s a tough plant that can tolerate neglect and is very easy to care for. ZZ plants are also known for their air-purifying properties and their ability to thrive in low-light conditions.

3. Peace Lily

Peace lilies are a beautiful option for a low-light houseplant. They are known for their ability to purify the air and their beautiful white flowers. Peace lilies are relatively easy to care for, but they do need to be watered more frequently than other low-light plants.

4. Philodendron

Philodendrons are a great choice for a low-light houseplant. They are very easy to care for and are known for their ability to purify the air. Philodendrons come in a variety

How To Care For These Plants

If you’re looking for some houseplants that can thrive in low-light conditions, check out these five options. With a little care, they can make your home look and feel more vibrant and alive.

1. Snake Plant

Snake plants are one of the most popular low-light houseplants. They’re easy to care for and can tolerate a wide range of conditions. When watering, allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings. These plants don’t need a lot of fertilizer, so once a month is plenty.

2. Philodendron

Philodendrons are another great option for low-light conditions. They’re fast-growing, so they’re perfect for filling in empty spaces in your home. When watering, be sure to keep the soil moist but not soggy. These plants like to be fertilized every other week.

3. Pothos

Pothos are a versatile plant that can be grown in a wide range of conditions. They’re perfect for beginners, as they’re very easy to care for. When watering, be sure to allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings. These plants don’t need a lot of fertilizer, so once a month

The Benefits Of These Plants

These plants are perfect for people who want to enjoy the benefits of plants but don’t have a lot of sunlight in their home. These plants don’t need much sunlight to survive, so they’re perfect for rooms that don’t get a lot of natural light.

One of the benefits of these plants is that they can help purify the air in your home. They help remove toxins and pollutants from the air, making it healthier for you to breathe.

Another benefit of these plants is that they can help improve your mood and mental health. Studies have shown that being around plants can help reduce stress and anxiety, and can even help improve your memory.

So if you’re looking for a low-maintenance plant that can still provide you with some great benefits, consider one of these five options.

Why These Plants Don’t Need Sunlight

While most plants need sunlight to grow, there are a few that don’t. These plants are called shade plants or shade-tolerant plants. Shade plants are able to grow in low-light conditions because they have adapted to survive in areas where there is little to no sunlight.

One reason why these plants don’t need sunlight is because they have evolved to have leaves that are darker in color. This allows them to absorb more light, which they can then use to create food. Another reason is that they often have larger leaves, which also helps them to absorb more light. Finally, many shade plants have a special type of photosynthesis that allows them to grow in low-light conditions.

While shade plants don’t need sunlight to grow, they do still need some light. If they are placed in an area that is too dark, they will not be able to grow properly. So, if you’re looking to grow a shade plant, be sure to place it in an area where it will get some light, just not direct sunlight.

Tips For Keeping These Plants Alive

Here are some tips for keeping your low-light plants alive and thriving:

1. Choose the right plant. Not all plants need or like a lot of sunlight. Some plants that do well in low-light conditions include pothos, snake plants, philodendrons, and ferns.

2. Give them enough light. While these plants don’t need direct sunlight, they still need some light to grow. Place them near a window where they will get indirect sunlight or use a grow light.

3. Water them properly. Over-watering is one of the biggest mistakes people make when caring for plants. Be sure to check the soil before watering and only water when the soil is dry.

4. fertilize sparingly. These plants don’t need a lot of fertilizer to grow. Once a month is usually sufficient.

5. Prune as needed. Trim off any dead or dying leaves or stems to help the plant focus its energy on new growth.

By following these simple tips, you can keep your low-light plants healthy and happy.


If you don’t have a lot of sunlight in your home, you can still enjoy the beauty of houseplants. There are several varieties that don’t need sunlight to survive. The snake plant, also known as the mother-in-law’s tongue, is one of the most popular. It’s a hardy plant that can tolerate low light and irregular watering. The spider plant is another low light option. It’s easy to care for and can even help purify the air in your home. Other good choices include the Chinese evergreen, the golden pothos, and the peace lily. With a little research, you can find the perfect plant to brighten up your home, even if it doesn’t have a lot of natural light.

About the Author

Michelle Wilde is a stay-at-home mom and avid plant lover. Armed with a post-graduate degree in Computer Science (no kidding!), she loves researching plants and landscapes. When she is not caring for her 4 kids, she spends time on her passion for plants. She blogs at www.indoorplantschannel.com, the trusted source for indoor plants.


About the Creator

Michelle Wilde

Michelle Wilde is a stay-at-home mom and avid plant lover. She loves researching plants and landscapes and is the trusted source for indoor plants. She blogs at: www.indoorplantschannel.com

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