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3 million people failed in the postgraduate entrance examination this year, and the truth is shocking: the most terrible thing is that you think your education is waste paper.

Educational pointer

By iwwhsm whisksPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

On March 11, the national line for the postgraduate entrance examination in 2022 was officially announced, detonating a hot search.

Judging from the published scores, except for some majors that are the same as last year, the scores of other majors have increased by at least 10 points.

You know, for millions of candidates, a gap of only one point can turn a year's hard work into a bubble, let alone 10 points.

This made students who were full of confidence in the postgraduate entrance examination feel more and more pressure.At the same time, it also announced the failure of those candidates who hovered above and below the score line.

In the face of such a result, many people called it "crazy" and made them feel that "it is really too curly".

How many papers are there in this year's postgraduate entrance examination?

According to the latest data released by the Ministry of Education, the number of applicants for the postgraduate entrance examination reached 4.57 million this year, an increase of 800000 over last year, while colleges and universities plan to enroll only 1 million students.

This means that more than 3 million of the candidates will fail.

Some people commented that:

"the number of people taking the postgraduate entrance examination is getting more and more year after year, but the difficulty has only increased. The competition for the postgraduate entrance examination is really too big. "

Yes, we all know that it is difficult to take the postgraduate entrance examination, but there are still a lot of people working for it.

The reason behind this desperation is to fight for more protection for yourself and one more opportunity to compete with others when we step into society.

Some people always say that reading is useless and that education is just a piece of waste paper.

But it is this piece of "waste paper" that determines a person's knowledge, determines the threshold for many people to enter society, and determines the starting point for them to "Rome".

When you step into society and experience "tribulations" again and again, you will eventually find that the biggest lie in the world is called "useless reading".

Reading is not just for acquiring knowledge.

But also for the realization of self-appreciation.

Recently, I saw the latest recruitment message from Tencent on Weibo.

One of the requirements surprised me:

The most basic operation intern position matches the graduate degree.

Key universities are not required, but the educational threshold is clearly written.

Some people may say, isn't it still written about undergraduates?

Just imagine, as an enterprise, which would you prefer when undergraduate and graduate students apply for jobs at the same time?

I think the answer is self-evident.

This is the so-called "hidden rule" of job hunting, as well as the "academic bonus", which is a blow to dimensionality reduction.

Even today, there are still many people who think that reading is useless and flatter the theory that reading is useless.

But as long as you enter the society, you will understand that every time you despise your education, you will only harm yourself in the end.

Without education, you will really suffer a lot of losses; without education, it is really difficult to do it step by step.

Zhang Xuefeng and Martin once discussed the topic of "academic qualifications" in a program.

Martin said: "compared to the postgraduate entrance examination, work is the best way for young people to get promoted."

However, Zhang Xuefeng thought:

"the postgraduate entrance examination is not the only way, but it is a very important one. Almost all of the top 500 companies tell you that education is not important, but they will never go to Qiqihar University (unfocused) to recruit. "

It's real and heartbreaking.

The less you read and the lower your education, the more difficult each step you take and the more you can feel the invisible rules of society.

The more you read, the higher your education, the more benefits it brings, and the more you can appreciate the advantages that reading brings to you.

Education is like a filter, it has nothing to do with ability, so you can be eliminated before you step into society.

Therefore, stop believing in the so-called "the theory that reading is useless" and stop underestimating the value of academic qualifications.

Study hard, study hard.

Because every minute you spend reading, you keep making yourself more valuable.

Because every skill you learn is tearing open an outlet for your future life.

Reading is not just for acquiring knowledge, but also the best way for you to enhance your self-worth and core competition.

Reading is not only to broaden the pattern.

To break through one's own circle.

I believe many people have seen this picture:

I still remember someone joking at that time:

"sure enough, good people play together."

Yes, an excellent person is not a loner, but in his gregarious circle, there is no you at all.

As the saying goes, "birds of a feather flock together."

Most of the time, if you want to be with a good person, you must first become an excellent person.

I have read such a story.

Two children have lived in the countryside since childhood.

Every day, we either play together or herd cattle together.

Once, when two people were talking, a child said:

"if I herd the cattle well, I can have a big cake by the end of the year."

And another child is still immersed in a sentence in his brother's letter from home: the college entrance examination is about to be resumed.

In this way, in the confusion of others, the child took the money his parents had managed to get together, went to study in a city hundreds of miles away alone, and was finally admitted to Tsinghua University.

Thirty years later, the cattle herding child is still living his own life in the countryside, and the child who studies hard has already become the vice president of Tsinghua University: Xue Qikun.

Because reading, change fate; because education, change life.

Many people have the question: "how much influence does education have on people?"

I think this passage is the best answer to it:

"Education is the fairest right for us to choose our future life. We can cross classes and confront backdoors and relationships. Children from ordinary families must seize this opportunity if they want to change the status quo and upgrade the class. "

A person's circle determines his cognition and thickness of life, while education determines what kind of circle he can have.

If you want to break your own pattern and break through the existing circle, the most convenient way is to read.

When you have a high enough education and become better and better, those who once wanted to step into the circle, want to contact people, will naturally come slowly.

Reading is not just for enriching the heart.

But also for wealth and freedom.

Not long ago, the topic of "which do you choose between 750points and 7.5 million in the college entrance examination" sparked a heated discussion among netizens.

Most people choose a score of 750. the reason is that if they have the ability to take the test, they will have a chance of earning 7.5 million in the future.

This is the most direct benefit of reading.

Everyone says that reading can enrich your heart and raise your awareness, but few people will say that reading can help you make more money.

Because in their eyes, reading is just reading, which takes time, but gains very little.

This is also why, in the same job, some people earn more than 10,000 yuan a month, while others only earn three or four thousand yuan.

There is a saying:

"you can never make money outside of cognition, let alone see the world outside of cognition."

If you want to raise your awareness, you can only do it through reading.

I saw a piece of news before.

Huang can, a girl from Peking University, became a real estate agent after graduation.

Some people say that rea


About the Creator

iwwhsm whisks

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