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10 Ways to Make Your Marriage Stronger After Having Kids

If you're like most parents, you probably feel a little overwhelmed by the task of caring for your growing family. But, if you’re lucky enough to have a marriage that can withstand the challenges that parenting poses, then it's time to celebrate and find ways to nurture it!

By BingBingMoneyPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

After having a child, there isn't much time to date. When you finally have time to make that first date, the other person is likely tired from staying up all night with their baby. Plus, when you always have your hands full as parents, it can be difficult for some people to relate to the needs of a single adult who wants to find love again.

What's more is that your new responsibilities might mean that you'll have less time for each other than ever before and that your partner may not be open about sharing their thoughts and feelings with you as much anymore because they're focused on what needs doing in the moment instead of now and then.

However, if you really want your relationship to work, it's important to focus on your love for each other and not on the stress and strain that life can place upon it.

In order to do this, you need to take some time out of your day to spend with each other. Here are 10 ways to make sure that both of you are feeling loved and appreciated in your relationship.

1. Play games together

When you're in your twenties, dating can feel like a game. You may be more focused on whether the person you're interested in is going to want to go out with you than whether they like your inner core as a human being.

However, after you have kids, it's hard to concentrate on who likes whom and who isn't getting enough attention because there are so many other things going on in both lives. To combat this problem, try playing games together.

They can focus both of you on each other and help the two of you see what positive qualities your partner has that make them attractive in the first place.

2. Share your thoughts and feelings

The best marriage is the one where both people allow the other to see their entire life without feeling judged or criticized. However, there are times when it's difficult for the two of you to share these feelings because you're busy doing things with your children. In those situations, it can be a great idea for one person to take on that role so that both of you can share your thoughts and feelings openly.

3. Listen attentively when someone talks

When you have children together, you tend to stop paying attention to one another because there is always something else going on around you. However, this can undermine your love life and your marriage. To combat this problem, you should both make sure that you're listening to each other without interrupting or judging what the person is saying. And then, if you have something to say, let them finish talking before speaking so that they don't feel like you're not interested in what they have to say.

4. Plan a date for the two of you

Since having kids together, it can be hard to plan a date because there are so many other things that need to be done around the house and with your children. However, if you don't take some time out to be together on a regular basis, then you may begin to question whether the other person really cares about you or not. To make sure that your relationship is strong, it's important for the two of you to plan a date together on a regular basis and make time for each other because it will show that both of you still care about one another.

5. Be romantic and sweet to one another

The best relationship is the one in which both partners are constantly showing their love for each other in different ways. For example, you can be romantic by saying nice things to one another, surprising your partner with flowers for no reason and doing things for one another that will make them feel like they're special and important to you. Realize that being romantic doesn't mean that you have to go overboard with expensive activities. Instead, it means being thoughtful and making the other person feel important.

6. Keep some space in your relationship

It's very exciting when the two of you first start dating. However, things can change once the two of you get married because many married people tend to stop going out on dates together after they've tied the knot. However, this can be a problem because you have to keep in touch with each other in order to stay connected.

In order to make sure that both of you are staying close, try having alone time for one another. For example, you can go for a weekend away or plan a trip with your children so the two of you can have some space apart from the kids. Doing things like this will help you remain emotionally connected and physical attracted to each other.

7. Spend quality time together as a family

When parents get married, they tend to stop spending quality time together as a couple and instead focus on spending every minute of their day with their children. However, this can lead to disaster because it doesn't give the two of you any time to connect with each other on a deep level. In order to solve this problem, try having more quality time together as a couple. For example, you can plan activities for your children that will allow you to spend some time together without feeling like you're neglecting your kids.

8. Plan a weekend away with one another

As mentioned above, it's important for married parents to go on weekend away trips so they can spend some time apart from their kids and reconnect with their partner in a romantic way. You can also plan day trips that will allow both of you the opportunity to get out of the house together and be by yourselves.

9. Take on activities that you enjoy

You may not like all the same things but if you both like something, then it's important for you to do that together. For example, if one of you loves sports and the other person is into music, then you'll be able to find a common interest that can bring you closer together as a couple.

This doesn't have to be anything major. It can simply mean going out to dinner and a movie once in a while or taking the kids bowling with you so the two of you can have some fun together without feeling like there aren't enough hours in the day for fun alone time.

10. Live life to the fullest

A great marriage is one in which both partners can enjoy life together. When you have children, it can be especially difficult to do things that you used to do with your spouse such as going out on the town, attending functions and doing other fun things.

However, it's important to think of what you're missing out on and make time for those activities even if it means saying no to your kids sometimes.

Additionally, if you have a hobby or something that you'd like to try together once in a while, then it's a great idea for the two of you to do that together because it will give both of you an opportunity to bond and help each other see what's important in life.

In Conclusion

When you have children, it can be very difficult to keep your relationship going because both of you may feel like you have bigger things to worry about such as your kids. However, if you don't put some effort into maintaining your marriage and having quality time together with one another, then it's highly likely that the two of you will lose interest in each other and become more distant.

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