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10 Life Survival Skills Every Child Needs Before Turning 12

Practical Ways to Instill Them

By Blessing Udo OnuohaPublished 11 months ago 4 min read
10  Life Survival Skills Every Child Needs Before Turning 12
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Preparing children with essential life survival skills early in life is crucial in shaping their future success and resilience. By equipping them with practical skills and fostering their development, we empower children to navigate the complexities of life with confidence and independence.

In this article, we present 10 life survival skills that every child should acquire before turning 12. We will also explore practical ways and examples to instill these skills in their daily lives, ensuring a solid foundation for their future endeavors.

1.Effective Communication:

Encourage children to express themselves clearly and respectfully through daily interactions. Provide opportunities for public speaking, engaging in debates, and sharing ideas. Encourage active listening and empathy by discussing emotions and perspectives during family conversations or engaging in role-playing scenarios.

Practical Ways to achieve effective communication: Assign them a topic to present to the family or encourage them to express their feelings through creative writing or artwork.


Engage children in age-appropriate problem-solving activities. Encourage them to identify issues, brainstorm solutions, and evaluate the outcomes. Foster critical thinking by asking open-ended questions and allowing them to explore different approaches.

Practical ways: Present them with puzzles, riddles, or challenges that require logical thinking and creative problem-solving.

3.Emotional Intelligence:

Help children understand and manage their emotions by creating a safe and supportive environment. Teach them emotional vocabulary and provide strategies for expressing feelings constructively. Encourage empathy by discussing various situations and asking how they would feel in those circumstances.

Example: Engage in regular conversations about emotions, ask them to identify emotions in storybooks or movies, and practice perspective-taking by role-playing different scenarios.

4.Decision Making:

Involve children in decision-making processes within their capacity. Encourage them to weigh options, consider consequences, and make choices. Discuss the decision-making process and help them understand the importance of taking responsibility for their decisions.

Example: When planning a family outing, involve them in the decision-making process by presenting different options and discussing pros and cons together.

5.Financial Literacy:

Teach children about money management through practical experiences. Give them opportunities to earn, save, and spend money responsibly. Introduce basic concepts like budgeting, saving for goals, and the value of money.

Example: Provide them with a weekly allowance and guide them on budgeting for desired toys or activities. Encourage them to save a portion of their allowance for long-term goals.

6.Critical Thinking:

Encourage critical thinking by asking open-ended questions and promoting curiosity. Encourage them to seek information, evaluate sources, and form their own opinions. Engage in discussions about current events or topics of interest.

Example: Present them with a news article or a thought-provoking question, and encourage them to share their perspective after considering different viewpoints.

7.Time Management:

Teach children about time management through simple routines and goal-setting. Help them prioritize tasks, allocate time effectively, and establish healthy habits. Use visual aids, such as calendars or planners, to track daily activities and responsibilities.

Example: Create a daily schedule together and involve them in setting specific time slots for homework, chores, hobbies, and free time.

8.Self-Care and Well-being:

Promote self-care and well-being by encouraging healthy habits. Teach them about proper nutrition, regular exercise, and sufficient sleep. Introduce relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or meditation, to help manage stress.

Example: Engage in physical activities as a family, cook nutritious meals together, and establish a consistent bedtime routine.

9.Collaboration and Teamwork:

Provide opportunities for children to engage in group activities, sports, or projects that require collaboration. Encourage active participation, effective communication, and respect for others' ideas. Teach them the value of teamwork and the importance of compromising.

Example: Involve them in group projects at school or engage in family activities where everyone has a role to play, fostering cooperation and teamwork.

10.Digital Literacy:

Teach children about online safety, responsible internet use, and digital citizenship. Set guidelines for screen time, monitor their online activities, and discuss potential risks. Teach them to critically evaluate online information and be respectful in their online interactions.

Example: Educate them about safe online practices, such as protecting personal information, recognizing and avoiding scams, and being mindful of their digital footprint.


By instilling these 10 irresistible life survival skills in children before they turn 12, we provide them with essential tools for success and resilience. Through practical methods and examples, we can help them develop effective communication, problem-solving abilities, emotional intelligence, and more. By nurturing these skills, we prepare children to face life's challenges confidently and navigate their future with strength and adaptability. Let's empower our children to thrive in the world ahead.

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About the Creator

Blessing Udo Onuoha

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