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Write a Winning Personal Statement for College

It isn't as difficult as you may think! Here is 5-step, easy to follow guide to get you started right away.

By Sana MPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Write a Winning Personal Statement for College
Photo by Charles DeLoye on Unsplash

Personal statements for college can be daunting for students, especially if it’s their first time.

I’ve written many statements and edited even more for friends and family members. Luckily for you, I’ve compiled a list of things that will help you start right away!

This is my go-to basic structure and process of personal statement writing. Let's begin.

1. Research

It’s crucial that you research the degree you want to apply for and the school you’re applying to. Why?

You don’t want to come off as someone who is applying to every single school they see and just because everyone else is applying.

Researching beforehand will allow you to include things like:

A) Why this degree stands out?

EXAMPLE - A college may have an amazing biology lab with facilities and resources not commonly available in other colleges.

Or you are interested in the work the faculty is focused on?

B) Which modules will help you in achieving your career goals? Note down one or two.

C) Is there something about this university that sets it apart?

Adding little details like these in your statement will show the person reading it, that you are well-informed and self-motivated. It also proves that you are ambitious in achieving your goals and aware of what it takes.

Note these before starting your personal statement or statement of purpose writing.

2. How much time do you need?

It goes without saying that the more time you are able to give yourself writing your personal statement, the better off you’ll be. Rushing it can cause you to overlook many errors and end up submitting a statement you could have otherwise, written better if you had the time.

With that being said, writing a statement within a short span of time is still achievable.

Personally speaking, I gave myself around 1.5-2 months to plan, write and edit my statement. This gave me the ability to space out my writing sessions and not have to work on it every single day.

The answer?

Minimum: 2 weeks

Maximum: 2 months

3. First paragraph

Your first line needs to be memorable. How do you achieve that?

  • Don't underestimate the use of simplistic language. It allows room for a more direct and uncomplicated tone. We can also avoid being over dramatic this way.
  • If you want to tell us a story about how you were inspired, don't over-do it. It should wind up within a paragraph or two at the most, either in the first paragraph completely or split into two parts between the first and second paragraphs in a sandwich approach.

Your first paragraph should include:

  1. Who you are (your current career or your previous education),
  2. How you became interested in the topic/field of the degree you're applying for (i.e. where did your motivation arise from?),
  3. Open into the following paragraphs where you will now go into more detail of your skillset, struggles, accomplishments, etc.

In reference to the above mentioned point, if you decide to sandwich your opening statement, adding 1-2 lines in the second paragraph can really help tie in your statement. (Like a sandwich!)

For example: First paragraph excerpt

My motivation to become a nutritionist stems from .....

.... In my last year, I was assigned the task to lead a research project where I was on-site, working with professionals and team members. Due to limitations and the nature of the work, I was not able to increase the scope of influence. While I was happy to be learning so much, the limitations reminded me that I was not able to fulfill what I had intended to do; To help prevent health problems through health and dietary education and counselling.

Second paragraph, (look at the sandwich portion at the bottom)

My undergraduate studies equipped me with the necessary skillset of X, Y and Z. I was able to gain exposure for ----. It was then when I knew I must gain knowledge and expertise in tackling such policies, because without it, I would surely face these obstacles again. I wanted to help people with their health. With a Masters in Policy and Public Health, I would be able to help people at a larger scale and overcome obstacles I have previously encountered.

Note: The last lines of the second paragraph can be linked back to what was initially brought up in the first paragraph. By linking a one-liner back to your first mentioned inspiration, it shows you know what you need, the limitations and value of specific skills and how this degree is connected to your initial motivation.

Play around with this tip, it can lead to a more memorable statement.

4. Second, third and fourth paragraph

These should include:

  • Skillset you currently have/ gained from past.
  • Skillset you wish to gain from the masters/degree.
  • Skills you struggled with and how you overcame the difficulty.
  • Things you are passionate about in the field, give supporting evidence if you have done any activities regarding it?
  • What work you hope to accomplish.
  • Give at least two (minimum), credible experiences that can be cross-checked later if someone really wanted to, in close association to your field.
  • 5. Last paragraph/ Conclusion

    This should include:

  • What you strive to do after finishing this degree.
  • Talk in a practical sense of how you will go about your career goals.
  • How your background/experiences will help you in successfully completing this course.
  • The previous point is targeted to set you apart from others.
  • What you look forward to in this degree or attendance at this specific college.
  • Lastly, concluding with a respectful message like how you look forward to their consideration, working with like minded individuals, being part of their prestigious institute.
  • Let me know if you'd like more content like this in the comments below! Or any additional queries.

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    About the Creator

    Sana M

    ✧ been online writing fiction and poetry for over thirteen years.

    ✧ sharing writing tips, resources and information.

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