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Worthy of respect

I think the best way to enjoy life is to respect labor. All happiness, can be derived from labor, all hardship, can be liberated by labor.

By testPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

I think the best way to enjoy life is to respect labor. All happiness, can be derived from labor, all hardship, can be liberated by labor. Blessed is the man who shows his head. Knowing that the world must be watching what he had to do, he did it with vigour from start to finish. But such a man is more worthy of respect, who hides in obscurity, and labours in the long, hard days without pay, without glory or praise; Only one thought encouraged his industriousness, and his work was good for the masses. These are the conclusions of famous people, all human beings come from labor, labor makes us have the world, but I have a lot of respect for the kind of honorable hard workers.

I believe that in order for mankind to develop, everyone has to tap into his inner strength, do his duty, and take it as his duty to foster things that advance. There are different sizes of jobs and different degrees of respectability. However, the pioneer who dares to go where no one has gone before is immortal forever. The sweepers who toil in the morning and night represent the immortal, which is worthy of our respect.

I didn't like cleaning before, because I thought it was a lowly job, to be laughed at and looked down upon. My mother did not have any culture to do a cleaner at the age of fifty, she swept the road in front of our door every day, but because of the garbage, she always made himself very embarrassed, one day I came back from school to hear the neighbor aunt said: "The poor are different are not the image of" I listened to the very angry. When I got home, I lost my temper with my mother and said, "Why do you have to do cleaning? Don't you know it will make people look down on you? I said also cried, in fact, I do not want to say such words, but I do not want to mother so hard work also let people look down on, mother like this work all for our children can live a good life. But I still can't handle them calling my mom a dick. So Mom left the street and went to work on the street farthest from home. In one day in the morning I sleep seem to hear the sounds beautiful melody, I asked to, only to see a man who don't like mother in my house downstairs rhythmic sweeping the ground, even with a smile on her face, the ground of garbage is not clean she squatted down to serious dug up, the road have weeds directly in her hand, pull to water the flower. Yeah, isn't it because of them that we have clean streets and beautiful flowers? Is it because of their existence that the world becomes beautiful and clean?

From now on I will swear to not litter, must respect their labor, and secretly to watering the flower of home every day, hope it can also help mother relieve work, but I do in a day in the morning mom finds out, what also don't say she just came up to me, and I am sorry to her head, when she was walking to and I said a sentence: "It's better if you come back here and work closer." She just laughed and left. Early the next day I looked for the beautiful music went to the window to see, I smiled and enjoyed the music. This music is exclusive to them. I seem to see many mothers in the music. They are the same one, only for the beautification of the society, leaving only ridicule for themselves. But they are happy, because they are the great of society. So there is such a sentence to evaluate them: "buried in the bottom of the people really worthy of respect, his life hard, all his life busy, not reputation and glory, only a thought to encourage him to work for the public interest."

If you ask me who is the person who deserves my respect the most? I would say my mothers -- the cleaners.

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