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Why is it important to use regression testing?

Regression testing plays a pivotal role in software testing

By Jessica WoodPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Regression testing plays a pivotal role in software testing as it is responsible to ensure that any changes being made to the code do not obstruct the functioning of existing functionalities.

As new changes and features are being added in the software application development process, regression testing is continuous testing process, as it needs to be performed each time when a new change or update is being made to the code. In this article, you will get to know about the importance of regression testing.

Following are the six key factors that depict the importance of regression testing:

1. Continuous testing: Regression testing can be carried out on a continuous basis regardless of days, weeks or months. Through the scheduling option tests can be set up in a way that it runs day and night and thus there is no need to monitor and wait for test results.

These tests are being run continually without missing any of the bugs. Testers can in turn focus on other key testing tasks while the regression testing is being carried out in the background.

The bugs are notified to the testers as the recordings and logs can be done visually due to which identifying and fixing bugs becomes even more efficient and fast.

2. Scalability is tactically measured: The amount of testing can be scaled up when the testing activities are carried out speedily. When testers are being pushed to the maximum with tedious and manual tasks, they will not be able to test more in the stipulated amount of time. They might even skip exploratory testing and test design through which the test quality is impacted.

When tests are automated, the speed and frequency are drastically improved, which in turn helps in scaling testing activities.

3. Maintenance becomes less burdensome: When a product is being added with new features, new tests will come into fruition, which in turn helps regression testing to grow over time.

Eventually, there will be a point where regression test cases need not be managed manually. Selecting the right automation tool paves a long way in providing a clear overview of the testing suite.

With this automation tool, the testing suite can be maintained and adjusted properly without the need to change or rewrite code. A no-code automation tool can be used in order to lower the burden of maintenance activities.

4. Optimum utilization of resources: The key benefit of implementing automated regression testing is that a lot of resources are freed up. Specific parts of the software can be checked in an accurate manner by setting up the automation platform.

Testers can focus on those test cases that require manual intervention and also work on fixing bugs found in other types of tests. Through this, the software product is enhanced and customers can expect bug-free and efficient software.

Additional time can be saved on maintenance and setup of automated flows by using a no-code automation tool.

5. Improved feedback can be expected: If a waterfall approach is being used, then regression testing is performed before the software product is being released.

When automated regression testing is being implemented, then the situation becomes quite different as testing can be done in an iterative manner through which the overall testing time is reduced and instant feedback loops are created resulting in improving the quality.

Logs and visual recording can be created by using an implementation tool and those tests that are failing can be detected. Through this, the speed of feedback loops is increased and failures are also fixed at a faster pace.

Conclusion: If you are looking forward to implementing regression testing for your specific software development project, then do get connected with a leading software testing services company that will provide you with methodical testing solutions that are in line with your project requirements.

About the author: I am a technical content writer focused on writing technology specific articles. I strive to provide well-researched information on the leading market savvy technologies.

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About the Creator

Jessica Wood

I am Jessica wood and I am a Software tester for over 9 years , blogger, technology geek, and I use software testing to explore and learn about my world.

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