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Reasons why a pathograph is considered an ultimate tool to monitor mother and foetus wellbeing during labour

By Ayamba Ligette EnowmbiPublished 10 months ago 3 min read



Pathograph; a Pathograph is a tool for monitoring maternal and foetal wellbeing during the active phase of labour, and decision-making aid when abnormalities are detected according to MEDECINS SANS FRONTIERES, in addition a pathograph is an ultimate tool for every action pan during labour.

Ultimate tool; is a furthest or highest in degree or order; utmost or extreme tool used in practice of a vocation according to the Thesaurus dictionary. In addition ultimate tool is the most preferred and accurate tool use for practice.

Labour; is a series of continuous, progressive contractions of the uterus that help the cervix dilate (open) and efface (thin). This allows the foetus to move through the birth canal. Labour usually starts two weeks before or after the estimated date of delivery according the World Health Organisation. In addition is a spontaneous onset of uterine contraction, characterised by effacement and dilatation of the cervix, pain that increases with time and frequency and Show leading to expulsion of product of conception; baby and placenta.

Action plan; is an outline or list of the entire task that needs to be completed to achieve a goal according to Alicia Raeburn. In addition, action plan are measures put in place to achieve a good result. With action plan in labour, we monitor the progress of labour to achieve a good outcome of birth.

Reasons why a pathograph is considered an ultimate tool to monitor mother and foetus wellbeing during labour

-Rather than basing our findings on imaginary thought, a pathograph helps gives us a pictorial presentation of labour and gives a good overview of labour progression.

-The pathograph is made up of very important key elements use to, monitor labour; observation of effacement and dilatation, decent of the presenting part, strengths and duration of uterine contraction.

-It provides room for close monitoring of the mother and the foetus. It includes the vital signs (blood pressure, temperature, and pulse), medication and fluid balance.

-A pathograph helps to promote continuity of care during hand over at shift change

-Pathograph is intended to identify risk and to act or intervene when needed,

- A pathograph is a very accessible tool, since it comes in paper and in electronic version in the maternity.

-It is use as a tool to teach student midwives about progress of labour.

- The pathograph is use to identify risk and to act or intervene when needed.

-Use of pathograph for labour management reduces the number of labour lasting for more than 18 hours, the number of women requiring labour augmentation, emergency caesarean section and intrapartum still birth.

Components of a pathograph and their uses

1. Patient's identification details; this are important details midwives needs in order to properly follow up their pregnant women. This details is made up of the patient name, date of admission, time of admission, gravid (Number of pregnancy), Para (Number of live birth), Ruptured membranes and hospital number.

2. Foetal heart Rate; It measures the heart rate and rhythm of your baby (foetus). This enables the health care provider to monitor how the baby is doing

3. Liquor (amniotic fluid); it is very important to record the colour of the amniotic fluid if the membrane has ruptured. Tinted brown or green liquor is an indicative sign for the present of meconium (first poop). It can cause complication if foetus breathes it in

4. Moulding; excessive moulding is an indicative sign for prolonged labour

Conclusion; A pathograph is referred to as a simple tool to monitor Labour. Other benefits of using the pantograph during labour and birth have been reported with no publish accounts of it doing any harm. Taking in to consideration all its usefulness listed above, a pathograph should be used routinely for all women as the evidence related to clinical outcomes is conclusive.

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About the Creator

Ayamba Ligette Enowmbi

A faint pen is far better than the fastest brains. I'm a passionate writer, Midwife and a community activist. I am the Co-Founder of Ayodah Inclusive Health Organisation, Secretary general of DEDUCE Cameroon. I am an innovative thinker

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