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What will happen to your body if you don´t exercise

What Will Happen to Your Body If You Don't Exercise: The Health Risks of a Sedentary Lifestyle

By Lillian FormelováPublished 6 days ago 5 min read

Let's examine the impact on your body when you neglect exercise. Firstly, let's focus on your heart. When you engage in physical activity, your heart is required to work harder in order to pump blood to your muscles. This is beneficial for your heart health, and exercising offers numerous other advantages as well. Similar to any other muscle in your body, when you exercise, your heart responds and becomes stronger. However, if you fail to provide your heart with the opportunity to exercise, it will remain weak, leading to potential health issues in the future. A weak heart will be unable to withstand any potential attacks. A study conducted in February 2019 revealed that a sedentary lifestyle is one of the primary preventable factors contributing to cardiovascular disease and death on a global scale. Moving on to the brain, no part of the body is exempt from the effects of aging, including the brain. Aerobic exercise plays a crucial role in maintaining the health of your brain as you age. It aids in improving cognitive function and memory retention. Conversely, if you neglect exercise, your brain may become more susceptible to age-related decline. Additionally, aerobic exercise can also enhance memory and learning capabilities. In a 2015 study, it was demonstrated that engaging in regular exercise can lead to an increase in the size of the hippocampus among elderly women. This indicates that there are tangible variances in brain structure between individuals who are sedentary and those who exercise consistently. Not only does a sedentary lifestyle affect brain function, but it also alters brain chemistry. A 2018 study revealed that even healthy adults experience improved mental well-being when they are not sedentary. Consequently, individuals who have minimal physical activity and remain stationary for extended periods are at a higher risk of developing mental health issues. High-impact workouts and contact sports are often associated with a heightened risk of bone or joint injuries, but this can be mitigated by taking precautions. Weight-bearing exercises have been proven to prevent bone thinning and weakening. Furthermore, maintaining flexibility can reduce the risk of fall-related injuries and enable individuals to perform daily activities for an extended period. A 2018 study found that weight-bearing exercises strengthen bones, while neglecting exercise can lead to bone weakening over time. It is evident that a sedentary lifestyle, such as sitting on the couch and binge-watching Netflix, is detrimental to one's waistline.A study released in the International Journal of Obesity revealed that individuals who spend prolonged periods sitting down are at a higher risk of obesity or cardiovascular disease. The longer you sit, the larger your waistline is likely to become. This is due to the fact that sitting burns fewer calories compared to other physical activities. Consuming fewer calories than you expend will result in weight gain and a higher likelihood of developing insulin resistance, characterized by elevated blood sugar levels that can lead to cardiovascular disease. As you age, your metabolism will naturally slow down, affecting everyone as a part of the aging process. To counteract a sluggish metabolism, engaging in regular exercise is essential. This should include both cardiovascular workouts to elevate heart rate and resistance training with weights. Studies have demonstrated that exercise can boost an individual's Resting Metabolic Rate. This is the speed at which your metabolism functions when you are not engaging in any physical exercise or activity. Inadequate physical activity can lead to muscle loss (known as sarcopenia) and an increase in body fat, making it more challenging for your body to burn calories. The risk of developing Cancer also rises. Scientists are continuously researching cancer and its causes, although it is known that lack of exercise can heighten the likelihood of certain cancer types. According to a September 2018 report by the World Health Organization, Cancer is the second most common cause of death globally. Cancerous growths occur when there is a change in the DNA of cells, known as a gene mutation. In December 2017, a study published in the journal Sedentary Behaviour Epidemiology revealed that a sedentary lifestyle is associated with a higher risk of various types of cancer. The review of 25 studies indicated that physical inactivity may contribute to the development of specific cancers, such as endometrial and ovarian cancers.It may also lead to the development of breast, colorectal, and lung cancers. Conversely, engaging in regular physical activity seems to be associated with a reduced risk of cancer. The Transfer Effect can be observed in many individuals who maintain a consistent exercise routine and also follow healthy diets. While it may seem that those who exercise frequently choose to prioritize their health, it is actually the case that active individuals are naturally inclined towards nutritious meals. This phenomenon demonstrates how acquiring new skills or improving in one area can inspire individuals to strive for improvement in other aspects of their lives. This approach can be beneficial in cultivating multiple healthy habits, such as exercising regularly and consuming nutritious foods. However, a challenge arises when individuals cease their exercise routine, as they often also abandon their healthy eating habits. We are all aware of how easy it is to deviate from a healthy lifestyle, finding ourselves indulging in junk food as our bodies no longer crave nutrient-rich options. Pre-packaged meals that lack nutritional value but are enticingly delicious, such as sweets, bread, and cake, can overwhelm our senses. Let's be honest, enjoying a tub of ice cream while binge-watching episodes of Game of Thrones is certainly a tempting and effortless task. If you continue to consume junk food, your cravings for it will only intensify. Wouldn't it be easier to engage in moderate exercise and allow your body to naturally regulate hunger? Do not be deceived by appearances. We all know those individuals who are naturally thin and can eat whatever they want without gaining weight. However, they are actually at a higher risk. As these individuals become complacent, it becomes effortless for them to forgo exercise and instead spend their time relaxing with friends or watching television. They convince themselves that they do not need to work out because they are already thin. However, it is crucial to understand that exercise serves a greater purpose than simply burning calories for weight loss. In reality, insufficient exercise can have a significant impact on our bodies and future health. It is essential to know that regular exercise is necessary to prevent wasting away from excessive sedentary behavior. According to the U.S Department of Health and Human Services, adults should engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous cardio every week. It is recommended that individuals engage in two weight training sessions per week to target all muscle groups and improve overall strength. However, it is crucial to keep in mind that the most suitable exercise regimen varies depending on factors such as age, injury history, and existing health conditions. Therefore, it is advisable not to jump into intense activities like marathons or powerlifting competitions right away. Achieving the positive outcomes of physical activity necessitates a commitment to consistency. It is essential to choose a workout routine that you can maintain in the long term. Regular physical activity, whether it involves walking, crossfit, weightlifting, swimming, cycling, or a combination of exercises, is key. Exercise has been consistently associated with numerous health benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, increased longevity, and reduced risk of chronic diseases.


About the Creator

Lillian Formelová

Learning how things works is one of my favorite hobby and i decided to share my knowledge with you,so i hope you learn something new!!:3

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    LFWritten by Lillian Formelová

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