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What is the best way of studying in the board class of 12 commerce?

The Best way for the class of 12 Commerce to studying

By Aaditya PratapPublished 11 months ago 9 min read

Board exam preparation can be challenging, especially for students in their last year of high school. As the outcomes of the board exams might affect a student's future career route, this is a key year in their academic career. It can be difficult to figure out the best study tips for class 12 commerce because of the large syllabus they must complete. Nonetheless, students can succeed in their exams and get the scores they want if they use the right approach and study methods. We shall discuss some efficient study tips for class 12 commerce.

Firstly, let’s have a look for the individual study tips for class 12 commerce Accountancy, Business Studies and Economics:


The backbone of commerce studies is accounting, and success in the field depends on having a good understanding of its theories and principles. Accounting concepts must be well understood by students and be easy to remember for tests and practical applications. Regular practice and consistent efforts to master the material are necessary for this.

1. It's important to practice writing down the characteristics, benefits, and disadvantages of numerous topics in order to perform well on theory-based tests. Also, it's important to fully understand accounting formulae, including how they were derived and what they are used for, rather than just memorizing them.

2. Making a cheat sheet for the formulas in each chapter can help in the learning process. Also, it's important to carry out calculations with focus and calmness and to write thorough working notes because these things can help you get good grades.

3. For balance sheets, ledger accounts, and journals, it's crucial to follow the right structure, which includes clear narrations. Creating and practising drawing forms beforehand can help you maximise your exam time.

4. Self-study is necessary for addition to school and tuition classes. Creating your own notes can help with revision in the future and can also help you understand difficult ideas by breaking them down into simpler terms.

Business Studies:

Due to how easy it is to learn and write about the concepts and theories in business studies, it is frequently used as a scoring paper. To succeed in this subject, you need to know more than just the principles. Students must focus on the following elements when presenting their papers, which is equally important:

An approach that is Structured and Organized:

Students should begin by arranging their responses logically and in a systematic way. The responses must be presented coherently and should have a distinct introduction, body, and conclusion.

Usage of Headings and Subheadings:

Students should make use of headings and subheadings to make their answers easier to read. This helps to highlight the main elements and makes it simpler for the examiner to follow the response.

If possible, students should explain their answers with the help of diagrams and tables. This improves the answer's visual appeal while also assisting in more effective informational communication.

Grammar and language:

Students must remain aware of their language use. Grammar mistakes should not be present, and the answer should be stated in a simple and clear manner.

Usage of Examples:

Using examples to clarify ideas and theories can be quite effective. Every time it's feasible, students should try to use relevant examples to support their responses.


One needs to develop their analytical and logical reasoning skills in order to succeed in this topic. The theories, whether they relate to the relationship between average fixed cost and total fixed cost or the marginal product and total product, must be at your fingertips.

1. Writing short, clear notes for each chapter is important if you want to succeed in Economics. Because of the large syllabus for Economics, taking notes might help students recall and understand the concepts better.

2. Both microeconomics and macroeconomics contain a large number of diagrams. Students should therefore practice creating exact diagrams with clear labelling. Unlabelled diagrams are not likely to receive marks, yet drawing quality is not the only factor in results.

3. Students must practise question papers from previous years in order to understand the format of the questions and the expectations of the examiner. This can help with time management throughout the exam and give insight into the kinds of questions that are asked.

4. Students should avoid practicing questions the day before the test and instead revise the entire chapter and main concepts from their prepared notes. This can help increase subject retention and reduce any last-minute stress.

How to score good marks in 12th boards commerce:

Now let us have a look at Class 12th commerce study tips for the remaining subjects:

1. Schedule:

The first and most important step in starting your board exam preparation for class 12 is arranging and planning your study routine. Give each subject an equal amount of your time, and spend extra time on the ones you find difficult. Establish a realistic timetable that you can follow, and remember to take regular breaks between study sessions.

2. Understand the syllabus:

Get familiar with each subject's syllabus and note the key points you should pay attention to. Understand the significance of each topic and give more attention to the subjects that get higher marks.

3. Write brief but well-organized notes:

Making sure to include main concepts, formulas, and essential concepts for each subject. This will help you to revise quickly before the exam and also help in understanding and memorizing the subject.

4. Practice previous year's exam questions:

Studying previous year's exam questions is a good way to get ready for the exam. You will have a better understanding of the exam format, the possible question types, and the time management techniques needed to finish the exam in the allocated time.

5. Take practise exams:

This is a great way to test your knowledge and replicate the exam environment. You can use this to identify your areas of weakness and work on them. To enhance your performance, you can also ask your teachers or professors for feedback.

6. Use the flowcharts and diagrams:

Use the flowcharts and diagrams to help you remember key ideas and how they relate to one another. This will improve the effectiveness of your notes and help you in understanding the subject.

7. Time management:

The ability to manage your time well is essential for success in board exams. Create a plan to properly manage your time during the exam by practicing answering questions in the allowed time.

8. Be healthy:

While preparing for your exams, take good care of your physical and mental health. Get enough sleep, eat well, and exercise frequently. To learn effectively and perform at your best, you need to be in good physical and mental health.-

9. Ask for assistance when necessary:

Don't be afraid to ask for help when you are stuck or need clarity on a subject. For guidance and direction, speak to your professors, parents or peers.

10. Trust the process:

Last but not least, keep a positive attitude and have confidence in yourself. Go into the exam with confidence and have faith in the work and effort you have put in. Use relaxation methods like meditation or deep breathing exercises to reduce tension and anxiety. Refer this study tips for class 12 commerce and follow them thoroughly.

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Commerce class 12 details


In conclusion, the study tips for class 12 commerce given above can improve your chances of success by helping you in properly preparing for your class 12 board exams. Some of the major class 12 commerce study tips that can help you perform well on the exams include arranging and planning your study schedule, understanding the syllabus, practising previous year's test questions, and taking practice exams. Success also depends on having a positive outlook, being motivated, seeking help when necessary, and taking care of your physical and mental health. Follow these study tips for class 12 commerce mentioned above, remain motivated and concentrated, and put forth your best effort. I wish you well in your examinations!

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. How to score good marks in class 12 boards commerce stream?

Ans: 1. Identify the concepts:

The study of commerce involves many different theories and concepts. To do well on the test, you must have a proper grasp of these ideas. Make sure you read your texts completely and make an effort to grasp every idea.

2.Regular practice:

Regular practice is necessary to succeed in boards. Try to solve as many past papers and sample papers as you can. You can use this to learn about the format of the exam and to find your areas of weakness.

3. Time management:

Managing your time well is essential when studying for examinations. Establish a study schedule and follow it. Make sure you allot time for each subject and finish your syllabus before the tests.

4. Concentrate on numbers:

A lot of numbers are used in commerce. Make sure you understand the formulas and ways of implementing them by constantly practicing them.

5. Make notes:

While studying, make your own notes. This will enable quick revision and improve information retention.

6. Revision:

The secret to success is revision. Make sure you frequently review all the theories and equations. This will increase your confidence and help in information retention.

7. Keep informed:

Be informed on the most recent changes to the syllabus and exam format.

Q2. Is it difficult to score good marks in class 12 boards?

Ans: Doing well in the commerce stream of the 12th grade is not necessarily tough, but it might be difficult for a number of different reasons. These are some study tips for class 12 commerce :

1. Depth of the Syllabus: The class 12 commerce stream syllabus is vast and demands for a lot of commitment and effort to completely cover all the topics.

2. The commerce stream is more numerically oriented than other streams like the arts, which can be difficult for certain students to handle.

3. Competition: Students must score well on the class 12 board exams to gain admission to reputable colleges or universities.

4. Students must effectively manage their time to finish the syllabus on schedule and have enough time for revision.

5. Memorization: Accounting entries, formulas, case studies, and other topics in commerce subjects all require considerable memorizing.

6. Practical Knowledge: Students studying business subjects must be able to apply their knowledge in real-world situations.

Q3. Does revision plays an important role while studying for class 12 boards?

Ans:Yes, revision plays a crucial role in preparing for the class 12 commerce exam. It helps in retaining the information and concepts learned during the study, boosting confidence, and identifying weak areas. Regular revision also helps in identifying mistakes and correcting them, leading to better performance in the exams.

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About the Creator

Aaditya Pratap

Meet Aaditya, a professional I studied at Delhi University and I currently work in the field of digital marketing. With my education and experience, I have developed the necessary skills to help businesses succeed in the digital age.

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