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What If There Was 1 Man And 7000000000 Women?

Navigating the Last Man Scenario: Implications and Challenges of a Gender-Altered World

By Abdur Rahman Published 3 months ago 3 min read

One day, picture yourself awakening to find yourself the only man in a sea of women. Even though it is only a hypothetical situation, it presents intriguing issues regarding gender dynamics, society structure, and the destiny of humanity. In this thought exercise, we investigate the possible worldwide repercussions and examine the implications of becoming the last man on Earth.

The idea of being the only man on Earth seems bizarre at first. Overnight, businesses that were formerly dominated by men vanished, cosmetics advertisements replaced beer advertising, and female leaders assumed leadership positions in every country. The existential problem that mankind is currently facing—the possibility of annihilation owing to declining population numbers—is far more serious than these superficial changes.

Without help, the world's population would drastically decline—an estimated 150,000 people would die every day. Humanity was on the verge of extinction in 127 years if nothing was done to save it. You would carry the burden of this duty as the last man on Earth, entrusted with populating the world and protecting the human race.

Though the enormous task at hand may appear overwhelming, history provides glimmer of optimism. Think about the impact of historical individuals such as Genghis Khan, whose prodigious progeny have shaped modern human DNA. You would take on the role of a contemporary Genghis Khan, the only male ancestor, and be entrusted with planting the seeds of humanity's future.

The truth of your circumstance would not be glamorous, though. Rather than enjoying fame and luxury, you would become the most precious resource on Earth, something that needs to be protected, watched after, and used for the benefit of all people. You would be kept captive for protection and put through a severe breeding program, with the future of the human race largely in your hands.

Scientifically speaking, in order to guarantee humanity's survival, one would have to father roughly 100,000 offspring. This enormous undertaking would need to be carefully managed and coordinated, with teams of professionals supervising each step of the way. Your duty as the last man would involve intricate and varied logistics, ranging from finding compatible couples to maximizing fertility rates.

A world without men would have significant and far-reaching effects on society. In certain areas, there are still gender differences in school access, therefore education rates may initially decline. But as more and more women take up leadership roles in society, there may be a trend toward more equal access to education for all.

Conversely, the lack of men may also cause problems for specific businesses and economic sectors. In the absence of male labor, traditionally male-dominated industries like mining, engineering, and nuclear energy would face serious difficulties. This might cause sectors to restructure and gender roles in the workplace to be reassessed.

There might be advantages to a world without males despite these difficulties. Given that women approach conflict resolution differently than males do, some psychologists contend that a world dominated by women in leadership could result in a more peaceful society. The world may become a safer and more peaceful place if diplomacy, empathy, and collaboration were prioritized more.


There would be challenges along the way to societal stability and repopulation, though. There would be several difficulties in overseeing a worldwide breeding operation, guaranteeing genetic diversity, and resolving tricky ethical dilemmas. Furthermore, cautious observation and administration would be necessary due to the long-term effects of a world without men on matters like inbreeding and genetic diversity.

In conclusion, even though it may seem unlikely, the scenario of becoming the last man on Earth provides insightful information about the intricate relationships that exist between gender, society, and the fate of humanity. We may better grasp how gender shapes our environment and imagine alternative futures that defy established conventions and presumptions by investigating the ramifications of such a hypothetical situation.

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About the Creator

Abdur Rahman

Hey there! I'm passionate about writing in science, horror, and fantasy genres. I'm all about supporting fellow writers,

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