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What I learned from becoming confident within

#confidence #confident #internalconfidence

By sally jattaPublished 8 months ago 3 min read

Baby girl you have read a lot of blogs and articles about how to be confident but I hope this will be the last self-confident blog you will ever read again. I want you to make a promise to yourself that this will be the last self-confident blog you will ever read.

The only reason you are struggling with your confidence is that you have all the information you need but you are not doing anything about it or implementing it, so this is going to be the last blog because after reading you will go and practice everything you read. Okay baby

Confidence like anything else is a state of mind, I used to think that confidence was something that we are born with but it's not. Confidence is a skill, it’s like a muscle, the more you exercise the stronger it becomes and the more internalized it becomes.

I want you to intrinsically become confident, even if you just woke up and you’ve saliva drooling on the corners of your mouth, I still want you to know you are that girl or guy with or without anything.

Here are a few things to help you:

Confidence is feeling sure of yourself and your abilities not because you are better than everyone but because you’re intrinsically enough and that’s it. Literally when God created you, that was all he needed to do for you to deserve every single thing you desire in this life. So the only reason why your confidence has been struggling is because you have been so focused on your environment and what’s happening to you and your past and how many people have wronged you and who did this and who did that. You focus and that ends up creating the same cycle as to why you can't become a confident person. You need to be sure of yourself, sure of your abilities, and trust yourself

Knowing yourself better and the thing that makes you you is enough reason why your desires are so particular and that is because they are meant for you and you alone and you have everything it takes to achieve all those things you deeply and hold hearted desire.

Sometimes we are so cut up in the idea of being realistic that we limit ourselves from becoming confident and becoming the highest version of ourselves

Here is an example of what I am talking about, if you stand in front of a mirror right now and you look into the mirror and don’t like what you see, you could try to change your post, twist and turn the mirror but the reflection will be the same. That image will not change, the truth is the one who needs to change is yourself, that is what happens when you look at your environment and wonder why things are not changing but the person that really needs to change is us to get the outcome we want.

So when your thoughts are focused on the lack, your lack of confidence and this happened in my past. You are wiring your brain to think from the lack state. You thinking and feeling certain emotions, will make you end up attracting those experiences into your life, creating more problems for yourself. We all know where attention goes, energy flow. So if you want to be confident you need to focus on being confident.

That’s why you are trying different ways to be confident but focusing only on the external but all it is about is your internal beliefs and state of mind, it's difficult because you don’t believe you can be a confident person. What matters is your internal belief system

When bad things are happening to you just have the belief it is all part of the process and better things will follow, to me that’s what make thing even more exciting and interesting. Your past happened to bring you where you are today so please let it go.

I would say it and say it again on till it hit home, the only important thing to learn about being confident is to change your thoughts, beliefs, and how you see yourself in your mind.

how to

About the Creator

sally jatta

Hi, my name is Sally. I enjoy writing about unique experiences I've had and stories of other people that resonate with me. so I decided to share my personal experience through this media. I hope you love my stories

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