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War, What Is It Good For?

America's War Machine

By Dr. WilliamsPublished about a year ago 3 min read

At the height of the Viet Nam era Edwin Star put out the now forgotten song "War What Is It Good For" and the lyrics follows saying " absolutely nothing:" It is quite apparent that nations still resort to armed conflict when disputes arise either domestically or internationally. We have to go even further back when General MacArthur quoted at the signing of the peace agreement with Japan following World War II when he said, "If nations can't find peaceful means to solve disputes Armageddon will be on our doorstep."

Both one a performer and the other a professional soldier tried to underscore what MacArthur once said" War the most malignant scourge of man" implies. Ad yet here we are in 2023 one step closer to Armageddon with the Ukraine and Russia crisis. We have to face certain undisclosed facts that have dominated every governmental action since 1964. Ever since then there has been preludes for one crisis after another.

The mounting tempests that mankind is witness too have been orchestrated by those who care not for humanities sake. When the US or any other nations fails to heed what history is supposed to teach us, we are doomed to suffer the consequences of our actions and inactions. The lives and livelihoods lost and the pathetic responses by governments continue to ignite more retributions through-out the world.

One cannot help wondering when that old saying " It takes two to tango" specifically speaking of Ukraine and Russia both heads of state are failing in their obligations to their citizens when the crisis has escalated to the point is at today. And when other countries openly support in fueling the flames of war either financially or militarily or, fail to intervene to resolve what is turning out to be a major international catastrophe puts the world that much closer to what MacArthur said back in 1945.

With the United States continued financial and military aid flowing over to further escalate this armed conflict has put America on a collision course with Russia. The financial drain has put our national debt to stratospheric heights, caused major financial institutions to lose billions of depositor's funds and if we continue with this course of action will result not only in a repeat of the financial and economic disaster of the 1930's and 2008 but will entrench the United States on a collision course with a destiny far removed from millions of Americans hopes and dreams.

America's hopes and dreams are going up in smoke by the policy directives coming out of Washington. The bank failures that are repeating along with the flood of funds being exported overseas have made the financial markets precariously close to falling off the cliff. The movie "The Money Changes" 'depicted what happens when financial institutions invest depositors' funds only to fail to recoup those investments leaving depositors high and dry. The runs on banks tis a direct cause of financial institutions failure to invest wisely. To compound the financial failures our government continues the quantitative easing bailouts that was done during the recent Pandemic to support other countries. All this has done is weaken the economic and financial future for the American citizen.

"War what is it good for absolutely nothing" is point on. The untold human causalities are always the results of armed aggression for they are the ones that suffer the most. If history is to teach us anything about war, we have to go back to what transpired at the end of the Great War. The end result was just a prelude to Nazi Germany. Had nations been more resourceful in finding an amicable peace that would allow the economic seeds to bloom for Germany in 19818 World War I would have been the last great war. But like today all war does is profiteering at the expense of lives and economic opportunities lost for millions the world over.

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About the Creator

Dr. Williams

A PhD in Economics. Author of National Economic Reform's Ten Articles of Confederation.

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